Chapter 21 ~ Time flies

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It had been eight months, since we had gotten Max, and after trips to the vet, they guessed that he was round ten months old. My shoulder had completely healed too, declaring me fit for duty, so long as I don't manage to get myself shot, or nearly blown up again.

I was also an official avenger, meaning that I could now go on missions, I had already been on a few, and according to Tony, who I am now on good terms with, I was amazing at my new job.

More on the subject of Max, turns out he is a cross breed.

Turns out, that Max is a labrador cross Rottweiler. You can just imagine the shock of the team, finding out that Mac could be such a sweet, kind, friendly dog, without a small hint of mischievous or aggressive. The team loved him, I love him, and he loved us all too.

I absentmindedly glanced up at a picture that the avengers of me and Max stood by side.

The avengers seemed to like this picture alot. So did I.

I hopped up, hearing Steve, Bucky, and Sam open the door, I shot over, bombarding them with licks, and fur. They returned the favour of love, with lots of pets and scratches.

To my surprise, when Steve knelt down on one knee, he fastened a collar round my neck. Yes, I hadn't been wearing a collar for eight months, purely because they had trusted me enough, and I could never truly bring myself to leave the Avengers, after everything that they've done for me. And I was highly trained.

It had a matching lead too

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It had a matching lead too. Hm, must be doing something decent then, if I needed a lead, alongside a collar. I mean yeah, sure, I love the freedom of not having to wear a collar, but with one, at least others know,that I do have an owner, and if I have a collar, it makes me feel like I have something to live for,and fight for.

We immediately left the tower, and I trotted along at Bucky's pace, keeping myself pressed up against his leg. We weaved in between alot of people, who avoided me, due to my size.




Apparently, we had gotten into some sort of deep shit, and now we needed a car.

"I'm not getting in that." Bucky pointed towards the car, "That small car ain't gonna fit three grown men, and a big ass dog."

Steve grinned, "That's exactly why we're choosing this car, why would three grown men, and a big ass dog be in such a small car."

"SHOTGUN!" Sam yelled, rushing towards the front passenger seat, leaving Bucky to loose all Hope's of not being squished

Steve, Bucky and I made are ways towards the car. I huffed, as Bucky told me to get in. Relentlessly, I faced my fate, as I became increasingly squished by all the leather and chairs.

When Bucky got in, he took up both the chair behind Sam, and most of the middle. This meant, that I was stook in a tiny cramped seat, and just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Steve had to move the seat back, in order for him to drive.

I whined in defeat, as I was trapped in a closed off area, within room, the leather was making me over heat, and the windows were shut.

I gave in, and found black dots begin to dance across my eyesight, in both exhaustion and being overly warm.




I woke to the car, rolling a sudden halt, making me hit Steve's chair, in front of me. I whimpered, at the sudden movement, that momentarily injured me, while Steve jumped putting go talk to a fishy lookin' woman.

After a few minutes of us profoundly staring, Bucky said, "Can you move your seat up?"

Immediately, Sam replied a harsh, "NoO"

Bucky grumbled, before lifting himself over to the middle seat, with a squeak across the leather. At the sudden movement, Sam looked back ever so slightly, while I grumbled at my space, or all that was left of my space, was taken away.

I turned my focus, back to Steve, who made his move onto the fishy woman. They kissed for a while, before I watched fishy walk off. Steve turned toward the car smirking, at his victory, only to see Bucky and Sam both smirking and nodding their heads.

When he hopped back in to the car, I made a gagging sound, causing Steve to turn back, giving me a weird look.




"How's are other recruit?" Steve said.

Clint replied, "He's rearing to go, we had to put a little coffee in him, but he should be good."

I rested my head on my paws, as I lay by Bucky's side, attached to the lead.

I didn't move my head, but I saw a man jump out, and began shaking Steve's hand for wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.

"Wow this is awesome, Captain America," He said to Wanda behind him. "I know you too, you're great."

It took me a few seconds to realise, as I was a bit distracted, but when I did realise, I shot up immediately.

Why did it take me so long? How did I not realise before? How did I not realise that Wanda was here? OMG! WANDA WAS HERE. SHE IS RIGHTIN FRONT OF ME!

I pulled the lead from Bucky's hand, as I bounded over to Wanda, almost taking out the new guy Scott, I didn't care though, why would I care, IT WAS WANDA!

I took her clean off her feet, as I licked her face, hands, and any other skin I could get to. She returned the favour, by fussing me, and laughing.

If it was ever visible to see if a dog could smile, now would be the time. I knew that everyone would be looking at us. I didn't care though, I was with the one person who got me fully, who understood everything about me. Like wise, I understood her, and are undying bond was strong.

Before I knew it, we were stood facing Tony, Nat, Rhodey, Vision, T'challa, and akid who I learned to be Peter.

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