Chapter 3

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December 8th, 2042

"My fellow Americans."

"I come before you today with terrible news that has left a stain on our beloved nation. I bring before you words that have been spoken before, and that we hoped to never have to hear again. But fate would say otherwise, and these words are to be spoken again."

"Yesterday, 'December 7th, 2042', a date which will once again live in infamy. The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and ground forces from two empires from another world."

"Our nation is already in a fragile peace with it's biggest of rivals, and the appearance of these two new factions has both complicated things and brought upon us great tragedy."

"The attack yesterday on the city of New York Manhattan and bay of San Fransisco has caused us both damage and severe loss of civilian life. Many American lives were slain as if they were mere livestock, gutted, sliced, stabbed, and trampled, not even women or children were spared from these attackers. And what's even worse, is that many American lives missing but not among the dead are believed to have been taken back to a fate worse than death."

"As the Commander-in-chief, I have directed that all measures and precautions be taken for our defense and to ensure such an attack never repeats itself. But always shall our nation remember the character of those who brought forth their violence upon us."

"No matter how long it may take us to find the instigators of this attack, the United States of America shall prevail and win through to absolute victory!"

"It has now come to fact more that our people, our territory, and our interests are in even greater danger. Nevertheless, with the confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of the American people, we will gain the inevitable triumph over these attackers so help us God!"

"I ask to Congress to declare a state of war with both empires in response to the unprovoked and dastardly attack on Sunday December 7th."


January 1st, 2043
Pacific Ocean, San Fransisco Gate

War is declared.

The attack on the United States of America and speech given by President Matthew Woods rallied up the people with a cry for blood in revenge for the lives that were taken from the attack.

In response, the entire Manhattan area of New York was temporarily closed off from public access until it could be guaranteed safe. Meanwhile the San Fransisco Bay continued usual operations but with increased naval presence.

Both Gates, as the commanders the Americans had captured called them, were under heavy surveillance and guard with the one in Times Square having an entire concrete and steel bunker built around it, and the one at sea having an entire MOB assembled around it with multiple weapon systems all pointed at the entryway incase anything decided to poke it's head out.

Meanwhile the news had reached both the United States' allies and enemies with mixed reactions.

In response to the attacks, the United States had issued two forces to proceed through both gates. Taking the one in Manhattan would be a joint operation between the Army, Marine Corps, and later the Air Force. Meanwhile a joint operation between the Navy and Marine Corps would take the gate at sea.

For the Manhattan gate, lines of armored vehicles had been assembled from the M5A2 Schwarzkopf, M1A5 Abrams, LAV-35, M1299 SPHs, JLTV, MRAP, M4A3 Bliss, M280 MLRS, and M150 HIMARS.

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