Green eyes

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"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER I AM SO GOING TO KILL YOU" shouted the red head with amber fire blazing in her emerald eyes. 

"I'm sorry I didn't know" the attacked boy said

Hermione played back wha the redhead had said. Then it occurred to her that 'James fleamont Potter' is none other than Harry's Father. He had said so himself. So if that was Harry's father then the long black haired boy must be Sirius, then the sandy haired boy must be Remus and the read head must be lily Potter (or Evans in that time) the blonde one Hermione didn't know. As she was thinking the past time travellers, as Hermione called them, had started to get mad at James. Hermione realised that she should step in. 

"Okay so all you can hand me your wands, no harm done, and then stop fighting and follow me alright?" Said Hermione Calmly 

"But who are you?" Asked Young Sirius 

"Look you can trust me and I won't do anything. I promise and I will also need your wands okay? It's not to hurt you but there is a serious problem here" said Hermione 

"More like a Sirius problem" said Sirius winking at Hermione while getting a smack on the back of his head by Marlene as Hermione rolled her eyes 

"Just hand me your wands" she said for the third time

"Right hear what she said boys? Respect Females. Now come on" said the blonde girl going over to Hermione and handing her her wand. The others also did the same. Hermione thought that if they really were the past timetravellers then Harry could finally meet his parents at last!

Hermione looked at Albus who looked at her then they both started walking. Hermione felt as though she had a strong connection with Albus for some reason. As though she was his aunt. She had time to dwell on that later. The others behind them followed.

Sirius Black (past)'s POV:

The pretty brunette had and some black haired kid that looked like James had started to lead us into somewhere else. As I looked around, the walls were covered with dust and gave a dark, eerie glow. There was a sudden change of atmosphere from gryffindor common room as this reminded me of stupid death eaters and blood purity. I was reminded of something and it felt as though I had been there before. Then the brunette and the black hair opened the door and we all went inside. There were tons of other people there who were sitting and it looked as though they didn't know each other but they still sat there. The brunette said that we were from the past. There were a few groans dorm people who were on the other side of the long dining table.

"  How do you know Hermione  you don't really know do you ?" Said a red head girl 

The brunette said "I've checked and they really are"

"Oh for goodness sake how many people are there going to be?" Cried  a red head boy

" right so everybody sit down we're going to do an introduction of everybody here." Said the brunette 

Harry's POV

 So we have these past people that have Hermione  claims they are and then we have these future people that they claim they are from the future that's great because we have so many people in the house We have no clue who they are. They looked a bit familiar to me though like the black haired boy looked like me and the red head had the same eyes as me. But then  Hermione said we should introduce each other to ourselves to each other. I have half a mind that they might all be death eaters but there is something familiar about them...

  "Okay so the past can go first and intoduce themselves" Hermione said

"Right so I am Marlene McKinnon and that is James Potter and then Sirius  black and  that's Remus Lupin and that is Lily Evans" said the blonde one called Marlene

 There was a loud noise as  One broke out talking to others next to them there were 'oh look remember this moony'and then' hey but I am James' and 'no way that can't be them' and then 'is it really you guys '

I stared at them. There was no way  could be my parents and them. Everyone from the present and future looked at me Remus and Sirius and I didn't know what to do. 

"Are you really them?" I stepped forward and asked

"Well yes I don't really see any other handsome Sirius blacks around" sad past Sirius

"Ahem well what about me huh?" Said Sirius present as Remus present face palmed.

 "Woah Padfoot is that really you older version no way" cried My dad. Dad. It was strange hearing that though at this time there wasn't any worth in calling him that as he wasn't.

"Woah! Wicked huh?" Said Sirius

 "Right so you guys are supposedly  The future of us am I right?"

"Yes but time is already messed up so it's okay if you reveal yourself" said Ginny

 "Hey so how about we introduce ourselves like the present self to the past and the future you know" said Ron

"Ok that's fine then. I'm Hermione Granger"

"Ron Weasley" 

"Ginny Weasley"

"Fred and George Weasley" chorused the twins 

"Bill Weasley" 

"Arthur Weasley" 

"Molly Weasley"

"Sirius Black present of course"

"Remus Lupin"



"Harry Potter" I said finishing off

"Your my son?" Asked James

"Definitely not. It was a coincidence that I have that last name" I said trying to diffuse the tension within me

"Ha very funny" he replied

There was a moment of conversations as the past people looked at all that was there. Of course Sirius and Remus were looking at their own future selves but James was looking at Harry and slowly realising that he was his son. However the eyes looked familiar to him but he couldn't think where...

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