Chapter 17 ~ A long needed rest

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I woke up to Steve shoving me away from him, in attempt to hopp off, without waking me up. He failed miserably, but I couldn't really give a shit. I faced Bucky's direction, and took up both the occupations for my seat and Steve's previous seat.

I gently rested my head on Bucky's leg, bringing his attention down to me, as I shifted slightly, seemingly getting comfortable.




It had been a little while, and I woke up quite hungry. Bucky must of felt me wake up, because he was already looking down, when I opened my eyes. 

"Well good morning to you too" He said jokingly. I rolled over, so I was led on my back, being an absolute crack head. He chuckled, before nudging Sam with his elbow. Sam grunted, as he woke up from his slumber. I had moved up further, to the point where I was over Bucky completely, with my head dangling upside down, as I looked ip at Sam.

At first, he was terrified, not knowing that it was me, but completely relaxed after realising it was me. I huffed, as he didn't give me any attention, causing him to laugh.

I looked up at Bucky, mentally scoffing at his face right now. If only I could speak, and tell others, everyone else's secrets. I looked up at Sam, as he opened a packet of some sort. It contained food! I had never moved so fast.

I rolled off them both, landing onto my paws, immediately sitting in front of Sam. "What?" I looked up at him innocently, before he sighed, and threw me some of the food. I ate it it almost instantly, staring back in to Sam's eyes. " Okay, okay I'll give you more, just stop doing that, I feel like you can see inside my soul when you do that." Sam sighed, chucking me another bit into the air for me to catch.

Mission Success.

I span round a few times, before flopping down onto the floor. I wasn't even remotely tired, not after all the sleep that I have had today, already.

So instead of sleeping, I decided to do some rounds, making sure everyone was alive. First was Tony. I barked, which in return, Tony just stayed with his eyes shut. Instead, I wacked him with my paw, effectively waking him up. Then, I went ove to Clint, who was happy to give me strokes, so I decided, just to stay next to him and Steve.

A few minutes after, the quinjet jerked to a halt, as if met the ground. Of coarse, I slid forward, causing Steve to keep a hold of my collar so I wouldn't fall off.

Whem the doors opened, I attempted to speed off, surprisingly, I had been attached to a lead without my knowledge.  I immediately saw green,and animals. Clint crushed down in front of me, "Well Tash, this is my place, and we live on a farm, so no chasing or eating things that you are not permitted to eat. I won'tlet anything happentoyou though." I cocked my head, pretending I didn't understand, but Clint knew I did.

I walked along to the left side of Steve, trotting along at a steady pace. I looked up at him, while walking, but I soon stopped when I saw little humans.

I heard a few names, mentioned from whenever Clint talked. From what I understood, Cooper was oldest, Lila was the middle, and Nathaniel was youngest. I didn't have much time to think though, as I saw tiny humans, coming this way. Laura, Clint's wife, had been super excited about having me here, but the children, very.

Nathaniel ran over, as Lila talked to Nat and her mom about things. Shit- oh fuck fuckity shit. I tried think. Nathaniel was right infront of me and Steve, in seconds, I was a Military trained german shepherd who has been injured quite recently, so why was the tiny human in front of me, what did he expect?

He reached out, and began patting my head. Nu uh, I can't really see the point of people, getting tiny humans. They are scary, worrying and you never know what they are up to. Nathaniel, reached for my ears, that bent back as his fingers came close. I gave Steve a pleading look, before I stiffened, and was about to snarl, when Steve me smacked on the head.

"Hey Nathaniel, why don't you go see what Tony is up to?" Steve said happily. I was on the verge of biting Steve, I've had enough of his antics. Before the child could answer, I smacked Steve with my paw. The child giggled. I had an idea.

I smacked Steve with my paw again, making the child giggled more. I figured out a system. Revenge, while making the child be on my side. Steve looked down at me with gritted teeth, as I snatched my lead off him, walking myself away from him. Nathaniel, followed besides me, as I made my way over to Clint, wagging my tail slightly, as tiny human, grabbed my lead.

I liked this small child after all.




Everyone talked for a while, as I was stuck "playing" with Lila. I am absolutely NOT sorry for saying that, as I led on the floor with bows in my fur, and a ribbon around my tail. For some reason, I now had gems and stickers stook to my collar, and I had more ribbon, wrapped around the front of it. What by far hugged me the most, was the little bell attached to the ring around my collar.

I felt mentally depressed, as I exasperatedly, let out a huff of annoyance. "Awh, don't be like that puppy, ( I hate that nickname she calls me) I will make you have a sparkly skirt, so you can be a ballerina."

I felt instant regret, as she put a sparkly, pink tutu around my lower half. I gave a pleading whine, to.Tony who just laughed hysterically, I would get revenge. I was about to run off, when Lila tried ribbon around my collar as a lead. I had to go at her pace, knowing that if I didn't, Steve would murder me, in my sleep.

Here it comes, the walk of shame.

I let out a painful whine, bringing everyone's attention to me. Big mistake, everyone burst out laughing, as I covered my eyes with my paw. She had also unfortunately put pink boots on my paws.

I felt utter shame and embarrassment, as I pulled, Lila along as fast as possible towards Clint. I went over to him, knowing he would be nice, and save me. Purely, because it was his daughter, he was going to as well, until Steve called out, "Nu uh, Clint leave her like that, maybe she entertain Lila more."

I immediately felt betrayed.

*cue Olivia Rodrigo "you betrayed me, and I know that you'll never feel sorry, for the way I hurt, yeah"*

Lila pulled me back to her hideout. I came to a sudden halt, refusing to suffer anymore. As she dragged me on, I felt a sudden jolt of pain run through my shoulder. I whined, and gave in, limping slightly, towards her.

Luckily, she pulled the tutu off, so I could relax better. While she was eating her food, that Clint had given her, I managed to pull the boots off, I also got the ribbon off my tail. Now I was just pissed off at my collar. With luck, I caught the pink ribbon attached to my collar, I pulled on it, but to my surprise, I had a snapping sound.

I didn't know whether I should feel relieved, that it wasn't annoying me anymore, or whether I should be sad, as Riley gave me that collar.

I didn't have much of a decision. I got up, with my collar in my mouth, and raced over to Steve, for help. Steve knew, why I had went to him, but he was confused as to what he expected me to do with it. Truthfully, I didn't know what to do with it. Steve just started down at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry girl, it's broken, I can't fix it." I looked up at him and whined, I then led underneath where he was sat, to hide from everything, for a while.

I saw Nathan, running over, but Clint called him over, presumably telling him to give me a break, as I was left alone for a little while.

Tasha (avengers × dog)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя