Rei x Reader - Reckless

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Hey hey! Sorry I haven't published anything for nearly a month, I've been doing my exams at school and sweet Arceus are they stressful...
I love doing these oneshots but I need to focus on school as well, that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop writing these though.
This oneshot was requested by @Chim_and_Pip
Question of the oneshot! Which gen 9 box legendary do you like more? I like the Violet one better but it's a really close decision, I think the pixel eyes are why I like it.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the oneshot!

You awoke one morning to the sound of knocking at your door, startling you as you bolted upright immediately. Ever since you had arrived in Hisui, you had been rather anxious, understandably so too. Who would be calm after dropping into an unknown time and place?

A second after the knocking, you could hear Rei's voice on the other side of the door, "Good morning, Y/N! Make sure to get up early, we're going to do some training!" He told you, "Meet me down by the training grounds!"

As he walked off, you groggily stood up, rubbing your eyes. You focused on getting changed into your uniform, despite how awfully tired you were. Afterwards, you left your quarters and headed towards the training grounds.

Upon arriving at the training grounds, you saw Rei battling Zisu for some extra training before he went out. Seeing how he got utterly crushed was slightly funny to you. His Pikachu didn't seem to want to co-operate at all. You waved to him once his eyes landed on you, "Training going well?" You asked.

"It's a slow progress..." He told you, letting out a sigh.

Zisu smiled, giving him a light pat on the back, "It's still progress!"

You agreed with her, "Yeah, I'm sure you'll get better at it if you keep trying!" You told Rei, hoping to keep him optimistic.

Your effort made him smile, "I guess so. Well anyway, today we're going to go to the Fieldlands! Captain Cyllene wanted me to make sure you'd be okay out there on your own."

You nodded as he began to walk with you towards the front gate, waving goodbye to Zisu as he thanked her for the quick training. He turned his head back to you, "Most Pokémon in the Fieldlands are quite strong so you always need to be careful."

You tilted your head slightly, "I get that, but yesterday I had to catch a Bidoof, Starly and a Shinx. I really doubt it's gonna be that bad."

He seemed a bit surprised by how you found that task easy, especially when many could hardly manage it, "Yeah, well most people can't even do that."

"Really?" You asked as he nodded, "I guess things are super different here..." You thought, remembering how this wasn't the same time you could faintly remember being from. It wasn't like you had forgotten everything, you could still remember your life before falling through the rift, or rather Arceus sending you here, it was just bits and pieces missing.

Eventually, the two of you arrived at the Fieldlands, "Alright, to start with, we'll go down to Aspiration Hill, then over to Horseshoe Plains where we'll catch a few new Pokémon." He told you as he walked with you down to the river, "We'll be able to find some Ponyta, which don't seem to bothered by people'e presence, similar to how the Bidoof act. If we stay close to the river, we should be able to find some Buizel too. They act similar to Shinx with how they attack upon seeing people." You nodded, taking a mental note of all that information.

Once you reached the river, he was about to turn left towards Horseshoe Plains before you spoke, "What's over there?" You asked, pointing towards the right.

"Lots of strong Pokémon, it's best not to go that way." He told you, hoping his words would be enough to convince you that it was unsafe.

However, it had the opposite effect, "Well, what Pokémon are over there?"

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