Chapter 6 ~ Sheperdation Anxiety?

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I had fell asleep at some point when they had started to talk about boring shit, so I nuzzled my way under Pietro's arm and rested my eyes.

When I woke up it had started to get dark outside. I shifted slightly causing Pietro to move his arm slight to see me.

I glanced up at him and I return I got strokes. I wagged my tail excitedly, suddenly feeling very energetic.

I rolled onto of Pietro and started wagging my tail hard enough for Bucky to say "ow" as I was getting all the love and attention. I rolled around grinning, with my paws close to my mouth.

After a few minutes, I hopped off of the couch and trotted over to greasy haired dude and nudged his hand, not seeing him breathing.

Is he alive? I questioned myself.

Hm. Not my problem, maybe he died because of lack of hygiene. At least, I'd say so. Oh well, that ain't my fault. I was once again distracted by my own thoughts, and when he moved I barked quickly, and shook of that he scared the living shit out of me.

I skidded away and back into Pietro's arms, as he laughed at me shaking his head, "You didn't see that coming?" he questioned.

Clint scoffed in the corner, why was he in the corner? Was it just like- I dunno- self isolation?

It was only then that I realised, that it was just me, Pietro, Clint and Bucky in the room. I wondered where everyone was? Hm. beats me.

At that exact moment, as if on cue, Clint left abruptly.

"Hey, is it okay if you hang on to Tasha for a second, I just don't think it would be best for her to try get past Tony?" Pietro asked.

"Not a problem." Bucky said with a nod of his head.

"Stay." Pietro said while, gently shoving me over and then stood up leaving me. WHY WAS HE LEAVING ME?! WHERE WAS HE GOING?! No, why was he leaving? What did I do wrong?

I whined in frustration, I wasn't moving because he told me to stay but how could I? I whined again catching Bucky's attention.

"Hey it's okay girl, he will be back soon." Bucky said gently stroking my head.

I kept my eyes fixed on the door. I couldn't take it anymore. I hopped of the couch, racing towards the door.

I couldn't get through. I was going to go left lifting my right paw up. I placed it back down, then I lifted my left paw up. I let put a high pitched whine, reaching Bucky's ears.

He looked down at me with sympathy, as I began searching the room for any kind of escape route. It was all blocked of. I let out a cry, while scratching at the door.

I whined loudly, having a mental breakdown, and began frantically barking.

"Tasha" Bucky called out.

I barked drowning out the noice of everything trying to get Pietro to come back.

"Tasha!" Bucky said raising his voice.

I kept barking, staring to bite and scratch at the wood, clearly angering Bucky.

"TASHA!" He yelled. This time there was a kind of threatening sound in his voice, while he pulled me back away from the door to prevent me from hurting myself.

I started throwing all my weight forwards in the hoped of escape but he had a solid grip.

Bucky enclosed his arms around me and stopped me from moving. My barking soon turned back into whines and cries as Bucky kept a tight grip around me, reassuring that he was there.

I still tried to get out but it wasn't working, he was too strong. I whined and gave up, relaxing completely. Bucky scooped me up and gently placed me back onto the soft surface.

I sunk down, burying myself into the cushions. I whined throughout, to try and catch Pietro's attention, but I just didn't have the effort anymore.

Bucky pulled himself closer to me and sat stroking my head and ears gently.
As a result of him being right next to me, I flopped onto my side putting my head in Bucky's lap.

After a few minutes, I felt my eyes getting droopy. I refused to shut my eyes, at least not until Pietro came back. I tried to fight it, but with Bucky's soft hand, and the comfort of the couch and Bucky's lap was to much. Before I knew it I was washed over with sleep and I closed my eyes.

*Start of dream*

I looked over to my left and saw a beautiful beach. I galloped over happily, reaching the sand quickly.

I glanced down at the soft, golden colours, then seeing the gorgeous green, thriving trees.

I saw that there was not a cloud in the sky, and a gentle breeze ruffled my tidied fur.

I lunged forwards with full speed, reaching the glimmering, sea of blue in no time. I dived straight in, doggy paddling, meeting the waves from the ocean. As soon as I was further out, i saw Pietro and Wanda talking. I swam, like there was no tommorrow soon reaching the shoreline.

I paused for a minute and took a few seconds, to shake all the excess water off of my fur. After, I bounded over to them and greeted them happily, before being sucked away again, and pulled back to reality.

*End of dream*

I glanced up at the door, not moving my head, and saw Bucky and Pietro talking about me. Pietro asked, "How bad was she? What did she do?"

"Nothing to serious, she whined barked and that, but what really worried me was her biting and scratching the door." Bucky stated.

Bucky was first to realise that I had just wok up, because ny ear twitched slightly and he must've felt me move my paw.

Pietro noticed after he took a step closer to us, due to me wagging my tail.

"Come on Tash, we have a party for you, remember?" Pietro thanked Bucky before calling me over to him. I half-heartedly agreed and followed him down the hallways.

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