Part 1

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Commander Erwin Smith leaned back in his seat and picked up the document he had just been reading over, a report from Section Commander Hanji Zoe regarding a successful titan capture mission she had staged on an expedition the previous day.

He nodded and hummed thoughtfully, hopefully these test subjects would yield some positive results that could be used to further humanity's chances in what seemed to be a very one sided war at the moment.

Placing the report into one of the drawers under his desk he looked up when a soft knock at the door interrupted his solitude.

"Yes?" He called, folding his arms across his broad chest and fixing his icy blue eyed stare on the door.

"It's Squad Leader l/n Sir. I've finished my report on the expedition."

"Come in Squad Leader."

Erwin swallowed hard as the door swung open and the young newly promoted officer entered the room.

Approaching the desk you stopped and saluted before handing over a stack of papers.

"Have a seat f/n." Said Erwin, gesturing to the chair on your side of the desk.

You immediately did as you were told and sat down, resting your hands in your lap and looking the commander in the eyes.

"How did you find your first expedition as a squad leader?" He questioned, quickly scanning through your report.

"It was challenging Sir, but I did expect that." You answered honestly. "I'm hoping I can learn from it and become a more competent officer as time goes by."

Erwin turned his attention to you and gave you a small smile.

He had always had his eye on you since you joined the Survey Corps five years ago, you were a pretty young thing with h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes and a cheeky attitude when it came to your fellow scouts.

However you showed nothing but the deepest respect for your superior officers, even Captain Levi struggled to find anything to punish you for...and he could always find something to get picky over when it came to new recruits!
Recently, unbeknownst to you, you had become the recipient of the stoic commanders affections.

The only problem was he wasn't sure how to get you to notice his developing feelings for you.

Originally he had sworn off ever getting into a relationship when he joined the Survey Corps, using the reasoning that he didn't know when he was going to die.

Naturally there were still attractive women that managed to catch his eye and of course, being a man he had needs of an...intimate nature. Although none of them seemed to appeal to him with a view to something other than satisfying a carnal need, that was until he laid eyes on you.

You were different.

You were smart, friendly with your comrades and had a genuinely caring nature that he admired and respected.

Over time this led him to believe that you were worth the risk of being with, the twelve year age gap and that fact that he was the commander of the Survey Corps were probably going to intimidate you slightly, but what was life without a few risks?

"How are your injured squad members?"
You frowned, feeling slightly guilty that he had raised that subject.

"I checked on them after breakfast Sir, it seems they will make a full recovery within a couple of weeks."

Erwin nodded and kept his icy blue eyed gaze locked with yours.

"I'm sure they don't blame you for what happened." He said softly. "They knew the risks when they agreed to assist Hanji with her capture mission."

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