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Obsessive love ~ chapter 2 <3

• Alia Knight

I knew I had to be up early the next morning, I was supposed to be having a breakfast with my family and a few other kook families. I sometimes felt as if I were two different people, racing from one event to another, going from swim wear to formal. Everyday was something new, I liked hanging out with the pogues, I didn't have to worry about anything when I was with them, it was like an escape from reality, even though I knew I eventually wouldn't be able to have the freedom to run off whenever I pleased anymore.
The next morning I was up at the crack of dawn, I grabbed my clothes and stuffed them in my bag before planting a small kiss on jj's forehead. I shut the door behind myself as quiet as possible, walking onto the porch where John B was passed out on the couch.
Making my way to the car I looked out on the horizon, the sky was painted with reds and oranges as the water rested silently on the surface. Tree's had fallen due to the storm, I stepped over the loose branches as I pulled open the car door.

Driving back to my neighborhood was a mess, there were loads of trucks littering the road, men with large gloves on were loading branches into the backs of them.
Pulling into my driveway, I push the door open and step out of the car, the warm breeze blew through my dark hair. I grew up privileged, as i lived in the figure eight in a house that definitely should have more than two people living in it. If I wanted too I could get off just fine without ever having to work.
Everything was laid out for me, I was top of my class, expected to go to an ivy league school, and then take over my mothers company.

That's what I was supposed to want, I actually wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my future, but the idea of going through all these years of school just to end up with a job that required me to fill out a shit ton of paperwork, didn't seem like it was all that.
"Mom?" I shouted as I walked into the house, after taking off my shoes I walked towards the kitchen where I found my mom standing by ordering the group of servers that were flooding our kitchen.

I groaned at the sight of all the men and women wearing black and white, making them look like a herd of penguins. My mother was plenty capable of cooking herself, but she always felt the need to hire other people to do it for them. She hadn't made a home cooked meal since her dad had passed when she was 14.
My mom looked up from her clipboard, "Alia sweetie can you come here for a second?" She asked as she motioned for me to follow.

Following after my mother , we make our way past all of the cooks and servers into the great room. "Did you have a good time with Ashlyn last night?" My mom asked. Shit. My mom doesn't approve of my relationship with the pogues, she thinks they're all lowlifes and that her daughter shouldn't associate herself with them. She would probably have a heart attack if she knew her daughter was dating one of them. "Yeah, we had a good time." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh did you? Because I just got a call from her mother telling me how excited she was to see you today since you haven't been over in a while." She lifts an eyebrow as she looks at me, meanwhile I was picking at my nails, trying to avoid eye contact. "Were you hanging out with them again?" She asked as she scrunched her nose.
"Yeah actually I was." I sigh as I looks back towards her mom.
"I don't get why you hate them so much, you haven't even taken the chance to try and get to know any of them, you meet all my others friends, there's no difference with them."

"Alia there is a huge difference and you know it, go get yourself cleaned up, breakfast is in half an hour." My mom says, her eyes wandering back to her clipboard.
"You're not even going to acknowledge-" I start, "Go get yourself cleaned up." My mom repeats, before I could get another word out the older women had already walked away.

Pushing past the waiters, I made my way up the large marble staircase. The foyer had two staircases leading up and meeting at the second floor. I had always found that extremely unnecessary, when I was little I used to like to pick a different way each time I traveled up or down, but that childish play was long gone by the time I realized that not many good things come out of life and you might as well just expect disappointment.

Entering the dark room, I switched on the light switch and watched as the chandelier hanging above my bed lit the room up with a bright white color. Moving towards my closet I started sifting through the rows of clothes hanging up. After a few minutes of looking, I found a matching set of a white top with flowy sleeves, and a white mini skirt. I hated all these small gatherings as my mother called them. They were just a way for kooks to come together for a nice afternoon of wine and bragging about their kids accomplishments.

After getting changed, I placed a small yellow bow on the back of my head and studied myself in the mirror.
"Damn i always forget how bright your room is." A familiar voice says from behind me. Turning around I came face to face with her best friend since grade school. "Nice to see you too." I scoff as the blonde girl flops down on the large white bed.
"You know you can get a white with a yellow tint." Ashlyn starts saying as she stares at the ceiling. "Ash, you gotta stop coming into my room just to complain about my lighting choices."

"That is actually not the reason i'm here, your lover boy was planning on coming over here later to surprise you, I told him it was a bad idea but he's being very persistent about it." Ash sighs as she sits up. "You've gotta be shitting me." I groan as I walk over to my desk to grab my phone, "I'm gonna call him and tell him that he can't come."

"NO." Ash shouts causing me to jump,
"Jesus, calm down." I groan.
"If you tell him not to come then he'll know i told you, which means that he's going to try to murder me." She gasps frantically.
"What's he gonna do shoot you?" I joke as I look back down at my phone.
When I didn't hear a response from my friend, I look up at the girl who had suddenly gone quiet. "Are you ok?" I ask and Ash nods with a small smile, "Yeah."

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now