Chapter 8

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January 30th, 2043
Washington D.C.

"Secretary Keller, Vice President Richardson," President Woods stated as both the Vice President and Secretary of Defense walked inside his office. "I assume you have me an update on the situation beyond the two gates?"

"Yes sir Mr. President." Secretary Keller responded. "Our assets through both gates have established a presence and secured their positions. I've commissioned an additional ten thousand marines and a destroyer squadron to the San Fransisco gate and twenty thousand Army to the Manhattan gate. Nothing will be coming in or out without our authorization."

"Very good. The more we have these gates secured the more we can rest easy." President Woods stated. "What other news you have?"

"We'll sir, we acquired some new knowledge on where these two gates lead to. The one at San Fransisco leads to two separate main continents with several islands chains surrounding them. We believe the attackers of San Fransisco originate from the eastern continent. Also, a squadron sent by the USS Enterprise flew far north and found a larger continent. Upon investigating, they picked up several friendly transponders from our forces sent through the Manhattan gate. This proves that both gates lead to the same world, but at different locations."

"Interesting," President Woods stated. "Does this mean that we'll have naval power available to support our boys in the larger continent when the time comes?"

"Eventually sir, given enough time we can get naval assets to support our forces in the larger continent. Though I suggest we focus them around the smaller continents first and establish a safe naval route between them. Also, we've made some adjustments to the overall assembly of the MOB on the other side of the San Fransisco gate. We've decided to assemble a rocket launch platform in the near future for the launching of satellites to provided full surveillance coverage of this special region."

"Understood. More intel we have the better. Vice President Richardson, how have the damn Nazis and Commies responded to these occurrences?"

"Mr. President sir, we've gotten public responses from Germany, France, and the USSR. They're demanding that our forces pull out and we destroy the gates or they'll declare war as a response to our opportunistic approach to new untouched resource deposits. Though we've received no public response from either China or Italy. Knowing them and their political agenda they're most likely cooking up a scheme to use these gates against us or for their own benefits."

"That's definitely going to be a concern to our interests with these gates." The president turned from the Vice President to the Secretary of Defense. "Secretary Keller, I want the Navy and Air Force dispatched to increase security within our Atlantic and Pacific territories. Contact Britain, Japan, Korean, Australia, anyone on our side to help buff up our defenses in case the Commies or Axis try anything."

"Consider it done sir."


January 31st, 2043
Falmart, Serda

"My lord, I bring regrettable news." Marcus, the emperor's retainer and Internal Minister of the Empire said before Emperor Molt Sol Augustus. "The Allied Army sent to attack the enemy at Alnus Hill has been defeated. All kings except for Duran were killed in battle, and the remaining forces are retreating back to their respective kingdoms or have disbanded into banditry."

"So Duran survived?" Molt asked rather surprised as he expected all kings to perish. Perhaps the lion was lucky or had the blessing of the gods on his side. "Very well then. Their losses should make up the difference and make them not so much of a threat to us anymore."

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