||Chapter 3|| The Houseman

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It took me like a whole day to think of a title O.o

anywaysssss, tysm for your support!! and onto the story

Night time...

[Akaza was still sitting beside Kyojuro taking care of him as he wished. He watched him as he was slowly falling asleep. When he fell asleep, Akaza stood up and searched for a piece of paper and a pen.]

Dear Kyojuro il be back soon, im going out for hunting wild animals, that's what i eat instead of humans. Dont worry about me, ill be back before the sun rises. [Akaza]

[He left the house and went to the woods. He only had some hours until the sun would rise. He found a deer eating grass, it was not paying attention to Akaza which was good for him. Akaza tackled the deer and pushed it to the ground. After killing that animal he thanked the deer by quickly bowing at it. After that he burried the remainings and headed back to the mansion]

Back at the Rengoku mansion ✌︎('ω')✌︎

Tanjiro: Oh hey Akaza!

Akaza: Hey Kiddo

Tanjiro: uhm..since your here, can you maby do me a favor?

Akaza: sure

Tanjiro: could you take care of my little sister, just for today? because i have a mission, and i sadly cant take my sister with me for now. 

Akaza: sure ig, how old is she?

Tanjiro: 14, she is pretty quiet and shes a demon too 

Akaza: oh shes a demon too?

Tanjiro: mhm!

Akaza: cool, sure ill take care of your sister

Tanjiro: Her name is Nezuko btw

Akaza: thats a nice name

Tanjiro: *puts the box on the floor and opens it*

Tanjiro: Nezuko!

Nazuko: mmmhmm!! (Hey brother!)

Tanjiro: Nezuko i cant take you for today's mission, but Akaza will take care of you he is a nice guy so dont worry, your big brother will be back soon alright?

Nezuko: ...mhm! mmhmm (...ok! take care!)

Zenitsu: Nezuko-chan~!!!

Nezuko: Mhmm (hi zenitsu)

Tanjiro: anyways, thanks again Akaza! we will be taking our leave now, take care!

Akaza: no problem, take care too! 

Tanjiro: thanks!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Akaza: sooo, your Nezuko right?

Nezuko: mhm!

Akaza: my name is Akaza, nice to meet you!

Nezuko: mhhm! (nice to meet you too!)

Nezuko: *gets out of box*

Akaza: your pretty smaaaaal-

Nezuko: *gets taller*

Akaza: oh! you can change your size?

Nezuko: mhm!

Akaza: one question

Nezuko: mhm? (yes?)

Akaza: why do you have a muzzle?

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