Chapter 7 ~ Clean

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After what felt like ages of walking, through corridor, after corridor, we finally reached the elevator.

I sat rather unpatiently, at Pietro's feet. Godddd, I hated how long these things take. Why can't you hurry up?

As if on cue, there was a ding that, filled my ears, it's echo keeping it self alive, by both hitting the elevator sides, and ny ears.

I grumbled in annoyance, and trotted ahead of Pietro, seeing if he would take the hint. He didn't of course, causing me to huff aloud. Pietro, of course, mimicked me and also huffed. I mentally scoffed, really fed up of the day already.

Finally, we turned a corner and I saw Steve, emerge from a door, presumably his.

After being done with Pietro, I charged full speed towards Steve. I braced myself for impact, as I took a leap into the air.

I would live in that moment, if I could. The breeze, flowing through my coat, and having the ability, to see everything.It felt like flying.

I was knocked from my thoughts, when I came tumbling down onto Steve. Luckily for him, he saw it coming, at the last second and moved to the opposite side of the corridor, saving himself from being hit by a german shepherd missile.

Unluckily for me, Steve WAS like my personal, human bean bag cushion, to prevent me from turning myself into a pancake.

But of course, no. The cheeky bastard decides to see me and move. I mean it wasn't completely my fault, but I wasn't gonna take the blame , no matter what.

I really braced myself, shutting my eyes tightly, praying that I dont become a pancake. The only bright side to that, would be I would taste nice.

I extended my front legs, touching the floor, landing smoothly. Now look at who the losers are now. Steve, scared, of me, a dog. I've gotta say that's not bad.

I trotted off, reaching a door, with a strong smell of Pietro, coming under the door reaching my nose.

I gently pulled the door handle downwards, towards the floor. I tugged on the door and opened it, with perfect timing for Pietro to walk straight through.

I walked in happily, not realising, that the door would slam. I winced slightly, as the sound hitmen ears. Ow, my poor sensitive hearing, I think I'm deaf.

HelOOOOOOOO?! is anybody there? no, okay that's fine? I huffed, guess I'll just be deaf.

Pietro scoffed, at seeing me being so dramatic. I shook my head, in response, mentally scoffing.

I loved this place. Very fun, most people are nice, others on the other hand, will be yeeted out of a window at some point I'm sure.

I was knocked from my thoughts as Pietro started talking about something or other, "Tash." he said sweetly, too sweetly. You is being sus.

"Tash, c'mere girl" he called from another room linked to his bedroom.

Curiosity, got the best of me, as I walked through.

How much regret did I feel? A LOT.

Pietro, quickly shut the door behind me, trapping me inside the bathroom with him. Oh no. Uh uh. I ain't gonna comply.

I saw a large, white tub, against the far wall with the tap running. I took one glance at it, looking back up at Pietro, "Sorry girl, but, you need to look presentable for Tony's welcoming party, after all you are the guest of honour."

Presentable? Party? Guest of honour? Oh hell no. I wouldn't last through the next hour, if it consisted, of a bath, a party, and being presentable.

I let out a huff, as Pietro checked the temperature of the water before turning the tap off. I watched silently, as he grabbed a smallish bucket from the corner. I also saw him pick up dog shampoo, and shit like that.

After messing round, he mumbled to himself, "now for the hard part, getting you clean."

Pietro began approaching me, to try take me. I would not budge from my spot. What part of that does he not get? Oh well, either way, if I ended up in water, so would Pietro. You better watch your back Pietro.

After a while of dragging me across the floor, he took my collar off, placing it up on the countertop.

Pietro then scooped me up, hovering over the water. What made him laugh, was that I was still not in the water, paddling my legs, swimming in mid-air. After managing to escape his fit of laughter, he lowered me so my paws were dipped into the water.

For some reason, I lifted my head up far away from the water, as I was placed in fully, my paws hitting the bottom.

I was loyal to Pietro, so I would behave inside the bath.

After a few minutes of soaking my fur, he started lathering soap into my coat.
The amount of water that surrounded me was ridiculous.

When it came to rinsing the soap off, hehe I didnt make his job any easier. I shook alot of soap, water and fur all ove him. I stood up proudly as Pietro was now covered in head to toe with water, soap and fur. Now he was clean too!

"Oh you gonna play like tha now are you." Pietro said, before dumping multiple buckets of water over me. After about 5 minutes of being twats to each other, I was allowed to get out of the now furry water. Pietro quickly pushed me into the shower, shutting the doors, before leaving, WTF?!

W-why? Just like, what was the actual point?

I waited until he came back and saw him with a lot of towels. I watched contently, through the glass, confused as to why he was piling towels all over the place. I didn't have that much time to speak as Pietro let me out. I shook all the water off, after getting out of the shower, he scoffed "Why couldn't you have just did that in there?!" Pietro said frustrated. I said that I would behave, inside the bath, but I didn't say shit about after, when I was out.

Screw it, the towels looked comfy. I trotted over and flopped ontop of them, laying down. Pietro followed me, and picked up a towel, and started drying me off.

Tasha (avengers × dog)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя