||Chapter 2||Rengokus Mansion

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[As Rengoku talked to the crow, Akaza walked to tanjiro and saw his wound on his shoulder. Akaza asked him if he was alright and Tanjiro just shaked his head to show him that he was alright.]

[After the conversation, Akaza laid his arm around Rengokus waist and took Rengoku's other arm. Tanjiro told inosuke to inform the others about Akaza and that they shouldn't tell anyone else about him. After a few steps, Akaza noticed that Rengoku had problems walking so he stopped and he took him piggyback. ]

Rengoku: W-wait!

Akaza: your having problems walking and you should not put weight on your leg

Rengoku: but im pretty heavy

Akaza: its ok, your not that heavy to be honest

Rengoku: i-if you say so....*blushes*

Akaza started to walk faster until he almost ran with Rengoku on his back. 

They soon arrived at the Mansion...

Akaza: damn your house is big!

Rengoku: indeed it is

Akaza: but doesnt your family live here?

Rengoku: no my small brother and my father live at my old hometown

Akaza: alright..

Akaza POV: i think his mother maby has passed away because he didnt mention her....

Akaza: alright lets go ig....

Rengoku: yup

As they entered the Mansion, Tanjiro and the others were already there sitting on the floor waiting for them.

Rengoku: hello boys, im glad your safe

Tanjiro: Rengoku-san!  

Rengoku: boys, go to the second floor on the first door at the left side. There is a big room with futons prepared, you can sleep there for this night and as soon as the day dawns, head to the butterfly mansion, go rest and train there till recover again.

T/Z/I: Alright

Akaza: so Kyojuro , where is your room?

Kyojuro: upstairs, right door

Akaza: alright

[Akaza went up the stairs with Kyojuro on his back and opened the door to his room. He put Kyojuro on his futon (bed) and sat down next to him. Rengoku was trembling in pain.]

Akaza: Kyojuro

Kyojuro: y-yes, egh!

Akaza: take off your clothes pls

Kyojuro: wha-

Kyojuro: why?!

Akaza: *sigh* you will see

Kyojuro: *looks at him*.....*sigh* ok....

Kyojuro: *takes off his haori and demon slayer uniform jacket

Akaza: ok now lay down


Kyojuro laid down and looked at Akaza, Akaza took a deep breath and put his hand gently on Kyojuro's wound, the wound slowly closed and healed. Kjoyuro looked up to him.

Akaza: so done, but dont move for atleast an hour your muscles need to rest

Kyojuro: alright.....thanks Akaza

Akaza: anytime....

Kyojuro: i need to go down though.....egh

Kyojuro: *tries to get up*

Akaza: wait let me help you

Kyojuro: thanks

Akaza: np

They went out of the room and entered the room next to them, where Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were resting.

Tanjiro: Rengoku-san! How are you?

Kyojuro: oh pls call me by my first name, Kyojuro 

Tanjiro: ok Kyojuro

Kyojuro: and yeah im doing ok, Akaza healed me but im still feeling tired though heh

Tanjiro: WAIT- He healed your deep wound?

Akaza: yup

Kyojuro: yep

Akaza: you guys have some wounds too, i will heal you guys too.

Tanjiro: Thank you very much! 

Akaza: np

Suddenly, Akaza took Kyojuro bridal style and carried him back to the room where he put Kyojuro onto the futon. Kyojuro said nothing and watched as Akaza took out a yukata from the closet. He walked over to him and helped him put on the yukata. 

Kyojuro: thank you for everything

Akaza: no i have to thanks you! youre giving me a place to stay...

Rengoku: thats not even big of a deal Akaza, Without you, I might not even have come out of the fight alive.

Akaza: true maby, anyways...il let you rest, you still havent fully recovered from the fight

Kyojuro: ....Wait...Akaza

Akaza: hm?

Kyojuro:  C-can you pls stay?

Akaza: sure, ill stay till you fall asleep....

Kyojuro: thank you...

Akaza: no problem...

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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