Part 2

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The next morning Erwin made his way through the Survey Corps HQ towards f/n's office.
Hanji had suggested that he try out some traditional methods of wooing the young squad leader, starting with an old classic: a bunch of roses with an anonymous love note.
"All women love flowers!" Hanji enthusiastically informed him as she and Erwin sat in his office going over her latest experiment results from the previous day. "I'm pretty sure f/n will be no exception."
"It seems a little cliche." Frowned Erwin. "Furthermore if I leave them outside her office, anyone could just come along and pick them up."
"That's why you hide around the corner and make sure that doesn't happen!"
"Okay, I'm not sure this will work...but I trust you."

Stopping outside your office, Erwin looked around to make sure there was nobody nearby before carefully placing the bouquet down by your door and making sure the attached note could easily be seen.
His head jerked up when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, quickly standing he rushed off to hide around the corner, cautiously risking a peak when he could no longer hear whoever had been coming his way. His eyes widened in horror when he saw Levi reach down for the bouquet, pick it up and frown at it
"Oh shit!" Muttered Erwin, he was about to run over and tell the short captain to put it down when he knocked on your door, continuing to glare at the beautiful flowers...

You had just exited your bedroom when you heard the sound of someone knocking on the office door, frowning and cocking your head to one side you walked over to it and unlocked it.
Upon opening the door you blinked rapidly in disbelief when you saw Levi stood in the corridor holding a bouquet of red roses with a confused frown on his face.
"Aww Levi, they're lovely!" You smiled brightly. "You're a few months early for Valentine's Day though!"
"Tch, these aren't from me brat!" He snorted, stepping into your office and placing them down on your desk. "I found them on the floor outside, besides this isn't my handwriting."
He plucked the card from the top of the flowers and held it out to you.
You walked up to the desk and took the card from him, reading it aloud.
"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be walking through a garden forever."
"That's the cheesiest pile of shit I've ever heard!"
"You just have no sense of romance Levi!" You remarked, shoving him in the shoulder and earning a glare in return. "I think they're pretty, I'm sure I have my mother's old porcelain vase stashed away in my storage chest. These will look perfect on my desk, this office could do with brightening up a little."
Levi watched as you entered your bedroom and rummaged around in a large wooden storage chest in front of the bed for a moment before returning to the office with a plain white vase.
Placing it on the desk you the proceeded to arrange the roses in it.
"I don't recognise the handwriting on the card, do you have any idea who it is?"
Levi shrugged, he knew it was Erwin's handwriting but he wasn't interested in getting involved with the commander's courtship rituals. Besides you were smart enough to work it out by yourself so he didn't see any point in assisting you.
"No I don't." He answered bluntly. "I don't pay attention to people's handwriting. Provided I can read it, I don't care who's written it."
You shrugged and finished arranging the flowers before turning back to him.
"Okay, well did you need anything?"
"No, I was just passing and noticed those outside your door."
"So you thought you'd be a gentleman and give them to me?" You winked and giggled at him again.
"Tch, you're almost as annoying as Shitty Glasses."
"Ouch, you know what? That actually hurt!" You replied, a look of mock sadness gracing your features.
"I said almost."
"Aw, I knew you liked me really!"
"Now you're as annoying as Shitty Glasses."
You giggled at the tone of his voice, clearly conveying a slight hint of amusement.
Levi may have been a bit of an introvert, but you were sometimes able to get a slight bit of friendliness out of him due to the fact you knew how to handle his rude attitude.
"So have you seen Mike?" You asked curiously.
"No, he's probably still in his office."
"Okay, if you see him before breakfast can you tell him I've got the test results from yesterday all marked up for him to double check?"
"Fine." Shrugged the raven haired captain, making his way back towards the door.
"Thanks Levi." You called, just before the door closed behind him.
Turning back to the roses you smiled and sniffed them, reaching for the water jug on your desk you poured the contents into the vase. You could always refill it later, besides the roses needed it more than you did for now.

Erwin nervously waited for Levi to exit your office, watching the door closely.
"Hey Erwin!"
The commander jumped round and was met by the brown eyed stared of a certain bespectacled section commander whose courtship advice he was currently following.
"Did you leave the roses outside f/n's door like I said?" Asked Hanji curiously.
"Yes I did." Replied Erwin, his bushy brows furrowing as he spoke. "There was a minor problem though."
"Oh no she doesn't have hayfever does she?" Gasped Hanji worriedly.
"No...I don't think so, there's nothing in her medical records about it...Levi found the flowers and ended up giving them to her."
Hanji stared at him blankly for a moment before collapsing against the wall laughing.
"Shorty picked them up and gave them to her? Oh man I wish I could've seen the look on f/n's face!"
Erwin frowned and folded his arms, he was far from amused by the situation. His courtship attempts were off to quite a bad start and things weren't about to get any easier...
"Good Morning Hanji okay?"
Looking behind him, Erwin saw you stood watching the hysterical titan lover who was now rolling around on the floor gripping her stomach and struggling to breathe.
"She's pulled off another all nighter writing up an experiment report." Lied the blonde commander.
"Ah I see." You giggled. "Maybe you should order her to stop doing that, she'll make herself ill."
Erwin smiled and nodded.
"So I hear you received a bouquet of roses from someone this morning? A secret admirer of sorts."
A light blush dusted your cheeks, averting your gaze you nodded awkwardly and tried to ignore the loud snorts now coming from Hanji as she started to calm down.
"Yeah, erm...funny thing is it was Captain Levi that handed them to me so I...kinda assumed they were from him!" You giggled, the blush on your face intensifying by second.
"What did he say?" Questioned Hanji, having finally regained her composure long enough to stand up.
"Oh he told me in no uncertain terms that they weren't from him, besides the handwriting on the note doesn't match his."
"Who do you think it is?" Asked Erwin, secretly hoping that you would suspect him.
"I'm not actually sure." You frowned. "I'm going to make it my mission to find out though. Anyway for now I need to see Mike about some paperwork from yesterday. Goodbye Sir, Hanji."
"Goodbye f/n." Said Erwin, doing his best to try and hide the slight hint of sadness in his voice at your lack of questioning whether he knew who your secret admirer was.
"Bye sweetie." Called Hanji, watching you walk away before turning her attention to Erwin.
"Try not to look so downtrodden Erwin." She smiled kindly. "This is only your first attempt, I have plenty of other ideas for us to try."

After breakfast you headed out to the stable to groom and muck out your horse before starting your daily training with your squad.
"Hey there Whisper." You smiled, approaching your horse's stall.
A large brown horse with a black mane slowly turned its head towards you and snorted a greeting.
"You ready for some breakfast?"
Whisper nodded and quietly whinnied at you, watching you scoop some oats from the sack near the stall into a large wooden bucket before hooking it over the door.
Little did you suspect that Whisper and the other horses weren't the only ones watching you...

"Okay we need more information on her if you're going to woo her." Whispered Hanji conspiratorially. "Let's find out who she thinks the flowers are from, maybe you can even drop a few hints that you are interested in her."
"So what you're saying is I should try flirting with her?" Questioned Erwin.
"Basically, yeah." Nodded Hanji. "Now go while she's alone and good luck."
Erwin exhaled deeply and started to make his way over to the stables, a warm smile graced his features when he saw you affectionately stroking Whisper's muzzle.
"You don't think that those flowers could be from your horse do you?" He chuckled halting a few feet behind you and making you jump round and salute, only for him to simply wave off the gesture.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine Sir." You smiled, turning back to Whisper and removing the bucket once she was finished eating. "Also to answer your question no I don't think the roses are from her."
Erwin chuckled and moved closer, patting your horse's neck before giving you his full attention.
"Have you still not had any luck in finding out who made such a romantic gesture then?"
"Not at the moment, no one springs to mind either."
"I'm sure an attractive young woman such as yourself must have a long line of admirers wanting to shower you with gifts."
You giggled and shrugged.
"Well it's safe to assume Captain Levi and Section Commander Mike aren't among them, I recognize their handwriting when I see it."
"I see, so does that narrow it down at all?"
'So she doesn't suspect Mike?' Mused Erwin internally. 'That still doesn't help me determine whether he's a rival or not though.'
"Not really." You replied, opening the stall door and picking up a brush from the grooming box mounted on the wall. You started to brush Whisper's mane and continued the conversation.
"Do you know something I don't Sir?"
Erwin froze for a moment, wondering how to respond.
"What do you mean?"
"Well...did you see anyone leaving the roses outside my office door?"
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him, your e/c eyes meeting his icy blue orbs.
"I'm afraid not." He answered, folding his arms and continuing to stare at you.
"Ah I see." You replied, a hint of disappointment could be heard in your voice. "I'm curious to know who it was, that little note that was left with them was rather sweet."
Erwin's heart almost skipped a beat on hearing this.
"What did it say...if you don't mind me asking?"
You smiled and looked at him, recalling the words on the note.
"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd be walking through a garden forever."
"Hmm, someone seems to have a very high opinion of you."
"I wouldn't mind knowing who wrote it, the roses are really nice too. I now finally have a use for my mother's old vase."
Moving closer and leaning against the wall of your horse's stall, Erwin decided to step things up a little. Unfortunately though before he got the chance to speak a flustered looking scout came running up to you.
"Squad Leader l/n!" They desperately panted, trying to regain their composure.
You looked up from brushing Whisper's tail and furrowed your brows.
"Krista?" You questioned worriedly, halting your task you put the brush back in its box and approached her. "Where's the fire?"
Krista's gaze however was on the commander, she stood up straight and saluted.
"Sorry Sir, I didn't see you there."
"It's fine, now what's going on?"
"Eren and Jean are fighting again, I can't find Captain Levi anywhere and..."
"Ugh!" You groaned and left the stall, closing the door behind you. "I'll deal with that idiot man horse hybrid!"
Krista nodded and started to walk away.
"Sorry Sir, I'd better go bang their heads together." You smiled apologetically, following Krista but looking back at him over your shoulder.
Erwin nodded and waved you away, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he watched you leave.
"So how did it go?" Asked Hanji, suddenly appearing from behind the stables.
"She liked the flowers and thought the note was sweet." He mused frowning slightly. "I didn't really get a chance to do any actual flirting though thanks to a member of her squad interrupting us."
"Ah." Hanji furrowed her brows and scratched her chin. "Well I've come up with another idea, this time you should be able to work out how she feels about her "mystery admirer" by her reaction."

"Do not let me catch you two morons fighting again or I'll send you straight to Captain Levi and he can deal with you...believe me it will be much more unpleasant than just running laps in the rain!"
You rolled your eyes and stomped back to your office, running into Mike on the way.
"Can you shout any louder? The people in the district market want to hire you!" Smirked the tall section commander.
"Shut up fuzz face!" You giggled, lightly punching him in the chest. "I swear those two idiots are going to end up in serious trouble if they don't learn to be amicable with each other."
Mike rolled his eyes.
"Speaking of trouble, you still haven't given me those training reports from yesterday yet."
"Oh crap I totally forgot, they're in my office."
"Well I still need to punish you." Remarked Mike in a low voice.
"You dare rub your stubble on my cheek again and I swear I will shave it off while you're asleep!" You warned, backing away when he started walking towards you.
"I was thinking more along the lines of you owe me a cup of coffee."
You shook your head and smiled up at him.
"Fine, just let me go and get the training reports."
Mike nodded and watched you walk past him, however an evil grin crossed his face and a moment later he grabbed you and nuzzled your cheek.
"Argh! No get off!" You half screamed, half laughed and struggled in his strong arms, but to no avail. "Mike that tickles, stop it!"

"Okay, so let's go over this one more time." Said Hanji. "You knock on the door and tell her that you found the chocolates and note on the floor propped up against the wall. Then try asking her if she recognises the handwriting."
"Yes, I understand." Nodded Erwin, taking the rather expensive box of chocolates from her.
"Alright then, good luck."
"Mike that tickles, stop it!"
Erwin and Hanji frowned at the sound of giggling coming from around the corner.
Heading towards the source of the noise they saw you squirming in Mike's grasp as he appeared to bury his head in your neck and rub his face against your skin.
"I'm sure that's nothing to worry about." Said Hanji hurriedly, noticing the way Erwin's bushy brows furrowed jealously.
The commander however wasn't listening, he sighed deeply and handed her the chocolates before walking away.
"Erwin wait!" Yelled Hanji, following him. "That doesn't prove anything, we all know Mike and f/n are close...but it's not like they were kissing."
Erwin stopped and sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Trust me." Said Hanji softly. "Wait until she reaches her office and then do what we just discussed, ask her about Mike if you have to."
"Alright fine." He groaned, taking the chocolates from her again and walking back towards your office.

"Here you go." You smiled. "It just needs checking over and then you can hand it in to Erwin."
Mike took the document from you and nodded, he was about to speak when a knock at the door interrupted him.
"Yes?" You called, leaning back against the desk.
The door opened and Erwin walked in, carrying a box of chocolates.
"F/n, I just found these outside your door." He stated holding them out to you.
"Meet me in the mess hall when you're done here." Said Mike, fighting back a sly grin as he walked past Erwin and made his way out of the office.
"Okay, see you soon." You replied just as the door closed behind him.
"Hmm, first roses and now chocolates?" You asked quizzically taking them from him and studying the box. "Wow these aren't cheap either! Did you happen to see who left them Sir?"
"I'm afraid not." Said Erwin evenly. "I did see several male scouts walk past your office a moment ago but I can't be certain if any of them left these outside for you."
"Oh, okay." You shrugged, picking up the note and reading it.
"For the sweetest Squad Leader in the Survey smooth!" You giggled. "A little cliche, but still smooth."
"Is it the same person who sent you these?"
Erwin nodded to the vase of roses on the corner of your desk, noticing the note propped up against it.
"It would appear that's the case." You mused, picking up the card and comparing the handwriting. A small smile graced your lips, causing Erwin to stare at you with a hint of softness in his icy blue eyes, he was soon snapped out of his trance when you looked up at him, however your smile remained in place.
"Forgive my curiosity, but are you sure it's not Mike sending these little gestures of affection?" He started, hoping he didn't sound nervous as he spoke. "You two have always been very close."
"I'm pretty sure Mike has his eye on Squad Leader Nanaba." You giggled, looking at the roses again. Even when the commander wasn't issuing orders he was still quite an intimidating man, even you got nervous sometimes if he stared at you for too long...not as nervous as Levi made you feel when it was his cold grey eyed glare drilling holes into your skull nervous but still...
"Well, I'm sure you'll work out who they are eventually." Said Erwin, clearing his throat and adjusting his bolo tie.
"Is that an order Sir?" You teased, your smile melting into a cheeky grin.
Erwin raised his bushy eyebrows at you and returned your grin.
"Yes it is....Squad Leader l/n I order you to discover the identity of this secret admirer you seem to have acquired."
"Yes Sir!"
You stood up straight and saluted, earning you a chuckle from the blonde commander before he waved off your salute.
"At ease Squad Leader."
You dropped the respectful gesture and went back to casually leaning against your desk.
"I shall leave you to get back to your duties."
"Okay, bye Sir." You replied brightly. "Thanks for letting me know about the chocolates."
Erwin nodded and gave you a small smile before heading towards the door, just as leaving he happened to turn back and saw you looking at the roses again. His smile widened at the way you tenderly adjusted them, asking Hanji for courtship advice had definitely been a good idea.

"So how did it go?" Asked Hanji, sitting down next to him in the mess hall to eat her lunch.
"It went well." Answered Erwin.
"Oh come on, I want details!" Persisted the bespectacled brunette. "Did she think the chocolates were from you?"
"No she never asked me, she liked them though and she thinks the note I left with them was sweet."
"That's great! So now we've done the traditional flowers and chocolates route, let's start raising the bar a little bit..." She paused a moment and furrowed her brows. "Hey are you listening to me?"
As a matter of fact Erwin wasn't paying attention to her at all. He was too busy staring across the mess hall at you and Mike to realize Hanji was still talking. He sighed wistfully at the way you and Mike were talking so easily and casually, why couldn't you be like that with him?
'Because you're the commander and that's all she'll ever see you as.' Answered the tiny voice in the back of his mind.
"Oi Erwin!"
"Tch finally!" Snorted Levi sitting down opposite him. "I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes."
"Sorry Levi, what did you want?"
"I've finished that pile of paperwork you dumped on me this morning regarding the new recruits."
"Good, bring it to my office this afternoon." He said evenly, however his attention was once again pulled back to you and Mike as you laughed and playfully slapped him on the arm before resting your head on his shoulder.
"Damnit." He muttered under his breath.

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