5 : Sick

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J e e w i l i k e r s

I may give you guys a little special! 😘
Also the news is crazy these days, shout-out to all the people worrying, working, suffering, living through this mess that is happening. Especially those in Ukraine and Russia. Hopefully things will turn out better and this chaos will be over with.

(Y/n) trusted Gregory. He was not the most positive and go-lucky person, but he was trustworthy.

After the children's conversation, Gregory walked off, stealthily dodging Security Bots that now roam everywhere in the area. The bots didn't seem to be able to see, so they depended on motion triggers on them.

(Y/n) reluctantly followed him around. Weaved through bots with him, and watched out for Vanessa. She was getting the hang of this whole ninja-sneaking! But it was far from being fun.

Gregory didn't seem to mind her trailing behind him. He would occasionally glance behind him and see her give him a wave when his gaze found hers. He would roll his eyes at that.

They found themselves passing the golden statue of Freddy (please, I almost wrote Golden Freddy 😵)
(Y/n) saw the two's reflection in the polished gold. The neon lights were bright which made it sparkle. The checkered floors a hypnotizing pattern.

Gregory abruptly stopped. (Y/n) bumped into him, he gave her a scolding look. Gregory's focus was then on his watch, the accessory began to beep.

A deep voice came through, it was electrical like Chica's. (Y/n) flinched slightly, still shaken up by the chase that happen a while ago.

"Gregory, are you alright? Did you find what you were looking for?" It sounded friendly, no hint of malice. (Y/n) found the voice comforting after realizing it was not quite like Chica's.

"No, I got... distracted," Gregory murmured into the watch, his eyes on (y/n.) The girl blinked at him with a confused smile.

"Oh, alright, then. Are you coming towards me?" The male voice asked quietly. (Y/n) wondered who this person speaking to Gregory was. She recognized it, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"I'm on my way," responded Gregory. The children walked towards the halls. (Y/n) didn't want to go back in there, what if Chica's waiting?! She grabbed onto Gregory's wrist with a look of plea.

Gregory turned toward her with an annoyance but it was washed off his face when he saw the fear in her eyes. His eyes trailed to the small hand on his wrist.

"What is it?" He asked, but his tone hid the biting concern he felt. He sounded nonchalant. The girl averted her eyes.

"I'm scared," (y/n) said. She held onto the boys cold wrist tighter. "What if there's something in there?" She continued, looking fearfully at the hall. Gregory pulled his lips into a tight frown, he looked into the dark hallway, too.

"There's an easy solution to that." His eyes on hers, his lips pulled up into a smile, it was the kind of smile you'd see on someone who knew what they were saying. "I'll protect you."

"But, what if you can't?" The girl asked, the look of fear still pooling in her eyes. The boy raised his eyebrows. His smirk widening slightly.

"There's one thing you should know about me: Never underestimate me."


They delved in the dimly lit hallways. There was nothing but sounds and shadows. Void of anything out of the ordinary. (Y/n) wondered where Chica went, hopefully the animatronic stays where ever she is.

The pair exited the hallways and into that large place with the rooms, statues, and bright neon lights. Gregory looked back in forth like he's expecting someone. His eyes lit up with an idea. He clicked a button on his watch, it beeped loudly. What did that do? The girl thought.

(Y/n) looks at the Freddy-themes device curiously but then jumps when she hears startlingly loud footsteps clambering their way. She instantly jumps behind Gregory who gives her a scrutinizing side-glance.

The stomps were echoing from the tile loudly, the girl even felt the ground shake from the force. Whatever was coming their way was large.

Glowing, yellow eyes swam through the darkness in a nearby dimly lit part of the room. It was coming towards the two in rapid footsteps. What came out of the shadows and into the neon light was a humongous animatronic.

It has synthetic orange-brown fur that gleamed in the vibrant plasters. It had cyan blue designs that popped out on its faux fur. It had red shoulder pads, a black bow tie and top hat, and blue claws. It was Freddy Fazbear, the mascot animatronic.

The girl thought back on how he fell onto the stage with a loud and echoing sound. How people murmured in surprise, how things ended up how they are now. The animatronic bear seemed to be alright now, maybe he just has stage fright? He didn't seem to be sick.

(Y/n) hid more behind Gregory as the animatronic approached at a frightening speed. She flinched at each large step he took, it echoed throughout the lounge, the robot is going to trample them! But the bear stopped a few feet away from them.

"Gregory! I am glad you recalled of- my, who is that accompanying you?"

Gregory shuffled to the side to let Freddy see you, "that's (Y/n), I found her in the Atrium," he replied. The animatronic had a friendly smile and voice, his eyes a bright, bright yellow. But (y/n) found it strange, weren't they blue?

The girl looked at Freddy with a sudden uncomfortableness, she doesn't mean to be afraid, but the memory of Chica chasing wildly after her is still fresh in her mind.

"Hi.." she said shyly looking up at the animatronic. Freddy leaned in, his eyes suddenly glowed a vibrant blue as a holographic light trailed up and down (y/n)'s body. He was scanning her.

"Hello, there," he murmured and then gone quiet, the holographic blue lines traveled her body. When he was done, he leaned back with an audible whirr. He spoke up again, this time with a confused tone.

"Hm? You do not seem to acquire a pass, or any historical data in that matter; is it a normal circumstance for children to lose their guest passes?" The animatronic said, conflicted.

Gregory shrugged, humming nonchalantly, his eyes on (y/n). The girl was confused on what Freddy meant. It was something about passes and data, it sounded complicated.

And Freddy had a new superstar to watch over. A cute little thing the size of an ant compared to him. But the surprises don't end there.

Sorry this took awhile, I experienced a temporary writers block. Thanks for reading anyways!

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