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AN : this story is based on obx and has some of the same events but some of the timeline is definitely not the same the same, especially characters actions and behavior so please keep that in mind while reading, hope you enjoy!


Obsessive Love - Chapter 1 <3

The sound of wind ripped through the trees as the air tore into everything in its path. I was jolted awake as the door to the chateau slammed open. To the side of me, the boy with sandy blonde hair was fast asleep, the sound of the storm outside seemed oblivious to him.
Slowly standing up, I turn my phone flash on and make my way out of the small room. I can feel mu heart racing as the nerves build up, clenching my jaw I slowly moves towards the front of the worn down house, hearing shuffling coming from the porch I hesitatingly move forwards before slamming into the back that belonged to the tall brunette boy.

"You fucking ass!" I shout as I rams my hands into John B's stomach, causing him to stumble back. "Watch where you're going Ali jeez." He says as he runs his hand through his wet hair. I look at his hair then narrow my eyes while observing the towel wrapped around his waist. "Were you surfing? During a hurricane?" I question.

The door swings open once more and they both turn their heads as Pope walks into the room, "Oh hey." He says as he looks at the two brunettes standing in the doorway.
"You're both idiots." I huff as I reach up to fix my ponytail.
"We saw a Grady white while we were out there, didn't look good for them." Pope says as he clicks his tongue.

"Who would be stupid enough to go out on the water during a storm like that?" I pause as I looks at the two boys, "Oh wait." I let out a small laugh as John B pushes me back by the shoulder.

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and turn my head as my boyfriend stands next to me with barely a thought behind his blue eyes.
"Why the hell did no one wake me up?" He asks as he gestures to the wet surfboards leaning on the wall. "Cause we thought you guys would be too busy fucking." John B shrugs

"Welp, glad you guys aren't dead, i'm going back to bed." I start walking back to the bedroom, "Can i at least have my bed back??" John B calls out after me.
"No." I shout before flipping him off and shutting the door.

Turning my back I watch as JJ stirs in his sleep. We had been friends since the beginning of high school, though we didn't start dating until this past winter. My Mom wasn't the fondest of my relationship with him so I tried to keep it on the low. JJ and I were the same when it came to partying, which is exactly how we met.

A few years back, my best friend Ash and I snuck into a pogue party, we had never hung around pogues before so we weren't sure what to expect but let's just say, I loved it. Ash prefers being around kooks but I had a blast drinking with all of these people that i used to see as enemies.
JJ caught my eye pretty quickly as he was the life of the party. At one point I had drank so much that I ended up getting onto a stool, let's just say the stool wasn't very stable and I ended up face planting on the ground. A few seconds after I felt someone standing over me, It was JJ. He held his hand out to me and gave me a charming smile as I took his hand, "Finally someone who's on my level." He laughed as he helped me up, and ever since that moment we've been inseparable.

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now