Chapter 14

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February 16th, 2043
Huisede Islands, Minotaur Village

"The forest is more active then it ever had been since we came here."

"That noise, is that the doing of the humans? What are they doing out there?"

"There's smoke bellowing out from a distance! Are they setting fires across the island?"

"More of those thundering birds are approaching again!"

The minotaurs had heard the disturbance within the forest of the island as thunder and loud cracking emanated from a far distance. Overtime the noise had creeped closer and closer with each passing hour, and now they were starting to see smoke rising up from somewhere as well as thunder from metal birds flying over the island.

Said birds returned again, only this time they flew directly above the village and let off a thundering roar as they did so. The inhabitants ducked down and cuffed their ears due to the noise being so painfully loud. As they passed, several large fireballs erupted from the tree lines followed by several earth shattering 'booms'.

Recently however, two dragonfolk, flying around the coast for safety, had reached the village and explained what was now happening.

"The humans have arrived and have begun to advance inland to eradicate the shadow creatures from the island! Our kin are working with them right now to aid their efforts!"

"The queen has sent word to ready your warriors for battle! The time is now to clear out this island and ensure the safety of our future generations!"

Now the village warriors were readying for the upcoming battle, pasting battle paint across the fur of their faces and fastening armor made from bone and wood. Every bull partaking was being armed with spears, clubs, and bows. They gathered around and drank wine while feasting on fish and fruit for what may possibly be the last day of either some or many.

Chief Bartus Brighthorn would be leading his fellow warriors into battle as he stood before them in front of the gates that protected their village from the threat that awaited them outside.

"Warriors, today is the day! The day we draw out our weapons and fight with all the strength deep within us!" He spoke out loud before his fellow bulls. "We've been through a lot. Through hardship, grievance, and suffering. Forced away from our homes and turned away to this land which has since done everything in it's power to kill us all. But today that ends! Today we fight this land and face all it sends to kill us! Today we don't fight for all we have left! Today we fight for what the future may hold for us and our future generations! Today we fight for the survival of our tribe, and stand as an icon of strength for all who are minotaur! So hoist your weapons, bring out your fury, and steal your resolve! Today we shed the blood of our foes on our weapons, the ground, and our fur!"

Three hundred warriors all lifted their weapons of choice into the air and let loose a night battle cry. Signifying their readiness for combat.

"To battle!"

The massive doors swung open as the large bulls all charged out for blood with fury burning in their eyes. A massive fight would take place this morning, and much blood would be spilled.



The marines, working in cohesion with the dragonfolk, have been making effective progress over the hours as they continued making advancements and securing more area of the island from where they initially started.

The marines now numbered in about four hundred with over a hundred warriors and sorceresses from the dragonfolk fighting beside them. Drones were also multiplying their effectiveness as they were able to cover and secure ally territory with every push they made.

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