Part 6

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WARNING: The following chapter contains suggestive themes

That lunch time you were still seething that Erwin had seemingly caught onto Mike's scheme to make him jealous and decided to play a few games of his own.
"Come on Mike, I need fresh ideas." You demanded, swallowing down a mouthful of stew and staring at your friend expectantly.
Mike seemed to be ignoring you, his eyes were closed and he appeared to be busy sniffing the air.
No answer.
Still no answer.
With a low growl you grabbed the pepper pot and poured a small amount into the palm of your hand, you then blew it under his nose, making him sneeze rather loudly.
"Damnit f/n don't do that!" He grunted, rubbing his nose and glaring at you.
"Well, you were ignoring me!"
"I was trying to see what Erwin was up to until you broke my concentration!"
"Oh right...sorry." You muttered sheepishly. "Did you manage to pick up on anything?"
"Yes, fortunately for you."
"Okay so what's he planning?"
Mike frowned and looked directly into your eyes.
"He plans to get you alone and try to make a move on you to see how you react."
"Oh does he now?" You grinned. "Then I have the perfect counter attack for his little strategy!"
You giggled and pulled Mike closer to you by his jacket sleeve.
Wrapping an arm around his neck you softly whispered into his ear, failing to see the evil smirk that was creeping across his face. However, it was hard to miss the dark chuckle the resonated in the pit of his throat as you explained your plan.

Erwin looked left and then right, making sure there was no one around before quietly approaching your office door. He squatted and tidied the small bouquet of red roses he had been carrying before propping it up against the frame, unfortunately for him his plan to make a hasty retreat backfired when the door opened and a pair of boots appeared in front of him.
"Commander Erwin?" Gasped a female voice.
Erwin froze for a moment before slowly turning his gaze upwards and looking directly at a certain h/l h/c haired squad leader.
'Damnit busted!'
"Ah f/n." He quickly straightened himself and cleared his throat.
"Are...are you my secret admirer Sir?" You questioned nervously, making eye contact with him.
Erwin swallowed hard, should he lie and say he wasn't? Or should he just be honest and confess?
He stared into your e/c eyes, remembering how badly he had upset you previously. Maybe coming clean would be the best thing to do.
"Yes. Yes I am." He answered boldly, holding out the bouquet to you. "Congratulations Squad Leader, you completed your mission."
You giggled and took the bouquet from him, sniffing it briefly before looking back at him.
"Thank you Sir, they're lovely. The chocolates you left for me were delicious, I had some last night."
Erwin smiled and nodded, placing his hands behind his back.
"Good, I'm glad you liked them." He paused a moment before speaking again. "May I take you out sometime?"
"Oh, well I erm..." You nervously averted your gaze and blushed, you hadn't expected him to be this straightforward with you so soon after confessing.
"I'm sorry, I'm rushing you." He said lowly.
"No, I'm...just a little surprised Sir." You smiled. "I'd like that though."
"You can call me Erwin when it's just the two of us, no need to be so formal f/n." He replied, feeling relieved that you hadn't flat out rejected him.
"Okay then...Erwin. Yes I'll let you take me out sometime."
The commander felt a pleasant shudder run down his spine at the way his name rolled off your tongue, it was almost like a sweet melody to his ears.
"Thank you, that case I shall leave you to return to your duties. I'll see you later."
"Goodbye Erwin." You smiled sweetly, watching him walk away down the corridor for a moment before quietly closing the office door and leaning back against it. Still holding the bouquet in one hand you raised the other to your mouth to stifle a giggle before looking over towards the door leading to your adjoining bedroom.
"He's gone, you can come out now."
The heavy wooden door opened and a tall blonde section commander sporting dark stubble around his mouth walked into the office, a cheeky grin gracing his features as he approached you.
"Your little plan worked then?" He questioned.
"Yep, all thanks to your amazing sense of smell." You nodded enthusiastically and giggled again. "I caught him right in the act of leaving these outside the door."
Mike chuckled and looked at the bouquet.
"Okay then, so phase two?"
"Yep! Come on."

Erwin returned to his office and closed the door behind him.
A grin spread across his face as he sat down at his desk, you seemed to be quite happy to find out that he was your secret admirer. You'd even agreed to him taking you on a date, which meant that he was now one step closer to winning your heart.
Before he could start planning your first date together however, a loud knock at the door interrupted him.
"It's me Erwin."
Erwin sighed and leaned back in his seat, folding his arms.
"Come in Hanji."
The door swung open and a moment later Hanji strolled in, looking rather pleased with herself.
"Good afternoon Erwin!" She smiled enthusiastically. "I just saw f/n, apparently she has just uncovered your identity as that of her secret admirer."
"Yes I was unfortunately caught in the act of leaving her another bouquet of roses." Admitted Erwin, a smirk creeping onto his face. "She has however agreed to go on a date with me."
"Oh wow really?" Gasped Hanji. "Erwin that's fantastic! Have you had any ideas yet?"
"No not yet, I'm thinking it over."
"Okay, well good. I'm glad things are starting to look up for you."
"Was there anything else you wanted?"
"Oh, nope. Just wanted to be nosey!" She giggled, "Although I can't find Levi anywhere, have you seen him?"
"Not since lunchtime."
"Ah well, I'm sure I'll come across him somewhere."
With that she left the office closing the door behind her, once again leaving Erwin alone with his thoughts.

"Okay you're sure this will work?" Questioned Mike, he was secretly impressed that his scheming was starting to rub off on you.
"Absolutely!" You nodded enthusiastically as you set up the classroom for your formation tactics lesson. "If this doesn't get him hot under the collar...well I'll just have to eat another banana in front of him!"
Mike chuckled and walked towards the back of the classroom, risking a peak around the door he quickly retreated back inside and nodded.
"They're coming, Erwin isn't far behind them either."
Thanks to his little sniffing session in the mess hall at lunch time, he had managed to find out that Erwin was planning to use the excuse that we was going to assess your teaching skills as a means of subtly spending time with you without arousing your suspicions.
"Heh, show time." You smirked evilly, opening up the training manual and watching from the front desk as the recruits filed in and took their seats.
Erwin followed close behind and stood at the back of the classroom.
"Squad Leader l/n, I will be sitting in on this lesson." He declared seriously. "No need to be worried, I just want to assess your teaching skills."
"Of course Commander." You nodded, giving him a salute.
Erwin nodded and looked over at Mike, narrowing his eyes slightly at the section commander.
Mike noticed this and grinned at him before turning his attention to you as you began the lesson.
"Alright you rookies, listen up!" You said, raising your voice so that they could all hear you. "What I'm about to tell you could mean the difference between life and death!"
The recruits sat up straight in their seats, their eyes fixed on you, however Erwin noticed something strange about your posture...
You were leaning back against the waist high desk, using your arms to support you and noticeably sticking your chest out.
He blinked rapidly, surely he was seeing things?
Mike noticed the sudden furrowing of the commander's bushy brows and snorted.
You also happened to catch him staring at you and decided to up your game.
Picking up the pointing stick, you walked forward down the center of the classroom, explaining which coloured flares corresponded to which situation.
"So upon spotting a titan, you will fire off a red flare." You said confidently, tapping the end of the stick against your open left/right palm while gripping the handle end tightly in the other.
Erwin swallowed hard, and watched the hypnotically steady rhythm of the stick as it connected with your open palm with a light slap every couple of seconds.
He couldn't help but picture another more...amusingly sensual use for it. However he wondered if after the banana incident during morning break, you were doing this on purpose to wind him up.
"If you spot an abnormal." You continued, reaching the back of the classroom and giving him a subtle sweet smile before turning your back on him and walking away. "Then you will need to send up a black smoke signal.
As you walked away, the commander's icy blue eyes widened slightly. His gaze traveled down your body and settled on your rear end, now he was convinced you were doing this on purpose...or had Mike put you up to this? Was he trying to make him feel like a pervert on purpose?
The gentle sway of your hips as you slowly walked back to the front of the classroom was not that of a normal walk. You were definitely emphasizing it with the intention of trying to get a rise out of the commander...and so far, it was working.
You quickly glanced over at Mike and raised your eyebrows, earning you a subtle nod and a wink in return to let you know your plan was succeeding.

As the lesson progressed, Erwin could feel himself getting more and more worked up over you.
You kept giving him brief moments of eye contact before shyly looking away as if you had done something wrong.
'Damnit why does she have to keep looking at me so innocent and doe eyed?' He mused.
The fact you kept switching between being shy one minute, then sexy and seductive the next was driving him wild. He was thoroughly convinced now that Mike had put you up to this to try and get a rise out of him and was working!
Biting back a giggle you continued with your lesson, once again you walked back towards the front of the classroom, swaying your hips with every step.
You eventually stopped and cocked your right hip out to the side when a young recruit to your left cautiously raised their hand.
"Yes?" You questioned.
"Squad Leader, I'm having some trouble understanding my position in the formation."
"What seems to be the problem?" You asked, leaning over them far enough to make sure your rear end was sticking out.
Now Erwin really did feel like a pervert!
His icy blue eyes widened as they settled on the curve of your buttocks, he was forced to fight back a groan at the sudden urge to take the pointer stick and use it like a riding crop...
Shaking his head to rid himself of his lustful thoughts, he cleared his throat earning your instant attention.
"I shall take my leave now Squad Leader, carry on." He said, trying to keep his voice steady.
"Yes Sir." You nodded, giving him a smile before he turned and left the classroom, closing the door behind him. Once he was gone you turned your attention back to the recruit and looked at his formation plan.
"So what don't you understand?" You asked softly.
"I'm in the right wing spotters." He muttered nervously. "How will I know an abnormal titan from a standard one?"
"Section Commander Hanji will go over that with you later." You replied, reassuringly patting his shoulder.
"Oh, thank you Squad Leader."
"Okay everyone." You said, raising your voice as you returned to the front of the classroom. "You're all dismissed, Squad Leader Nanaba and Section Commander Ness are waiting by the stables for you."
The recruits stood from their seats, picking up their formation plans and pens before silently filing out of the classroom and heading off to their next destination.
"Well that went well." You giggled, turning your attention to Mike once the last recruit had left and the door closed behind them.
"Yes it did." Replied the tall section commander. "Poor Erwin was practically shaking watching you tapping that pointing stick against the palm of your hand."
"Then I think it's safe to say mission accomplished!" You smirked rather evilly, exchanging a fist bump with your friend.

Erwin didn't stop walking until he returned to his office.
His face felt hot and his palms were sweaty, considering he was pursuing you with the intent of a meaningful relationship he was certainly starting to have a lot of dirty lust fueled thoughts about you all of a sudden.
Adjusting his bolo tie and entering his office he drew a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Too many things were starting to add up in his mind.
When you were alone with him you were quiet and shy, yet when Mike was around you seemed to become more confident and sassy...
"I knew it." Muttered Erwin under his breath. "Mike is getting her to act like that on purpose, he must still think that I'm only after her for one thing!"
Sighing and rubbing a large hand over his face he walked towards his desk and slumped down in his seat, trying to regain his usual calm composure. Why was it everywhere he turned when you were around Mike was always right there by your side? What did he have to do to separate the two of you without arousing your suspicions?
Ordering Mike to leave you alone was completely out of the question, as was telling you to stay away from Mike.
Erwin growled in frustration, no matter which angle he approached from, Mike was always going to be able to sniff out whatever plan he had concocted.
"Of course." Muttered Erwin in sudden realization. "She's always alone when she tends to her horse."
That was the perfect time to get you on your own and attempt to woo you.
He stood up and moved to look out of the office window which overlooked the route to the stables.
You always tended to your horse at specific times he had noticed, once in a morning after breakfast, then again just after evening meal you would take her out for a quick gallop around the grounds before returning her to the stables for the night.
"Hmm." Erwin folded his arms and thought deeply about what he should do next.
There was still a couple of hours to go before evening meal, surely that was plenty of time for him to come up with a suitable plan? He already had a couple of ideas in mind, the only thing he had to work out now was how to put them into action.

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