• Fucking Friday •

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[author's note: I'm aware this isn't the best atm but I promise it'll be better and sorry for being inactive xoxo]


My fucking alarm. Already like seriously? It feels like I had just fallen asleep. I groggily pull myself out of my comfy sheets and for a moment an amazing mind flashes through my tired mind- I seriously questioned if today was Saturday oh how I wished it to be Saturday..
Turns out it was Friday. Fucking fridayyyy. The first week of school hadn't even ended yet and I wanted to cry. I've had enough of schoollllll.
I slowly get dressed and do my normal school routine. I was almost about to leave when I realise I didn't pack my fucking bag. I quickly rush up the stairs, stumbling around my messy depression room to grab my books
Shit! I have English first period?! KILL ME NOW!

I walk to school, the thought of English killing my mood. I could tell that today was gunna be shit. I arrive at school slower than a stupid slug on the cusp of being late. I can't focus IM TOO TIREDDD. 

Before I know it it's English and Mr Mitch strutted in as always, stood at the class and asked us to stand. It's a stupid fucking rule we have to do now- stand at the front of every lesson it's so stupiddddddd. Mr Mitch scans the classroom with his emerald eyes and begins the lesson. I feel my eyelids uncontrollably drop over my eyeballs and lock themselves in that place, my head felt heavier than a bag of bricks so I rest it on my palm, I can feel myself almost fall into a deep sleep.

"MS MCLANE!" That stern tone shakes me awake. my eyes sting as I jolt into consciousness again scanning the room to what I'm supposed to do. I see a stern hand slam a book onto my desk.
"Yes?" I answer in an almost non existent whisper. I look up to see the enraged face of Mr Mitch standing over me like the Big Ben. I quickly look away, I can't bare his intense glare into my retinas.
"Do you know the answer Lara? Or maybe if you wasn't SLEEPING you would know."
He sounded so cocky and superior in that moment, like he ruled the world.
"Honestly my classes aren't that boring" he rolled his eyes and carried on the lesson his expression still slightly more aggravated than usual. Shit I can't believe I just fell ASLEEP in Mr Mitch's lesson in the first week of school, talk about good impressions on someone. I try and focus really hard on the rest of the lesson, forcing my eyes open, hoping my brain magically takes in all the necessary information. The bell rings after what feels like hours of interpreting a stupid poem. I pack up my bags with everyone else, ready to rush out of the class as soon as possible when a voice is heard from the front of the class.
"Lara stay behind a second."
I catch his eye for a second, his yess firmly locked on mine. I hate prolonged eye contact- like I don't know how long to hold it for. So I briskly look away at my shoes. Mr Mitch dismisses everyone and I stand there for a second, then walk up to his desk at a slow pace. He's got his hands resting on his stupid little broken blind rail he says it broke off and now he uses it as a sort of old fashioned pointer to point at students.

His eyes are still locked on mine, I just fiddle with my skirt and keep my head down.
"Lara." He snaps quickly in a low tone "you can't be falling ASLEEP in lessons I mean- seriously?" He narrows his gaze at me, tilting his head, looking at me through his brows.
"I - I'm sorry Sir" I squeak. Nervousness running through my heart, making it beat 100 times faster. I don't know why he's so pressed?! Like it's no big deal, I closed my eyes FOR A FUCKING SECOND?!
"Look at me when I'm talking to you" he says in his normal stern voice. I throw my head up and look at him, his eyes on mine. It's so awkward! Does this man ever blink?! I look away at my shoes again and play with my skirt
"Can I go?" I murmur. Look I'm not one for being scared but this man is fucking intimidating.
"I suppose, just don't do it again or I swear to god" he says sitting back in his chair by his desk "just don't be so tired" He says in an exasperated tone. What is this man on seriously?! How am I supposed to just not be tired? Is he insane!!
I quickly worm my way through the tables and open the door to leave,
"Lara, you ought to buy a new skirt" I look at him confused, what's wrong now? Have I got something on my skirt or-?
"Your current skirt seems to have shrunken in the washing machine"
What did this man just say?! Seriously- is this dude INSANE? I look at him in confusion and pure shock. He looks at his computer and aggressively presses his hands on his keyboard, I take that as my signal to leave and almost run out of his class.
That dude is such a dick, no wonder he's single. I try and get my interaction with him out my brain and focus on the rest of my day, anticipating the longed for weekend.

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