Faith Chapter 33

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(Aaron's pov)

Walking into my office with Ryan following behind I think of what I'm going to do. Sitting down I tell him to have a seat and he looks at me and ask "what is this about". Clearing my throat I tell him that he has a choice he can either join the pack if he wanted to or continue being a rouge. Waiting for his answer I try and convince him of joining the pack. Telling him that Aaliyah would be heart broken if he left. Also that he has a mate here and she wouldn't want to lose him. Thinking about his mate I have to try and get him to accept Anna has his mate. Waiting for him to give me my answer he put his head and sighs. Lifting his head he tells be that he will stay. Nodding my head I tell him that if he stays that he will have to be loyal to the pack and not to put us in harm mostly Aaliyah. He says that he won't and we shake hands. Asking him why doesn't he want Anna has a mate. He said that he wants a mate that hasn't fucked almost everyone in the pack and acts like a damn hoe. Sighing I tell him to just think about accepting her as his mate. He nodded and asked when would he be introduce to the pack. Telling him that it would be when ever he was ready.

Getting up we go to join the others in the living room, walking in the living room everyone stop and looked at us. Glancing at Aaliyah, she looks at me with that look asking if everything was ok and I mind linked her that it was. Clearing my throat I ask what are y'all doing, Jace said that the guys were going to go play football and asked if me and Ryan wanted to come. Finally deciding on what we were gonna do all the guys went and put on some basket ball shorts and ran outside and started to pick teams.

Picking the teams I got Ryan, Luke and some of the other pack members and Jace got Jasper, Matt and the other pack members. Yelling that the game goes up to 21 and the losers have to clean the whole house and cook for a week. Smiling I tell my team that we are gonna win this. Playing the first round we got the point, but then the next couple rounds Jace's team was winning putting them in the lead with 9 points. Thinking back I tell Ryan to run down the field and then turn around when he is half way at the touchdown mark, nodding we start the next round and Ryan takes off and I toss him the ball and he jumps and catches it and runs down the rest of the field and scores. Then we got almost an half an hour into the game when the girls came out with drinks and snacks for us. Calling a time-out we head over to the girls and sit and have a small brake. Aaliyah asked who was winning and I told her that as of right now it is a tie.

After the little break we get up and get ready to finish the game. The score was 20 to 20 and the next point wins. The wanted to sit outside and sees who wins and what would happen. Playing the last round I yell "DOWN ....... SET........ HIKE and Luke throws me the ball and takes off running. Heading out after him I douche some of the other team,but then I see Jace and Matt running towards me and I douche Matt and almost douche Jace but I stop and throw the ball in the air right before Jace takes me out. Looking up quickly we see what happens. Seeing Ryan and Jasper running after each other and the ball everyone stands up and it gets really quiet just like in the movies. Then Ryan jumps in the air and grabs the ball and falls right into the touchdown goal. Jumping up and down screaming my team runs over to Ryan and dogie pill him. Patting him on the back we cheer him on and then he stops and see Anna standing in the window and hurt flashes in his eyes before he covers it up.

Walking up to Jace I tell him to have fun cleaning the house and cooking this week. Bumping me he says " next week your on again" chuckling I tell him I wont mind beating him again. Walking back inside we all go and take showers then we would come back and eat dinner. Hopping in the shower I wash and then throw on another pair of shorts and a black t-shirt and head down stairs but I am stopped by Aaliyah. Asking her what's wrong she just shakes her head and says " thank you thank you for asking if he wanted to join the pack instead of just kicking him to the streets and i love you ". Smiling at her I tell her that if I didn't she wouldn't have talked to me then. Laughing she said "I wouldn't have". Grabbing her by the waist I lean down and kiss her and whisper" you know you wouldn't be able to resit this ". She pushed me away and said dinner is almost ready and that everyone is downstairs watching tv.

Smiling I ask her who is cooking and she laughed at me and said who do you think is cooking. Feeling proud that my team won I smile and turn back to Aaliyah and said "did you see the way Ryan looked when he looked at Anna. She sighed but said yea I did. Then told me that me and the guys should get Ryan to accept Anna. Telling her what he told me when we were in the office and how it looks like he won't be changing his mind anytime soon. Giving me the puppy dog look she ask me in her baby voice and she knows that I can't resit that look and voice. Giving in I tell her that we will try only if she will try and get Anna ton stop being the pack slut. Looking at me as if I was crazy she says " you want me to try and help the girl that tried to take you away from me and the girl that hates my freaking guts to stop being the pack slut so that she can get accepted by my best friend" . Simply nodding I tell her if she wants me to help Ryan then she would have to help Anna. Sighing she said whatever and dragged me down the hall and down the stairs. Sitting down on the sofa I yell to the kitchen " HEY WHEN IS DINNER GONNA BE READY"!!!!!!! Everyone laughs but then stop when Jace walks into the living room and says that dinner will be ready when he get's it ready. Sticking up my middle finger I mouth to him that he is a sour puss. Stomping out of the room and back into the kitchen we hear pots and pans and other things being thrown around. Looking at the door wondering what the hell is happening in the kitchen.

Then like 10 minutes later Jace comes back with a big smile on his face stating that dinner is ready. Going to the dinning hall we all sit down and look at the food that is on the table. The food was the type of food that you would see at the holiday dinners and stuff. Looking around the table I see that no one dared to touch the food yet. Reaching for the food everyone eyes snap towards me. Asking what we aren't just going to let this good food go to waist are we? Then everyone started to dig into the food and have small talk. After dinner was done everyone went up to their rooms to go to bed for the night. Cuddling up next to Aaliyah I pull her close and kiss the top of her head and tell her goodnight. Once I see her eyes close and hear her soft breaths I slowly shut my eyes and let sleep take over me.

The Next Day**************

Waking up I roll over and don't feel anyone beside me and I jump up and look around the room. Growling slightly I start to get really angry until I hear the shower running. Laying back on the bed I try to clam down and breath. Then the bathroom door opened and Aaliyah walks in the room and kisses m e and says " morning sleepy head.. having a nice sleep". Telling her that I thought she was missing and how I was about to go all ape shit on someone. Laughing she climbs into the bed and leans down and told me that " she wasn't going anywhere and that I have nothing to worry about". Smiling to myself I kiss her and then I ask why is she dressed so early on a Saturday. She told me that her and the girls were gonna go out to day maybe to the mall or something. Saying bye to her I get u[p and get dressed myself and head down stairs to see the house clean spot less and the guys just laying around on the sofas. Telling that we should do something because the girls aren't here and there is nothing to do. The guys looked at each other than Matt said why don't we each plan to take our mates out on a date. Thinking back to me and Aaliyah's last date I realize that he is right that we haven't took our mates on really any single dates. So telling the guys that we are going shopping just as well as the girls are and then we are gong to take our mates out. We all go and get in our cars and head out to the mall and I tell the guys to make sure that the girls don't see them. Walking into the mall I head straight into H&M's and walk over to the guys section and look at the clothes. Finding a nice black button up shirt and some white jeans and some good dress shoes. Heading to the cashier but I get side tracked when I see this Lovely long dress that was white at the top and black at the bottom. Thinking if my beautiful mate in that dress and I decide to buy it for her. Paying for the items I walk over to DSW's and look for some heels that would go with the dress. After looking for about 15 minutes I finally find some nice black and white heels that are exactly in Aaliyah's sizes. Getting the heels I walk out the store and hear my phone go off, picking it up I look to see that it was a text form Jace telling me to meet them in the food court when I was done. Locking my phone I walk over to the food court and see the guys sitting eating and talking. Grabbing something to eat, I walk over to them and tell them that we need to head back to the house before the girls do because we still need to find where we all are taking our mates. Then I remember that Ryan was here and we were all talking about our mates and he won't accept his. Looking up I see the hurt in his eyes again but he covers it back up. Sighing I think of ways to get him and Anna together. Finally I mind link the rest of the guys because he isn't a part of the pack yet so he can't hear us I tell them to make sure that everyone goes out and make sure that Anna and Ryan are the only ones home tonight.

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