Part 10 (NON-LEMON)

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(This is Part 10, but with NO lemon. If you want lemon skip to the next chapter! The next chapter is the same as this, but it has an added lemon part.)

You calmly approached Mike's office and knocked on the door, waiting patiently for a response.

"Yes?" Came the reply a moment later.
"It's me Mike." You called through the thick wood.

"Come in f/n."

You reached for the brass handle and pushed it down, opening the door and stepping into the tall Section Commander's office.

"Hey." You smiled nervously, walking up to the desk.

Mike looked up from his paperwork and gave you a small smile, nodding to the seat he reserved for visitors and putting his pen down so he could focus his full attention on you.

"So how did things go with Erwin?"
"It went well." You mused, leaning back in your seat and folding your arms.

"But?" Asked Mike, inhaling deeply. He was no fool, he could smell the discomfort you were feeling.

"Okay, we had a bit of a friendly sparring match and he kind of...made a move on me that felt a little..."


"Well, yeah."

"I see." Mike's pale blue eyes narrowed to slits, there was an underlying tone of anger in his voice.

"He apologised afterwards!" You added hastily. "Also...I don't actually think he did it on purpose."

"What makes you say that?" Questioned Mike curiously, sitting forward and placing his elbows on the desk and resting his chin on his palms.

"Well for a start he apologized as I just said, but he also made a pretty hasty retreat after it happened. He was pretty embarrassed by it."

"So what did he do exactly?"

"He kissed me and ground himself against me."
Mike's eyebrows raised and he sniffed the air again.

"You wanted him to kiss you."

"Yes, I did," You replied honestly. "I just didn't expect the intimate contact that went with it."
Your friend nodded and sighed, something about you still seemed off. He knew exactly what it was but he wasn't quite sure how to raise the subject without upsetting you.
After a few minutes of awkward silence he just decided to come out with it.

"Do you want a serious relationship with Erwin f/n?"

You blinked rapidly, your mouth opening and closing but no sound leaving your lips.
Mike smiled softly and stood from his seat, slowly making his way around the desk he stopped next to you and squatted down to your level.

"Sorry for the bluntness but there's no easy way of asking without you feeling uncomfortable."

"It's okay." You frowned and sighed. "It's just that...well we're scouts, we risk life and limb going beyond the walls. We don't really get the privilege of forging relationships with people in case the next time we step beyond the walls is our last."

"It's a huge gamble yes." Nodded Mike. "Sometimes though, you need to think of yourself and your own needs instead of others peoples."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like Levi and Hanji." He paused a moment, choosing his next words carefully. "They know that the other may die at any time without warning, but they still choose to be together. Life is short enough as it is...even more so for us scouts."

You nodded and bit your lower lip.

"I guess you do have a point." You smiled and reached out, pulling him into a hug and resting your chin on his shoulder, sighing deeply when he returned the gesture and comfortingly rubbed your back. "Thanks Mike."

Love Games - Erwin x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon