(5) The board and extra training

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Four pov~

I looked into the pit after setting up tomorrow's training with Eric and max. Max was asking about my bruise and was rather interested in who gave it to me. After much discussions I agreed to have him sit in on her final fight. I look over the stone balcony to see the same girl passed out with tris and al around her. I rolled my eyes at a very drunk Christina and Will making out.
"EVERYONE UP AND OUT!" Eric called standing next to me.
"What are they thinking getting drunk when they have training tomorrow. Idiots." He scoffed.
"If I remember correctly you were the exact same on our first day. Mr erudite." I smirked at his annoyance.
"Go wake up the Stiffs, such lightweights ,Guess it's an abnegation thing." Now I was the one to be annoyed. I walked down waking al up. He took a second to come to but once he did he grabbed Bella and carried her as I grabbed tris. Eric was watching us like a hawk. I smirked up to him as we made our way across the chasm and to the sleeping quarters. We laid the girls down and I went to my apartment falling asleep quickly.

I woke up far to early from a nightmare. I decided to take a walk and finish setting the fighting dummies up. As I made my way in I saw tris punching a bag repetitively. Bella was sat on the floor staring at the ceiling not caring as she was probably tired. She woke up like I did from the nightmares. But after four years they've started to get better to me. I only ever have them once a month if not less. She seems to get them every night. Her eyes were red and puffy clearly showing she'd been crying. She had a massive hoodie wrapped around her. It was far to big to be hers and she had probably nabbed it from the changing bags.Tris was never going to make it like this. At least not as well as she could. She'd been beaten by Molly who wasn't incredible. Imagine her against my sister. I kept walking and as I came to the door I saw Eric watching as he held files. Why was he up at four am?
"Eric? Why are you up? And watching two girls train?" His gaze snapped to me.
"Someone needs to supervise them four. And I was just passing by to drop paperwork off on Max's desk. Wanted to see if they had a leader with them." He finished walking away. I knew I couldn't keep him away from my sister without giving my relation to her away. No one knew mine or her last name so you couldn't put it together. I left finishing up and heading back to my apartment. Eric's was next to mine sadly meaning I got to hear his daily conquests. I shoved my head under my pillow and fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Arabella's pov~

I had fallen asleep again and was woken up by tris shaking me. I was laying on the mat tears streaming down my face.
"What's wrong? What happened in your dream?" She asked cooing my as I rocked back and forth. That had been the worst one yet. I couldn't wake myself up from it, it felt so real.
"I'm fine tris thank you. And it's nothing just your average bad dream." If she knew about my dad it would mean she'd freak and she'd work it out rather quickly that it happened to four as well.
"You sure?" I nodded my tears slowing down now.
"Awe is the fiesty stiff crying. That's not very dauntless of you." A familiar voice taunted. I ignored him and wiped my eyes. Standing and brushing myself off.
"Piss off Peter." Tris called glaring at him.
"The two stiffs of dauntless, incapable and soon to be faction-less tris and weak, unloveable Bella. You don't belong here!" He spat venom in his voice. The others were crowding round all looking annoyed at Peter except Molly who was loving it.
"That's enough! We train soldiers not bullies!" Four called standing behind me and tris. I wiped my eyes and turned around walking away.
"Hey you okay?" A man asked me his hand catching my elbow as I shook slowly. I nodded not looking to see who it was. I knew his voice of by heart now.
"You might wanna stay. Rankings are going up in a second." I nodded walking back towards the group with him. Peter was on the floor thanks to four after he'd said some disgusting comment about me.

"OKAY EVERYONE!" Eric called getting the large, rowdy group's attention.
"Listen up. You know what this board is?" He asked as names began filling the numbered slots."
"It's your life. We grade you every day. If your still in the red by the end of the first stage you're out." He said coldly. I looked to the board to see my name in third. Tris was in 32nd the second to last place in the group. Christina was 17th, al was last and will was in 8th. With Peter one in front of him then Molly. We trained for hours that day focusing on fighting. Four used Uriah who was fifth to demonstrate and completely wiped the floor with him. I trained with Uriah helping him with some of the defence not that he needed it. He was an incredibly skill fighter. He and his brother zeke were twins but you could tell who was who as zeke was taller.
"So, you wanna come and play some fighting games after training later. You can join in with us dauntless borns if you'd like?" Uriah was in our group for today, his brother staying back as he'd got in a small fight with Andrew after his practice fight. He'd lost and wasn't to happy about it and tried to challenge Uriah outside of the training room. Four busted him with Eric and max. Let's just say Andrew isn't in good stead even though he's in second.
"I can't got extra training after I argued with Eric. Next time I definitely will tho." I said smiling kindly at him. He was one of the few dauntless borns I got along really well with.

A few hours of training later~

"Everyone out that's it for today. I don't know where you are going initiate." Eric called clearly referring to me. I groaned hoping I might have slipped away. I trudged over to him a scowl plastered on my face.
"Well let's get this started. Run four laps of the entire compound. And before you try and slack off, I will be running with you." I nod flipping my hair over and tying it in a tighter pony tail than last time.
"Go!" He called and we set off. The first three laps were a breeze but due to my lack of sleep and eating I was getting tired a lot faster than usual. At home I'd go for runs frequently to escape my dad. As we came into the training room once again I tripped on my own feet as my legs had given way. Eric caught me quickly holding me up and guiding me to the bench.
"Here." He said sitting next to me handing me an energy bar and his bottle of water. I ate the bar and took a quick swig of his water before getting up.
"Woah there, chill out for a second. You need to slow down or you're going to hurt yourself. Why don't we sit and try and give the food some time to work. I don't need you passing out during training." He was attempting to be intimidating whilst he spoke but failing miserably. I sighed waiting ten minutes before continuing my final lap. Eric stayed behind me trying to make sure I don't collapse again even with me insisting i was ok. He dismissed me after my laps rather than making me train any more claiming he had work to do with Max. Not that I was really complaining.
I entered the lunch hall soon finding my friends and a tray of food.

Arabella Eaton  (Eric x oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu