(14) Eric

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Arabella pov~

I woke up the next morning, small beads of sweat clustered on my forehead. I looked over to Tris who was already awake, staring mindlessly at the damp stained ceiling above her. We had our second attempt at the simulations today and I was going to be talking to four afterward after he said he wanted to speak with me after today's training. I wandered into the waiting room slightly before everyone else to hear hushed voices.
"Four if you are deleting footage we will have to remove you from the compound." A deep voice spoke tauntingly, a smug smile clear in his tone.
"You would love that wouldn't you. I am not deleting any footage. The two initiates are going to be resitting today so hopefully we can get a clear image this time." Four retorted.
I turned to leave but heard the door began to creak open. I turned and walked in as if I had just arrived as the heavy boots rounded the corner. The man filling those boots was none other than Eric.
"Bella?" How long have you been here?" He asked his pierced eyebrow raising at my flustered appearance.
"Oh I just got here, sorry I didn't fancy breakfast so I came early." I stuttered back hoping he would assume the flustered appearance i put on was innocent and that I had no idea about the conversation that had just taken place.
"Fair enough, Four is free now anyways if you wish to get your test done now." He said as he walked away quickly vanishing from view. I walked into the room, startling four.
"God you're early, why don't we talk now whilst no one else is here." I nodded, closing the door to the small room and taking a seat on the white leather chair.
"Bella, I have a question for you," I nodded, urging him to continue. "What were your aptitude test results," In that moment my body heated with anxiety. I was dead. My own brother was going to kill me.
"Dauntless as it says on the system." I spoke as calmly as I could, knowing full well my facade was slowly crumbling as he glared more intensely.
"Bella, you have one more try to answer me honestly." He spoke with a terrifying calmness.
"I- I got dauntless Tobi." I was completely crumbling at this point in the conversation and he knew me well enough to notice.
"Bella please. I know what you are going through and I want to help y-" I cut him off quickly with my sudden outburst.
"How?! How could you possibly understand what I am going through Four?! I am currently being hunted and bullied, trying to keep up with Eric's mood swings, Tris and her drama, living up to your expectations and living up to my own, trying to be top of my class but knowing if I do too well, I am a dead man. So please Four, how do you understand?" I was heaving at the end both anger and pain poured out of my eyes in the form of clear, salty droplets.
"Bella I am divergent too." Was all he said before turning round to get the syringe.
I stood, mouth agape with shock.
"Four?" I struggled out the word.
"You are like me. I am doing what I can to protect you." He spoke with an almost sad tone.
"How did you know I'm Divergent Four?" I ask, my voice echoing shakily.
"You were able to think through the simulation, most would have killed mum or at least fought her. You sat down and turned her into butterflies." He spoke pain in his eyes only slightly visible through his hard exterior.
"I need help to get through stage two." I spoke, calming myself down.
"You need to think like a Dauntless. When you are underwater, swim, if you are being attacked, attack back. If they say kill. You kill."

I completed my simulation slower this time allowing my time to drop but keeping me in first on the board. I was going to go meet four in the training room later tonight when everyone was asleep. I went looking for Tris to hear she had vanished from the compound earlier this morning after her simulation.

"Hey you guys want to come to some knife throwing, I am bored off my nut?" I asked the group mainly looking at Al.
"We are all going to the Parlour now, sorry Bella. Maybe another time." Christina spoke before they all started packing their things up and leaving. I shrugged and made my way to the training room to find none other than the man I had spent the last few days avoiding. I go turn away and attempt to make a swift exit only to hear my name being spoken with a foreign softness. I whipped round to be met by a longing gaze.

"Eric?" I asked, looking upward to him.
"Where are you going, initiate?" He asked his tone cold, returning to his default scary leader routine.
"I saw the wall was busy was planning to come back later."
"There is another space right next to me free. I only bite when you throw like shit." He said his expression never changing.
"I will try my best not to." I spoke picking up the knives and spinning one around between my fingers before letting it rest with the others in my palm.
I began lining up my shots on the board as Eric started throwing. Thud. Thud. Thud. They all landed dead between the eyes in a perfect line. I looked over to him waiting for him to collect them. He only urged me to take my turn. I raised my eyebrows before lining back up and letting the blade slip from between my fingers and fly to the board. One down. The next two follow suit landing in the same uniformed line as Eric. We both collected them and this time it was my turn to start. I proceeded to repeat the pattern landing all the knives in a neat line. Eric did the same.
This cycle repeated, round after round. Relentless. Neither one of us ready to concede or make a mistake. I threw my first two. Landing them. Just as I lined up the third a hand wrapped around my waist pulling me towards the torso it was connected to.
"Throw it." He stated, his warm breath fanning my neck. I shuddered but continued lining up my shot. I leaned back letting the knife balance between my fingers before leaning forward slightly. The clatter of the knife echoed throughout the training room. I cursed under my breath knowing I would lose. He still had to land his three knives into the centre. The first landed. Then shortly after, the second found it's place. Now for the third. Eric took less time to prepare and I had to catch him at the right moment. He leaned back for his release and I snaked my arms around him breathing on his neck with my hand moving into his hair. I could feel his small shivers as I touched the layers of silky blonde hair. I didn't expect his hair to be this soft. He sighed after a sharp intake of breath before throwing his knife. Shit. It stuck.

Arabella Eaton  (Eric x oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora