Faith Chapter 4

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(Aaliyah pov)
Waking up the next morning thinking about everything that happened yesterday. Getting out of my bed I go into the bathroom to do my daily routine and then walk out the bathroom and walk into my closet. Looking through my clothes I finally pick some light jeans and a crop top. Getting dressed I straightened my hair and go down the stairs to see my parents talking. Walking in the kitchen I say Morning and ask what they were talking about. My dad turns and looks at me and says that we are joining pack with the Black Rose Pack. Asking who the Alpha was he says Aaron Matthew is soon to be but for now his dad is. Thinking that I would be a Luna. Shaking myself out of my thoughts I tell my parents bye and run out the house to meet Cat at my car. Hopping in I start to drive and tell Cat everything that happened yesterday. Then she screamed and and slapped me ans said why didn't I tell her when I first got home. Telling her that I didn't know and that I didn't want a mate and why. She said that every one isn't the same. Sighing we pulled up to the school and met Layla and Alisa in the parking lot. Then walked in to school together.
The day was going by really slow then the bell rings. Then we walk to lunch and sit down and Layla says thay we should have a movie night with snacks. Agreeing we decided that we would meet up at Layla's house at 8. Then the bell rings for the last period. Walking in to English class Mr. Matthew looks at me and then looks back at his papers. Sitting down He tells us to take it our notebooks and take down the notes. After that the bell rings and I walk to my locker and get all my book and then walk out to meet Cat at the car. We say our goodbyes and drive off. When ne and Cat get home we say hi to my parents then grab a snack and go up to my room and do our homework. Finishing our homework we look at the time and see that it was 6:30 so Cat said that she would be back in 10 minutes. I threw on some sweats and a pink shirt an my vans. Walking down the stair I grab my keys and phone off the table and tell my parents that I was leaving. Hoping in the car I start the car and then a minute later Cat hops in and we drive to the nearest market. Pulling up we jump out and get mad snacks like candy, cookies, chips, soda and ice cream. Paying for all the snack we drive to Layla's house abd knock on the door. She opened it and said that we are going to be in her room. Getting into her room we jump on the bed then Alisa walks in from the bathroom I'm guessing. We talk for a while before we put in the first movie. Then After the second movie we order pizza and the pizza got her in the middle of the third movie. We ate the pizza fast and then popped in another movie. After about the tenth movie I had to use the bathroom but Cat was in Layla's bathroom. Then she told me that there was one down the hall. So I walked down the hallway and walked in what I thought was the bathroom and turned on the light to find out that I was in her brothers room. So I quickly use the bathroom because I had to use it really bad. Then I got done and went to leave but then I ran into someone. Waiting for the fall to come but it never does but triangles do. Jumping I look up seeing Mr. Matthew standing there with his arms around my waist. Unwrapping his arms I say that I was just using the bathroom and try to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and said that I didn't have to go so soon. I tell him that I do because the girls are waiting for me. He then hugged me again and sniffed my neck. Then I realized that I was going to be stuck here for a while. Then After a few minutes he said "why won't you give me a chance to be a good mate". Sighing I ask "if I give you a chance will you let me go. He said yes, saying fine. He finally backed up and walked into the bathroom. Hearing the shower start to run I take that as my chance to leave. Rushing back to Layla's room I slam the door shut and fall on the floor trying catch my breath. The girls rush over to me and ask what happened. Finally getting my breathing under control I turn and yell at Layla's asking "why didn't you tell me that Mr. Matthew was your brother. She says that she didn't think that I would care so she didn't. Then asked why and I said nothing that he had scared me and then said let's finish watching movies. Then we ended the night watching movies.

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