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Sophia's POV

" Hey!!!!! Sophia you are back , I am so happy" Lily jumped out of her bed as she saw me entering the room

" Yeah I am finally back " I said while dragging my bag inside the room and then we shared a long bestie hug ....

" Wait , I am upset with you " she said while suddenly breaking the hug

" Why ??" I asked her

" You didn't replied my single message ?? And you think I won't be upset with you .... Now you have to tell me why you went at Sebastian's home " she said while folding her near her chest and it seems she won't leave me until I say her the truth

" May I come in " Sebastian's voice suddenly boomed from behind ... He stood there at the door with my other bags

" Ohh yeahh please " I said and guided him to keep my bags near the study table

" Thank you so much " I said and we shared a side hug and then our attention shifted to Lily who was all standing in shock to see us like this

" Umm.. I can explain you this " I said

" Please , go ahead " she said

" Wait, Lily I will tell you everything but you need to promise you won't tell it to anyone , not even your parents coz you know your parents don't like my family " Sebastian said while coming forward and standing in between me and Lily

" Fine , say " Lily said

" Actually my mom is suffering from nephritis and she has very less time with her , I had some work to do and so I requested sophia to come at my place and take care of her until I come " he informed

" Oh my god , I am really very sorry " I apologised

" It's okay , it is Destiny we can't do anything " he said and he sounded as if he has lost all his hopes

" I guess I should leave now , call me if you need anything " he said and left the room ....
I then closed the door and turned back to lily and breathed out , relaxing myself and digesting every single thing happened with me in this four days !!!

Sebastian's POV

After dropping sophia at her room I went to 'blue bird publishing house ' as I said to her it was my friend's father's company ....
" Excuse me , may I meet to Mr. Christian Francis ?" I asked as i stopped at company's reception

" Sorry sir , but right now sir do not prefer to meet anyone until it's urgent as it's their rest time " the lady on the reception informed

" please just call him and tell that Sebastian is here "

" Okay sir " she agreed and instantly started dialing numbers on her another mobile

" Good afternoon sir , sir i need to inform you that mr. Sebastian is here and is asking if he can meet you ?" She asked

And then after few seconds she said okay and cut the call and looked at me

" He is on 4th floor " she said and i headed towards lift ....

As I reached at the office , i found Christian sitting at his chair and reading a file , I knocked the door and his attention shifted towards me and suddenly a smile appeared on his face and he stood up and gestured me to com in ... As I went inside we shared a friendly hug

" Very happy to see you Sebastian , how are you , how's everything going on ?" He asked we sat on the chairs

" Everything is going all well , but I needed your help " i answered

" So how may i help you " he asked

" Um.. well I need you to help my friend her name is sophia , she is a brilliant student , she had just topped in the 2nd semester of English major and right now she is in 3rd year , the thing is she is currently in need of money , so I was thinking if you give her intership opportunity ... " I explained

" Sure, I definitely will just bring her here for interview with her resume, see to be honest I can't promise you that I will appoint her but will try my best so just bring her okay I surely take a look " he said

" For sure , you just tell when should I bring her ?" i instantly asked

" Tomorrow " He suggested

" No problem , at what time ?" I asked

" 8 :00 am ?" He said

" Okay , done "

" Great , so tell me what else I can do ?" He asked further

" Honestly it's more than enough , thank you so much "


Sophia's POV

" Miss Sophia !! , Miss Sophia please stand up " professor William shouted and I realised that I was actually daydreaming in the class , I then instantly got up and bowed my head down and apologized

" Sorry sir " I said

" Miss Sophia this for first and last time I am telling and this is for each and every student attending my class if your physically present then you also have to be present mentally or else don't attend my lecture " sir shouted and warned the entire class
And after he completed those line he looked at me

" Sit down , and be careful next time , you need to be mentally present in my class and answer the questions I asked or else you won't get internal marks from my side " he warned and nodded and sat on my seat , each and every student in this class was starting me ,and I was hell embraced

" Calm down sophia it's okay " lily said and kept her hand on mine , she sitting right beside me

After few minutes the lecture got over and we all headed towards our locker to take our belongings as the college was over...

" Btw what you were dreaming " lily said in teasing tone as we walked in the corridor

" Umm... Nothing important " I said but actually I was dreaming about sebastian, i can't still digest the fact that I actually slept with him and today morning we were.... Ohh god !!! I never imagined this day !!

It's then we reached at our locker , I took out the keys and opened the door and it was the same boring locker , every locker had atleast 1 or 2 stickers or something like that but mine only had a timetable and few books ... I took my books kept back in my bag and headed towards my hostel it was then I was suddenly pulled back by a hand on my waist and before I could realise anything I got collided with someone but I smelled a familiar perfume which unknowingly calmed me , yess instead of being angry and afraid I felt safe and secure , I then looked above to see the face of that person and it turned out to be sebastian and I don't know why an unknown smile occurred on my face



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