Chapter 18 ~ More rest 😑

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I must have shut my eyes, for a few seconds, before I saw little Nathan playing in the distance. I decided, that Nathan was shorter, and easier to remember, so I guess it stuck.

The pain in my shoulder had been getting worse, especially with all the walking, jumping and running I did. Plus, those painkiller pills were wearing off, and it was left back at home.

I guess I'll just have to suffer instead, but I can't let them see that I'm weak. I refuse to show many negative emotions, and definitely not pain.

I was dragged from my thoughts, as Steve hopped up off his chair, walking in the house. I got up, before stretching out my limbs. I started making my way to the house he just went in.

I would've followed him too, if it wasn't for Lila, who led me over to get food. I immediately came to a halt, knowing that I felt starving, and I felt suffocated with being so hungry.

She started walking away, her hand on my back, but I stood still, lifting up my right paw, feeling immense pain, and immediate pain, as I had put my weight, on my left paw, affecting my shoulder. Lila backed away a little, making Lila fall onto the ground falling forward onto my dodgy leg.

I stifled a growl, because of the pain, of standing. I just wanted to get to Steve. I didn't want to be hurt by a small girl.

After a few seconds of decision making, and Lila gripping onto my dodgy leg, I lost it. Something inside me snapped, as I growled at Lila. At first no one actually realised what was going on, but soon realised, hearing me growl, and seeing me challenging the tiny little girl.

All at once, everyone erupted into commotion, shouting, running, and screaming, all rushing towards me and Lila. At the same time, I lunged forwards, both managing to escape the child's grasp, and knocking her down onto her butt. It wouldn't have caused too much pain, but enough to make her cry.

Clint, Laura, Bruce and some others that I didn't see, stayed back, seeing if Lila was okay. Meanwhile, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Tony, who is already due an ass whooping, plus Steve, who came back out, slowly crept forwards to me.

They were being cautious, extremely cautious, were they scared of me? At that thought, I lowered my head, pinning my ears to my head, before backing up step by step. I took a few more steps, before I fell back into something, smashing it, which scared the living shit out of me, causing me to lose it, darting for the line of trees I saw.

I felt the wind run through my fur, as I heard my name being yelled. It broke my heart, hearing their desperation. Each step I took felt like never ending torture, as my heart shattered into a million pieces.

I didn't stop running, even though their voices, had been drowned out, in being so far away. I felt instantly guilty, feeling my insides spiral, and twist, intensely, I felt my throat started burn.

I came to a halt, near a bush, and spilled my guts out and onto the floor. I whined, why did I leave them? I wanted to go back, no, I needed to go back. I pinned my ears back in sadness, and started trudging back through where I came from.




After what felt like hours of walking, and guiltiness, I heard the voices of everyone sitting outside, in misery.

I heard Steve, "Poor thing, her shoulder is still playing up, she probably thinks it's her fault too."

I heard Laura begin, "I know but, she could've really hurt Lila, but, it wasn't really anyone's fault. I just wish she'd realise that, and come home to you guys, y'know."

In return she got a few nods in return. I watched them for a while, listening to them talk about me, and other things. They all usually ended back up onto the subject of me.




When most of them had gone to bed, I saw Clint, pat Steve on the shoulder, and head inside the house. Now was my chance.

I stood up, and limped over to Steve, emerging from the corner, just as I did, it started belting it down with rain. He looked shocked, starstruck, and happy all at the same time. Steve ran over, after seeing me limp. He felt onto his knees, into the mud. Steve was immediately checking me over for any other injuries. When he was satisfied, he began stroking me gently, while staring into my eyes. I couldn't help but lick his face. Steve key out a chuckle, as he began stroking the soaked fur on my head.

To any one else, it would have been quite a site, but to me and Steve, we were always at home, so long  as we were together.

After about ten minutes of not letting go of one another. Steve finally released me, as my fur acted like a sponge. Put it this way, I would've been dryer in a swimming pool. Just saying, I know what that is like from experience, as me and my friend were walking to hers during a fucking storm.

Steve led me inside, wrapping me in a towel, before lifting me up. He quietly made his way up the stairs, up to where he was supposedly sleeping. Steve soon realised a big problem, as he reached the door. "shit, no fuck, shit, ahh language" I heard him mumble under his breath. Just as I thought Steve was gonna give up, the door opened, revealing a very tired looking Bucky. He groaned, "what are yo-" he was soon cut off, as he saw me.




I looked over at the alarm clock, on top of the wooden bedside table. It read 03:48 am. After we finally came inside, Bucky, Steve and a little help from Sam, finally managed to give me a bath. I wasn't very happy, but I couldn't be bothered to do anything about it, feeling so drained. Haha 😂get it, drained, as in bath drain haha- okay I'll stop🤭 neverr. okay- sorry. I'll stop now.

After I had been washed, Steve got in the shower quickly, before returning back to the room. Sam had the bed- of course he did, and he wasn't sharing. Bucky, and Steve, bothe led on a mattress, at the side of my huge fluffy dog bed. Steve was partially led in it, and Bucky. I was very popular.

After licking Bucky's face goodnight, I rested my head on Steve's chest.

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