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Obsessive Love ~ Chapter 8 <3
Alia Knight

"We're really still going to the gym?" I groan as we pull into the parking lot. It was just me, Topper, and Kelce now. "And you also left your friend back there by the way." I say as I look at Topper. "Unless...I'm counting wrong." I squint as I point between the three of us. "Nope, you definitely left Rafe." I sigh as I sit back and scroll through my phone.
"Was probably better for our well being." Topper says, "And the cars." Kelce scoffs and I laugh as they start getting out of the car.

I've never been one for going to the gym. I prefer to workout in the safety of my own home without 50 year old men coming up to me every five minutes to ask if I need help.
"Al's I can take you home if you want." Topper says as we walk into the gym. "Nah it's fine, I've been cooped up in my room for the past few days, I should be out." I say with a smile and he purses his lips together. "If you say so." He tosses his arm around me as we walk further into the building.

I split ways with Topper and Kelce and head towards the spa. Whenever I got dragged into going to the gym with them, this was my place.
I skipped down the hall to the locker room. I tossed my hair into a ponytail and slipped off my sundress revealing a red bikini. I tiptoed into the hallway and smacked into a brick wall. If a brick wall wore clothes and smelled like mahogany.
I look up and i'm met with two pairs of stone cold blue eyes.

"Rafe." I say as I look at him. He nods and then looks down at me and frowns. "You're going to workout in a bikini?" He asks as he cocks his head. "No-" I start to say but he opens the locker room door before I could finish. He points inside the room as I wrinkle my nose, "Um-" I start to say but he quietly murmurs something under his breath and then rubs his chin. "Go get changed, i'm taking you home." He says as I step inside the locker room. Before I could protest, the door was already swinging shut.

I tilt my head to the side and frown, having absolutely no idea what that was all about. I walk over to my stuff and pull my dress back on. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder before pulling the door open. Rafe was leaning against the wall across the hall when I walked out of the locker room. He swiftly moved his eyes across my body before turning and walking the opposite direction. I groan and follow after him. "Why are you bringing me home?" I ask as I practically run to keep up with him.

"Topper asked me too." He replies as he opens the door and stands by, still not looking at me.
I sigh and walk out the door, Rafe following shortly behind me. He starts walking towards Toppers car and then continues right on past it, towards a motorcycle. "Uh uh, noooo thank you." I state as I cross my arms over my chest.
"Relax princess, we're five minutes from your house, you'll survive." He scoffs as he tosses me his helmet.

He climbs on the bike and when I don't move he starts tapping on the handles. "I'm not gonna wait all day Knight." He sighs as he revs the engine. I huff and put the helmet on. I climb onto the back of the bike and adjust the helmet. I feel his arms bringing mine around his waist, I raise my eyebrow and remove my hands from his waist. He chuckles and looks back at me, "You're not gonna make it home in one piece if you don't hold on." He commented and I sighed and placed my arms around his waist. I see a slight smile tugging at his lips as he turns his head back towards the front and we take off.


"ALIA! DOOR!" My mother shouts from the bottom of the stairs. "She's literally in front of the door and she can't just open it?" I mumble and Ash laughs. "She might as well just hire someone to open the door, considering you both argue about who's getting it every single day."
I roll over and climb out of bed, "Yeah well, i'm not lazy so I still do it."
I run down the stairs and pull the door open, frowning as I'm met with the gazes of John B, Pope, and Kiara. "Hi...guys?" My voice faltered when I say JJ standing behind them.
"No." I sigh as I slam the door in their faces.

I run back upstairs and leap back into bed, almost taking Ash out in the process. "Who was it?" She asks and I twirl my hair around my finger as I answer, "John B, Kie, Pope, Oh and the man of the hour, JJ." I groan and she inhales through her teeth, "And...?" She asks.
I sit up and stare at her, "And, I slammed the door in their faces." I state and Ash sits up as well. "We're still friends with the rest of them, and my sister will beat my ass if she finds out I didn't even try to get you out there." She suggests as she gets up from my bed and walks towards my door. "Let's just see what they want."

Before I could reply she had already bounced out of the room. I love Ash but sometimes, her 'everything is perfect and life is lovely' attitude gets a little tiring. I purse my lips as I walk down the stairs, I can already hear Ash and Kie laughing about something. I gaze at JJ who looked like a sad little puppy who'd just been stomped on. His gaze met mine and he gives me a small smile. I laugh to myself and mock his pathetic excuse of a smile before turning towards the rest of the group. "So, y'all are just here to stand outside my house while JJ hides behind you guys?" I blink as I gnaw on the inside of my cheek.

"Look Ali, we just wanna know why you've been avoiding us." Kiara questioned. "Well maybe, I wouldn't have to avoid you if your little friend here wasn't such a fatuous asshole." I snap and I feel Ash's hand rest on my shoulder.
"I think you're overreacting just a little bit." Kiara coaxed and I heard Ash make an exasperated grunt. "He fucking hits me and you think i'm overreacting??" I practically growl as the last word comes out.

The shocked look on all of their faces made me guess that JJ had completely bullshitted his way out of another situation. It was silent for a few minutes as my gaze darted back and forth between the four pogues standing on my doorstep. Finally someone speaks up to break the silence, "JJ wouldn't." Kiara shakes her head, completely avoiding eye contact with me even though she'd have to be blind to not see me gawking at her. "Excuse me?" I laugh, not sure what to make of this.
"Kie's right, you told me he called you a slut and that it wasn't a big deal." John B adds and my eyes dart from Kiara's to his within seconds.

I start laughing hysterically, the kind of laugh you get when you have to clutch over and grab your stomach because it hurts so much.
"Yeah, Totally. 'JJ wouldn't do that,' No of course he wouldn't, I'm just making this all up because I can." I scoff and continue laughing. I'm not sure why I was laughing. Maybe it was because I was in such disbelief that my friends would assume i'm lying, or maybe it's because i'm sick and tired of people telling me that i'm lying. Everyone said I was lying about my mom, now they think i'm lying about JJ. Great.

"You know I didn't fucking touch you Ali." The sound of JJ's voice ends my fit of laughter. I press my lips together and smile as I turn towards him. "If you ever come to my house again, I will fucking shoot you. And don't think I won't because you know that my Dad was obsessed with guns, and he sure as hell taught me how to shoot." I snarl. When he doesn't take that as an immediate opportunity to leave, I begin to lose it. "Was I not fucking clear enough?! Get. Your. Pogue. Ass. Off. My. Fucking. Property." I tap my fingers on the railing, waiting for them to finally leave.

"Fine. I don't want to be with a fucking coke head anyways." He sneers as he begins walking away.
"Alright that's it." I mutter as I lunge at him, immediately getting grabbed by Pope and John B. JJ on the other hand was stopped by a certain blue eyed kook. "Everything all right Knight?" Rafe calls out as he stalks towards us. He takes one look at John B and Pope and I watch as his hands begin to curl into fists. "You have 3 seconds to get your hands off her before I knock all your fucking teeth out." He demanded as he walked even closer to us.

I feel the pressure on my arms and waist loosen and I push past them and storm back inside my house, slamming the door behind me.

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now