Wait what? -Lupins

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"Okay so Now that we know who the past people are it's time for the next lot of time travellers to introduce themselves" said Hermione commandingly 

"Wait there were other people?" Said Sirius

"Wow Sherlock I never knew" said Marlene sarcastically "obviously who are these people who are still ther huh?"

"Right so the oldest can start first then" answered Hermione rolling her eyes at them

"Okay so we can all go the oldest order okay? I'll start" said the boy with blue hair

" My name is Teddy and I'm in Hufflepuff" said Teddy

"Full name please Teddy" said Remus

Teddy looked at him. Then his gazed flickered to Tonks. And then looked at the ground and said "Edward Remus Lupin"

There was a moment of silence. The two remus' in the room were shocked. 

"So y-you are my s-son?" Present Remus asked

"Er yeah" Teddy replied

"Are you a-a" he stopped. He couldn't bring himself to say it

"No.  I am not." Teddy said firmly

Remus breathed a sign of relief. That was one of the things he was most anxious about I felt he had a child

"So who's the mother?" Asked present Sirius all business-like

"Oh gosh. He's going to start. And add to that them..." sighed remus

"Should I show you? Asked a grinning Teddy

Before they could reply however, Teddy's hair had gone a bright shade of bubblegum pink. Everyone in the room realised who it was and slowly gazed over at her, who had gone a bright shade of red. 

"He said he's going to show us. His hair has just gone pink." Asked a oblivious Ron

"Ron! Do you not know who it is!" Exclaimed Hermione

"I don-OH" his eyes went wide as he came to the truth.

"Honestly" Hermione muttered.

"I-I am I your mother?" Asked Tonks

"Yes you are." Teddy had a glint in his eyes and smiled 

"I can't believe it! I'm a mother! Am I a good one? Aren't I really clumsy? I hope I didn't drop you. Did you inherit my metamorphosis skills? And Remus-" her face immediately turned red

"So. It's true guys. Remus gets someone in the future. And it's my small cousin." Said past Sirius 

"Yep that's correct" agreed future Sirius

"Wow" Remus breathed

"Haha moony got a girlfriend!" Teased James

"Just because you can't get a girlfriend it dosent mean you can tease others. Stop it James." Snapped lily

"She said James." Said Sirius

"SHE LIKES HIM" shouted Marlene

"Of course" muttered Harry rolling his eyes

"Exactly even he sees it" said Sirius

Harry blinked at them ten shook his head. Present Sirius was trying not to laugh. Present and past Remus were still looking dazed.

"Right so I think we should move on before they all explode. Vic you next" said Teddy looking at the pretty blonde girl.

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