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Obsessive love ~ chapter 4 <3

• Alia Knight

"No." I say, not budging from my spot as Topper and Kelce both tug on my arm. "I'm not spending the day with Rafe and his girlfriend, especially after this morning." I groan. Being friends with Topper and Kelce usually means I have to hang around Rafe, but his girlfriend's usually too busy doing her hair to tag along.

"Cmon she'll be too busy macking on Rafe to even bother you, plus we all decided we want you there, and Ash will kill you if you don't go." Topper smiles as he continues tugging on my arm. "She'll also kill us." Kelce mumbles under his breath.
"Sorry guys." I sigh as I pull my arm out of their grasps, "I will be spending the day with my lovely boyfriend." I smile as I stand up.

"Gross." Topper fake gags and Kelce grimaces, "How long are you guys gonna keep that going for? I mean cmon Ali, your family's status and your insanely hot body makes you wanted by pretty much every guy in the obx." He says as Topper nods in agreement.
"Im flattered." I say sarcastically as I stand up and start walking back towards my house.

"And exactly where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice calls out from behind me. I stop in my tracks and groan. "So close." I mutter before turning around and plastering a fake smile on my face. "To go get my bikini." I sigh and she nods with a triumphant smile.
"What the fuck." Topper groans, "We've been trying to get her to come for 30 minutes."

"Yes but i'm me so I get what I want." Ash says and I let out a laugh knowing that was 100% true.

20 minutes later, I walk out of the house in a white bikini, matched with white sunglasses and a gold necklace with a matching bracelet. "Ok i'm ready." I announce to my friends who looked bored out of their minds sitting on my front lawn. 
"Girls take so long to get ready." Topper says as we all start walking to the car, "Only because we actually care about how we look." Ash points out.
"Unlike you guys." I laugh as I climb into the car.

"Hey, this shirt makes me look good." Topper says as he looks down at his outfit. "A shirt can't fix miracles Top." I sigh. "Shut up." He laughs as he punches me in the shoulder. We start driving and 10 minutes later arrive at the dock, Rafe and Lilah were already standing.
"Just a warning, she says one word to me, she's going in the water." I say and Ash nods, "Seems fair to me.

We start walking down the dock to meet up with Rafe and Lilah. I push my sunglasses down over my eyes as we approach them. "You guys ready?" Kelce asks and we all nod before getting into the boat.

Music was blasting, drinks were being poured, everyone was having a good time. Especially me who had already drank enough for 5 people.
I lay back on the towel i had placed on the front of the boat, basking in the sun as I sipped on a concoction of vodka and juice. I heard someone coming up from behind me and raised my sunglasses onto my head. "You know, you don't have to be so stuck up all the time." The annoying sound of Lilahs voice rings out from behind me.

I roll my eyes before placing the glasses back over my eyes and shutting them once more. "What, do I not make your list of people that are cool enough to talk to you?" She asks and I sigh once more, "Go away Lilah, Your big ass head is blocking the sun."

"You think you're so much better than everyone else, you run around the obx in your little bikini with your little friends and act like you own the place. Well news flash sweetie, the only reason guys like you so much is because you put out easily, you're washed up Alia, we've all seen those pictures I mean cmon you rea-" Before she could say another word I was on my feet and shoving her as hard as I could. Her body flew off the boat and into the water and I let out a laugh, "Who's washed up now?" I smirk.

I watch as Lilah scolds Rafe for not helping her, he looks bored by the conversation and cranks the radio up to max volume before leaning back and closing his eyes.
We arrive at a small beach that we sometimes hangout at and Topper tosses the anchor in.

"Yo guys." Kelce calls out, I look over at him as I hop off the boat into the shallow water. "What?" I ask and he motions to the two boys running, followed by two cops. I squint my eyes and recognize the boys as JJ and Pope. "Shit." I mutter and I start running after them.
"ALIA!" Kelce shouts as he follows me.

I finally catch up to the two when they reluctantly stopped running after me calling their names at least 20 times. "Wanna explain?" I ask and JJ shakes his head, "No not really." He says, his expression changes from guilty to pissed off as he looks behind me. "Why do you gotta hang out with these apes all the time."

I turn around to see Kelce and Topper walking up to us, "Well well well, if it isn't just the two guys I wanted to see." Topper chuckles as he stops next to me. "Look we don't wanna fight." Pope says as he puts his hands up. "No need too." Kelce says, and I look at them with a confused expression.
"Can someone tell me what's going on??" I ask, getting annoyed by all the secrecy.
Toppers eyes move past the boys to two police officers slowly walking up behind them. "You turned my boyfriend into the cops??" I shout as I shove him.

"It's only fair, he did sink my boat after all." Topper says, his expression hard as he looks at Pope who gulps. "You what?" I ask and JJ shrugs, "Eye for an Eye, now I love you but we gotta go." He says as he turns his head slightly, notifying the cops that they know they were there. He takes off sprinting past me and Pope follows him instantly. "JJ!" I call out after him but he was already long gone as the two cops take off running after them.

"They're the ones that did that?" I ask and both the boys nod. "Why did JJ and Pope just run past us with cops on their asses?" Ash asks as she comes up from behind us. "Ask them." I mutter as I walk away from the group.
"One, Two-" I hear Topper saying from behind me, I pause in my footsteps when I see Rafe and Lilah sitting on the sand in front of me practically ripping eachothers faces off with their lips.
"On a second note, I'll stay with you guys."

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicWhere stories live. Discover now