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Obsessive Love ~ Chapter 10 <3
Alia Knight

"What do you mean you didn't tell him to look after me?" I ask and he bites his lip, "I mean, I didn't tell him to do anything, the day he came to pick you up from the gym, that was all him." He shrugged, "I just assumed you asked him too." He replies sluggishly. "No he told me that you wanted him to take me home." I reply and he clicks his tongue, "Nope."

"I need a drink." I groan as I move past Topper. I make my way into the kitchen and grab a bottle of svedka off the island. I twist the lid off and take a few good gulps before pouring more of the clear liquid into a cup, I add a bit of cranberry juice from the fridge and begin stirring.
"Alia right?" A male voice from behind me rings out. I turn my head, mid sip and smile. I come face to face with a tall brunette. "Yeah." I say as I look at him, trying to figure out who the fuck this guy was. "It's Ryan." He beamed. I wrinkle my nose and scratch my temple. "Ryan...Uh." I desperately try to remember who he was since he clearly knew me.

He lets out a pronounced sigh, "We've gone to school together since preschool, you're in my history and math class, every friday you wear these two gold bracelets that you never wear any other day, You go to the bathroom halfway through history every class and don't return for 30 more minutes." Yikes. Stalker much. I tilt my head and look at him, "Ohhh yeah Ryan!" I say with a smile and he shakes his head as he looks at me. "You don't have any idea who I am, do you?" He asks. I can feel my face redden and I shake my head, "Not a single clue." I admit.

"It's fine." He says, he eyes the drink in my hand and I look down at it. "There's more over there if you want." I offer and he nods.
Feeling bad for not recognizing someone Id been going to school with for over 10 years, I decide to get the drink for him. I set my cup down and grab a new one before pouring more vodka and juice into the cup. I turn back to him and hand it to him with a smile. "Thank you." He grinned as he took a sip of the drink. I grab my cup and cheers with him, taking a sip of my drink, I definitely notice the alcohol kicking in.
"I wanna dance." I insist. I grab his hand and lead him towards the living room. He chuckles as he sets his cup down and follows after me.


I watch carefully as Ali hurries her way into the kitchen, leaving her purse behind on the counter. When she was out of sight, I quickly grabbed her purse and pulled the bag of coke out, slipping it into my pocket, I put her bag back and continued on my way.
I could hear her excited squealing from the kitchen. I started to make my way over there before Topper decided to he just had to talk to me at that very moment. "What." I mutter, and he shakes his head. "You gotta back off man." He exhaled and I chuckle, "Back off what." I yawn as I try to look past his ginormous head. "Alia you idiot." He grumbles.

"I'm not doing anything." I shrug and he raises a brow, "You follow her around everywhere and tell her that i'm the one making you do it." He squints at me as I pat him on the shoulder and brush past him.
Fuck no. I could recognize that migraine inducing screech from a mile away. "Lilah." I press my lips together firmly as she makes her way bouncing towards me. She frowns at the phone in my hand and looks up at me. "You said your phone was broken." She questions and I look down at my phone which turns on as soon as I touch it. "It is." I explain, and she pouts.
"No. It's. Not." She grabs my phone and starts scrolling through it. I grab it back from her and continue moving through the crowd.

"You never text me anymore." She complains as she tags along beside me. "I never texted you at all in the first place." I sigh as I make my way into the living room where Alia was dancing on top of a table, surrounded by a group of extremely drunk men. "Why are you so mean to me?" Lilah whines, but I didn't hear her. I could feel my jaw tightening and my heart rate picking up as I watch Alia. My eyes stayed glued on her as I watched her start to slow down, she was touching her hand to her head and blinking slowly, looking around almost like she was in awe but also in fear.

I slowly start walking towards her, ignoring Lilah who continued to blab about who knows what. Alia looked confused as she tried to reach out for something in front of her, except there was absolutely nothing in front of her. I watch as her eyes begin rolling to the back of her head and I quicken my pace, shoving the gaggle of guys who had gathered around her. Her eyes have no completely closed as she stumbled forward and off the table.

I opened my arms out for her and caught her by the back as she mumbled something. "Lia?" I softly shake her head, but her eyes remain closed.
I set her down on the couch and check her pulse, luckily she still had one but it was beating at rapid rates. I turn towards Lilah who had her arms crossed and was glaring at Alia. "Go get Ashely." I say as I look back to Alia and push the hair out of her face. "Why do you want to help her? She's a bitch." Lilah scoffs.
"I wasn't fucking asking. Go get Ashely." I demand and she huffs before walking away.

By the time Lilah brought Ash back, Topper had already cleared the house out. "What the fuck happened??" Ash runs over and kneels down next to Alia. Alia mumbles something and we all look at each other. "What Al's?" Topper asks and she mumbles again.
"She got roofied." I exhale as Ash try's to pick her head up. "She's not just extremely drunk?" Ash asks and I shake my head, "No."

I carry her out to the car about 20 minutes later. She wakes up again and looks around, her eyes still bulging. "I'm taking you home ok?" I ask and fear spreads across her face. She immediately shakes her head, "Don't." She gasps, "If my mom sees me like this she's going to send me back to rehab." She cries as her eyes close once more.
Back to rehab? I question in my head, but decide that there were more important things to worry about right now. "Ash's house?" I ask but she shakes her head. "Mine?" I question and she nods.

I gently set her down in the back seat and she stretches out across the seat. Ash climbs in the drivers seat and starts the engine. I look towards the back seat where Alia was snoozing somewhat peacefully. "Does she use coke a lot?" I question and Ash bites her lip, "Sometimes." She answers in a monotone voice and then focuses her eyes back to the road. Which I took as a clear indication not to push any further on this question.

When the car pulls into my driveway, I get out of the car and open the back door. "Am I not taking her home?" Ash questions as I slowly pick her up out of the car. "No." I reply before shutting the door with my foot and walking towards my house. When I get inside, Sarah was sitting at the counter. She looks up when I get inside and immediately stands up. "Is that Ali?" She asks and I nod. "What the fuck did you do to her?!" She yells as she checks Ali's pulse.
"I didn't do anything." I insist and she exhales, "Do you need me to take her home?" She asks and I shake my head. "She's staying here tonight."

I carry her up the stairs as Sarah runs into her room to grab some clothes for Alia to change into. I enter my room and gently set her down on the bed. She groaned and rolled over while burying her face into one of my pillows. I go into the bathroom and grab a glass of water, returning into the room, I gently tap her shoulder. "Lia?" I whisper and she mumbles as she turns over to face me. "Drink this." I say as I try to place her hand on the grass. She lets out a grunt and her hand flaps back down on the bed.

"Alia." I exhale as I gently sit her up in bed and x place the cup under her lips. She groans once more and takes a small sip. She closes her eyes again and I put the cup back under her mouth. "More Lia." I insist and she begins to protest but I force the glass further into her mouth and she eventually takes a few more sips.
My door creaks open and I look up to see Sarah's head popping in the room. "I grabbed a pair of shorts for her." She says as she hands them to me.

I grab a shirt from my drawer and step out of the room as Sarah begins to change her. I walk back into the room a few minutes later, her hair had been tucked into a loose bun and she was quietly breathing, her chest moving up and down with each breath. I sit down on the bed next to her and pull the blankets up to cover her body. "Get some rest." I whisper, before shutting off the lights and heading downstairs.

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now