Faith Chapter 22

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(Aaliyah's pov)

Waking up I roll over and look at my sleeping little man and smile. Walking over to the closet i pick out my sweatpants and t-shirt. Then i went into the bathroom and turned the hot water on and waited for it to heat up. After it was hot enough I got and let the hot water run on my stiff muscles , I wash my hair n body then get dress. Walking out the bathroom I put on my sneakers and head downstairs. On they way to the kitchen I put my hair in a bun. Sitting down at the table I see that the girls are up and eating so I eat my plate and we chat for a little. Then I grab my phone and bag , keys and we head out the door.

Driving to school it was funny because Cat and Alisa kept yelling at each other because Cat took Alisa's lip stick and wouldn't give it back. Finally pulling up to the school we get out and head in side. Walking over to our lockers we grab everything we need and then we head to class, turning the corner we stop dead in our tracks when we smell a sent that isn't from our pack. Mind linking Aaron I ask him if anyone new was on our land and he said no. Telling him about the smell he tells me to bring the girls to his class room and wait till he gets there. Rushing to his class room we lock the door and wait to hear Aaron and the other guys at the door. The girls start talk about what this could mean ,then out of no where a rock breaks the window and there is a note attached to it. None of us knew what to do so I walked up to the window and saw a brown wolf running back towards the woods, bending down I pick up the note and read it. Reading the note and it says

Dear my sweet Aaliyah,

I have been watching you for a while and I knew from the first time I seen you that you were going to be mine. I don't care for that little weak mate of yours. I get what I want and that is you my dear. You can run for now but watch the ones you love the most you never know what can happen to them.

Sincerely yours,

Alpha David

After I read the message again I drop to my knees and cry ,all of the girls come and hug me telling me comforting words but all I want is Aaron and to be in his arms. Not even a second later the guys burst through the door and Aaron looks around then his eyes meet mine. Aaron rush over to me and whipped me tears and looked me in the eyes and asked why I was crying. Handing him the note Aaron reads the note and his eyes darken and his jaw is clenched and he turns to the guys and tells them that they going to kill Alpha David.

Thinking that I someone is going to take me away form Aaron I cry harder. Aaron notice that I am crying and comes and picks me up and asked why I was crying, telling him that I don't want to be taken away form him and he says " no one is going to take you I would kill anyone that comes near you". Shaking my head I couldn't picture Aaron killing people.

After everything Aaron sent us girls home and took the day off. On the way home the words of the note replay i my head

"watch the ones you love the most you never know what can happen to them". Thinking of what could happen to Cody I began to panic and tell Cat to drive faster, finally we pull up at the house and I hop out the car and run inside , up to our room to see that Cody isn't in there. Running downstairs I ask " where is Cody , has anyone seen him". Everyone said no and I run to Aaron's office and ask if he seen Cody. Aaron told me that my mom came and got him earlier. Sighing I sit down in one of the chairs in his office. Aaron gets up and walks over to me and picks me up and hugs me saying " everything will be okay". Leaning into his chest I shake my head and ask "what if it isn't". Aaron growls and said " no one is going to take you away form me I have waited to long for you to let someone take you away".

Feeling to tired I tell Aaron that I am going to take a nap.Walking upstairs I lay in bed and close my eyes thinking of what would happen to my loved ones. Sitting up I call my mom to see if everything is okay. She tells me that Cody is having a blast and she is going to bring him home soon. I tell my mom about the note and she says that everything will be ok.

Telling her that I hope so. Then I finally take a nap and I am woken up by a cold chill. Looking around I see that the window is open and it has gotten a little darker out. Getting up I close the window and head to the bathroom. After using the bathroom I go to wash my face, splashing water on my face I go to look back up and see a shadow standing behind me. I went to scream but the person put a cloth over my mouth. I tried to fight back but it was no use , my vision goes blurry and then I black out.

FAITH (Alpha Mate Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora