Piers X Reader - Music to my ears

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This oneshot was requested by hwsameviet
Thank you so much for requesting this, I hope you enjoy!

Note : Y/N - Your name
E/C - Eye colour
H/C - Hair colour
H/L - Hair length

You were currently sitting on the stage in Spikemuth where Piers would usually preform his songs. He had called you, telling you about a problem he was having and he needed your help with it. Of course, you were quick to agree to helping him with whatever the problem was troubling him. Upon arriving to Spikemuth, you noticed him reading through a few sheets of paper, probably the lyrics for his next song, "Hey Piers, I'm here!" You called out to him, causing his head to shoot up to you, "You said you needed my help with something, what's up?"

"Oh, Y/N, there you are. Thanks for comin' on such late notice." You noticed how raspy his voice sounded as he hopped down from the stage and walked over to you, "As you can probably tell, I sort of lost my voice when I was singing last night. I hope you don't mind but I was hopin' you could maybe help me with a song I've been writin' for my next show." He asked, averting his eyes from the words on the paper he held to meet your own (E/C) ones.

"Sure, I don't know how much help I could be but I could try!" You smiled, a little nervous on whether you would actually be able to help or not, "What exactly do you need help with?"

"Well, you don't have to but, I was hopin' you could help me out with the singin'? You know, since I hurt my throat and everythin'." His request made your cheeks warm up a bit, you were rather shy when it came to singing, especially in front of others.

However, you didn't want to disappoint him so you nodded your head, "Um... I could try...?"

He let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks Y/N, you're a real lifesaver." He handed you the sheets of paper, the lyrics of the song written on them, "These are the lyrics, I can play the instrumental so you can get a feel of the rhythm."

Nodding your head, you read the lyrics in your mind, "That sounds good. What's the song about?"

"Well... it's a bit of a change than what I usually do." A light blush dusted over his pale skin, "...It's a bit of a romantic song..." He scratched the back of his neck, "Don't laugh."

A soft smile came across your face, "I won't laugh, I think these lyrics are pretty nice too!" You read through a bit more, "I wonder if it's about someone..." You thought to yourself, "It certainly looks like it with how the lyrics are..." You glanced back up to him, taking notice of how he couldn't seem to meet your eyes at certain moments, "So, you just want me to do the singing for you?"

He nodded, "Yeah, that'd be great, only the verses though. My voice needs a break but I really need to get this song out by the end of the month, don't wanna disappoint the fans, you know?"

You smiled, chuckling softly, "I get it." Returning the smile, he passed you a microphone, "Wait, have you even heard me sing before?"

He shrugged, "I've overheard some stuff." Your eyes met for a moment as silence filled the area. His teal coloured eyes looked a bit brighter for a second before he turned his head away, clearing his throat, "...Anyway, the first verse is meant to be sung kinda softly, and you already know my voice ain't gonna be able to do that." He chuckled, somehow making your heart flutter for a second. You had spent time with him before but someone else was usually there too. However, now that it was just the two of you, everything felt different, comfortable yet strangely tense at the same time, "You okay, Y/N?"

You snapped out of your thoughts once you heard him, "Yeah, sorry, just nervous."

"Ah, I get it, stage fright, don't worry, you'll do fine." He smiled, failing to notice how your cheeks reddened slightly. Little did either of you know, it wasn't just stage fright that was making you nervous.

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