Part 7

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WARNING: Suggestive themes ahead!

"So you've agreed to a date with him then?" Asked Mike with an air of concern.
"Yep...doesn't mean he's going to get anywhere quickly though." You shrugged nonchalantly. "I intend to make him work for my affections."
"Good girl." The tall section commander nodded in approval before looking behind him and spotting a certain bushy browed, blonde male staring at you with a sense of longing in his icy blue eyes...

"So what's next?" Asked Hanji curiously, looking up from her baked potato to realize she was being ignored. "Hello? Erwin?"
"Hmm?" Erwin instantly turned back to face her and blinked rapidly. "Did you say something Hanji?"
"Tch, you'll get no sense out of him while he's in lovesick schoolboy mode!" Muttered Levi, rolling his eyes and sipping his tea.
"Oh stop being so moody Shorty!" Sighed Hanji, shoving his shoulder, nearly causing his tea to spill from its cup and onto his cravat before turning her attention back to Erwin.
"Have you thought of a plan to get f/n on her own away from Mike yet?"
"Yes, actually I have."
"Oh really?" Her puppy brown eyes widened with intrigue. "What are you going to do?"
"She exercises her horse after evening meal, I'll follow her out to the stables and offer to go for a ride with her."
"Aw a romantic ride around the training grounds." Sighed Hanji dreamily. "Levi why do we never do anything like that?"
Levi slowly turned his cold emotionless stare to his left to regard her for a moment before responding.
"You're always too busy messing around with your experiments."
"Am I?"
"Yes Shitty Glasses, you are."
Erwin shook his head and turned back to face the table where you and Mike were sitting a few moments ago, his frowned upon discovering that the two of you had vanished.
Leaving Levi and Hanji to bicker between themselves about cleaning schedules and experiments on titans, he quietly slipped away and headed for the stables. It was time to put his plan into action.

"Hey Whisper, ready to go for a gallop?" You questioned, approaching the stall.
Whisper whinnied quietly and nodded, scuffing her hoof against the hay covered stone floor.
"Alright, alright, calm down!" You giggled, rubbing her muzzle and looking into her dark brown eyes.
"It would seem someone is pleased to see you."
You jumped around at the sound of a deep male voice, relaxing when you realized who it was.
"Sorry f/n, I didn't mean to startle you."
"Good evening Erwin." You smiled, hoping he didn't twig onto the fact that he had caught you off guard. "I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here."
"Evidently." Smiled Erwin, taking a few steps towards you and folding his arms. "I'm not disturbing you am I?"
"No, I was just about to exercise Whisper before I came to collect my paperwork."
"I see...would you like some company?"
You cocked your head to one side and regarded him for a moment before responding, this could be an idea opportunity to wind him up a flirtatious teasing manner of course!
"Yes, I would."
Erwin's smile widened, his heart began thumping loudly in his chest.
"Alright I shall ready my horse."
You nodded and watched him walk away to prepare his mount, resisting the urge to giggle like a naughty schoolgirl...this was far too easy!

Ten minutes later when you had finished preparing Whisper you led her along the row of stalls until you reached the one where Erwin's horse was patiently waiting for him to finish adjusting the saddle straps.
"Are you ready?" You questioned, halting a couple of feet away from him and mounting Whisper.
"Yes." He replied evenly, bringing the reins back over his horse's head and seating himself in the saddle. "So anywhere in particular you want to go?"
"I usually just go for a lap of the training grounds and then come back here."
"Alright, shall we go then?"
Erwin gestured for you to lead the way, following close behind you before moving to ride on your left when you left the stable yard and made your way out onto the grassy plains of the training grounds.
"I'm surprised your chaperone isn't with you tonight." He remarked, testing the waters to see if his theory about you only acting cocky around him was down to Mike being around.
"My chaperone?" You looked at him with a confused expression for a moment before giggling when you caught on to what he meant. "Oh, you mean Mike?"
"Well it just seems that everywhere you go he's practically your shadow." Shrugged the commander, keeping his gaze focused on where he was going.
An evil smirk crossed your features, time to have a little fun.
"I decided to let him have the evening off, the cheeky bastard wanted paying for this services!"
Erwin's head snapped round so he was now looking directly at you, his bushy brows furrowing in confusion.
"Don't get me wrong." You continued light heartedly. "Mike is a really sweet guy, he's kind, funny and easy on the eyes but we don't need to be around each other constantly...he's not my husband!"
Swallowing hard Erwin averted his gaze, however it was pulled back to you when a giggle escaped your lips and you turned to look at him.
"Are you jealous Erwin?"
"Jealous?" He questioned. Of course he was jealous! Mike was closer to you than anyone in the entire regiment. Yet Erwin, who had romantic feelings for you was being made to jump through every hoop you placed in his path just to try and get you to look at him. "No not at all. Why would I be jealous?"
"Oh no reason." You shrugged casually, giving him an innocent smile.
Unfortunately for you, Erwin had a few sly questions of his own up his sleeve.
"So if you hadn't suspected me of being your secret admirer, who would you have hoped it was?"
"Hmm." You rolled your eyes thoughtfully, contemplating an answer which would give you the most amusing reaction. "Captain Levi."
"Levi?" Gasped Erwin, his eyes widening in shock. "Why would you want him as a secret admirer?"
'Gotcha!' You silently congratulated yourself for choosing the raven haired captain and getting a rise out of the commander.
"Well I'm sure what he lacks in height he makes up for in other areas!" You giggled cheekily. "He's also pretty handsome for a man whose face would probably crack if he ever tried to smile."
Erwin couldn't believe what he was hearing, but before he could answer you pressed on scrolling off more...intimate things you would "supposedly" do to Levi.
"I wouldn't mind grabbing him by his cravat and dragging him off to a broom cupboard for a dirty make out session...but to be honest I'm pretty sure he and Hanji are already romantically involved."
"You assume right." Erwin blurted the words out faster than he would've liked.
"Ah well, good for them." You smiled. "Besides Levi doesn't strike me as the romantic type. I like a man who makes an effort to make the object of his affection feel special."
"I see." Nodded Erwin, once again turning to look where he was going.
"What about you Erwin? What do you look for in a woman."
"Well, I...erm..." You had him on the back foot yet again. "I like women who have a good sense of humor and a warm personality."
"I see." You replied casually. "To be honest you never really struck me as the type to get romantically involved with anyone."
Erwin swallowed hard and remained silent, hoping this wasn't going in the direction he thought it was.
Deciding to jump in there first before you started making comments about him only using women for one night stands he decided to take the plunge and be brutally honest. Hopefully it wouldn't backfire and scare you off.
"Usually I don't, but there's always that one rare occasion where someone special happens to appear."
'Shit that came out wrong!'
"Oh really?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at him and smirking at embarrassment which practically radiated from him as he avoided your gaze.
"Well I'm honored you think I'm special enough to deserve your attention."
Erwin turned to face you again, but your expression was unreadable. However you did give him a small genuine smile before it melted into a grin and you decided to revert to your cheeky self again.
"Race you to the forest maneuvers course!"
Before he could reply you spurred Whisper into a gallop and put some distance between the pair of you. Shaking his head and chuckling, Erwin spurred his own horse onward and started to close the gap between you, if him chasing you was what you wanted, then it was what you were going to get...he just hoped you were prepared for what would happen when he caught you.

After catching up with you at the forest maneuvers course, Erwin followed you around the rest of the training grounds, once again engaging you in conversation as the pair of you made your way back towards the stables.
"I'm glad I decided to let you accompany me tonight." You smiled sweetly, dismounting Whisper when you reached the stall where Erwin's horse resided and watching him dismount.
"Yes, it has been a rather pleasant ride." Replied the commander, returning your smile. He paused for a moment before speaking again. "Will you allow me to escort you back to the castle?"
"Okay sure."
Erwin froze momentarily. He'd half expected a cheeky response from you, but he was more than happy with the short yet positive answer he received.
"Alright, I will see you in a few moments."
You nodded and gently pulled on your horse's bridle, encouraging it to follow you a few meters down the row of stalls, looking back for a few seconds as you walked away.

Upon reaching Whisper's stall you started to unbuckle the saddle straps, completely oblivious to the heavy footsteps approaching from the right.
"Are you nearly ready?"
You looked up from placing the saddle back on the shelf and nodded before returning to Whisper and removing her bridle.
"Almost, just got to her her settled in for the night."
Erwin nodded and leaned against the wall, his icy blue eyes fixed on you. However this time there was a softness in them that you would've noticed if you weren't concentrating on the task at hand.
Throwing a blanket over the horse's back you led her into the stall and closed the door behind her, you gave her muzzle a stroke when she turned around and put her head over the door expectantly.
"Okay let's go." You said evenly, turning your attention to Erwin, although it seemed he had other ideas.
He moved closer to you and stared down at you, now you did notice the resonating softness in his eyes when you instinctively backed away until your back hit the wall.
'Damnit, he's managed to catch me off guard again!'
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Asked Erwin softly, raising a large hand to your face and gently running his fingers lightly across your cheek.
"No...not recently anyway!" You replied with a cheeky giggle to try and cover up your nervousness when he leaned over you.
"Hmm, then the men around here must be walking around with their eyes closed." He muttered, slowly moving his head closer to yours and subtly inhaling your scent. Everything about you was intoxicating to him, your scent, the hue of your e/c eyes, that cheeky smile you seemed to reserve only for him...
You remained frozen in place, staring into his eyes and waiting with baited breath for what was sure to happen next. Although the big question was, were you going to allow him to kiss you...or were you going to turn your head away at the last moment and make him settle for a quick peck on the cheek?
"F/n." He whispered softly, his warm breath fanning across your face and making a gentle blush spread across your cheeks. "Can I kiss you?"
You hesitated for a moment, holding his gaze before slowly nodding.
Erwin's heart was hammering so fast it almost burst through his rib cage, lowering his gaze to your lips he gently rested his hand underneath your chin and tilted your head upwards, slowly closing the gap between you. His lips were almost upon yours when...
"F/n there you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!"
Erwin jumped back from you and placed his hands behind his back while you quickly straightened yourself and looked towards the source of the voice.
"Mike?" You asked shakily, struggling to regain your composure. "What's going on?"
"I need a word in private, it's about a member of your squad." Said Mike in a matter of fact tone as he stopped in front of the stall.
"Oh right I see." You muttered nervously, casting a quick apologetic glance at the disappointed commander.
"In that case I shall leave you to it." Said Erwin bluntly, turning and walking away.
"Thank you for the pleasure of your company tonight Sir." You called, halting him in his tracks.
Erwin sighed and gritted his teeth, forcing a smile onto his features as he turned back to face you.
"You're welcome, I shall see you when you come to collect your paperwork."
You bit your lip and watched him briskly walk back towards the castle, when you were certain he was out of range you turned to Mike and slapped his arm.
"You evil bastard!" You laughed, "He was about to kiss me!"
"Was he?" Grinned Mike, feigning innocence. "Oh by the way, I thought you were going to "make him work for your affections?" Don't tell me you've gone soft."
You shook your head and smirked.
"No I haven't "gone soft" as you put it, but I actually wanted him to kiss me so I could see how far he'd try and take it. If he got too frisky I'd have shot him down straight away, besides it's been a while since I had a decent snog!"
Mike laughed and wrapped an arm around you, leading you back towards the castle.
"Oh f/n, what am I going to do with you?"

Erwin stormed back towards his office.
He was so close to kissing you after what he would quite happily call a first date and then Mike had decided to put in an appearance and ruin the moment. He stopped for a moment, his eyes widening a hadn't planned for that to happen had you?
"No of course she didn't!" He snapped at himself, shaking the thought from his head. "She's a tease but she would never do something that cruel."
With a sigh he decided to go and see Hanji to see if she could offer him any advice.
Approaching the titan loving section commander's office he knocked on the door and waited for an answer, frowning when he heard giggling coming from inside.
A moment later the door opened, but it wasn't Hanji who greeted him...
Captain Levi stared blankly up at him as he adjusted his cravat and flattened his ruffled hair before sidestepping him and walking away down the corridor.
"Bye Shorty!" Called Hanji, appearing in the doorway a moment later looking rather more disheveled than usual.
Erwin frowned, why did everyone else in this damned castle have a more successful love life than him? Why was he being given the run around while everyone else was able to enjoy being with their respective other halves?
"Hey Erwin, what's wrong?" She questioned, adjusting her shirt to quickly cover the large love bite Levi had left on her shoulder and straightening her glasses.
"I just wanted to tell you to keep the noise down." He lied, deciding he didn't want her advice after all....well at least not right now anyway. "I don't care what you and Levi get up to during your downtime, as long as I don't have to hear you from halfway down the corridor. You're supposed to be setting an example as senior officers!"
"Okay, sorry. Next time I'll remember to gag him!" Giggled Hanji.
Erwin rolled his eyes and walked away, resolving to return to his office and do some serious thinking about how he was going to get you away from Mike long enough to actually make a move on you now he was certain you were willing to give him a chance.

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