Raihan x reader - Dragonfruit

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Hello again all my lovely readers! I just wrote for Clair and now we have another dragon user, Raihan!
This oneshot was requested by @mxxieLV_
Question of the oneshot! Due to two dragon users in a row, this question is pretty much expected, what's you're favourite dragon type Pokémon? I've always loved Dragonite and Flygon, two more favs are Dragapult and Dracozolt!
Also, this oneshot was inspired by this post I found on tumblr! Here's the link!
(Their art style looks really cool so go check them out!)
Anyways, onto the oneshot!

You and Sonia sat in your seats as you watched the match. Some trainer was battling Raihan and it was clear they were struggling. While Sonia talked to you about her research, you couldn't help but watch Raihan while your mind wandered.

She noticed your lack of attention, also noticing the way you were looking at the gym leader. She let out a sigh, "When are you gonna tell him, Y/N?" She asked, making you snap back to reality.

Your head turned towards her, "Tell him... what?" You asked, acting oblivious.

She crossed her arms, "You know what I'm on about!"

You nodded, slightly embarrassed over how obvious your feelings were, "Okay, okay! It's just difficult, alright? I wanna take my time with it!" You folded your arms, resting them on your knees, "How am I even meant to tell him? Every time I get close to telling him, everything just seems to shut down and I can't get the words out..."

She nodded before a smile grew on her face, "Mayyybeee we could set the two of you up on some sort of date?" She asked, teasingly.

She tended to joke about setting you and Raihan on a date, mostly since you wouldn't be caught dead making your feelings towards him obvious. You shifted your stare towards her, "Actually... Do you think we could try the date idea?" You asked, nervously, "I've been meaning to at least try and–"

"It's about time!" She clasped her hands together with a smile as she immediately pulled out her phone, probably to note down whatever you were going to say, "What did you have in mind?"

You shrugged, trying to think as you looked back to the match. Your eyes focused on Raihan for no more than a few seconds until his head turned to you, almost sensing your gaze. He gave you a smile as he gave a quick little wave to you making a smile spread across your face. You gave him a little wave back before turning back to Sonia, "I'm not quite sure... I mean, there are some nice places in the wild area I was thinking of... maybe something like that?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I know Lake of Outrage has a bunch of dragon type Pokémon, also some other areas but only in certain weather conditions..." You nodded, listening to her words while you watched Raihan's battle, "I'm pretty sure I heard that the weather in the wild area is gonna be super random tomorrow! Maybe the two of you could go looking for some dragon type Pokémon?"

You smiled, "That's... That's actually perfect! I'm sure he'll love something like that! Thanks so much Sonia!" You thanked her with a bright smile, "Just... How am I meant to ask him to go without making it sound like a date?"

"Well, just leave it to me!" She told you, "I'll keep it subtle, promise!"

You were a little nervous about leaving it up to her but you knew you'd never have the courage to ask him out yourself either, "Thanks again, Sonia."

"No problem, Y/N!" She told you, giving you a smile.

You slowly nodded, anxiously, continuing to watch Raihan's battle. A few moments later, the opponent was on his last Pokémon, sending out his Flapple. Seeing this caused an idea to pop up in Sonia's mind, "Or you could give him an Applin! I'm sure he'd love that!" Hearing that made you remember that whole rumour that goes around. If you give the person you love an Applin, you'll apparently be together forever. You didn't entirely believe it but it would've been a cute way to tell him how you felt. Plus, Applin was a dragon type, Raihan loves dragon types.

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