Faith Chapter 6

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(Aaron POV)

Smelling my mate sent I pick up my paste and turn the corner and saw....
I saw some boy pushed up on my mate. Without thinking my wolf took control and ran up and tossed the guy off of Aaliyah. Grabbing him by the neck I punched him repeatedly . My wolf was so anger that this guy was touching what's mine that he didn't stop when Aaliyah called out my name. Squeezing the guys neck tighter I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I tensed up then I felt the sparks and knew who it was. It was my mate. Turning around I drop the boy and he crawled to the wall trying to get his breath under control. Hugging Aaliyah she hugged me tighter smiling I thought she started warming up to me. Walking back I  to the girls  she kissed my cheek. Smiling and my wolf Cole howling in happiness I pulled her closer and deepend the kiss. Pulling back she walked towards the door to leave. Thinking of that guy touching my mate made me mad all over again. I had to go for a run before I go home. So walking out of the mall I head towards the woods and shift into my all black wolf and take off running. Finally feeling as I got my anger out I head back to where my clothes were and changing back and heading to my car. Drving home I stop at Starbucks and grab a coffee and finally making it home.I had to get ready for a dinner to welcome some new pack members. We are going to join the packs because my dad is getting sick so he invited the Black Moon Pack over to be introduced.

Entering the house my beta Jace tells me that the members are on they way. Going up stairs I hop in the shower and get dress for dinner.Hoping out I put on a white shirt and black Jean and my jordan's. Walking down stair I say "hello welcome to the Black Moon Pack.Looking up I saw......
Saw what?????

Sorry about this really short chapter

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