• In trouble •

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I have English a lot and omg does that teacher drag on sometimes!

I sat at lunch on my bench, which I share with my besties; Lily, Emilia and Zia. I don't have masses of friends but they're real friends. We've known each other since primary school, Lily I've known since year 8. Zia always orders burgers at lunch but she's quite athletic so it evens out.
I ate my lunch giggling and smiling with my friends.
"Yo guys it's 1:30" Emilia shouts pointing at her phone
"Shit" Zia exclaimed, "can someone come to the office with me"
"Fuck no" I say, that sounds mean but it's just the way we chat; and plus I hate the fucking dicks in the office.
"Bro what the fuck do we have next?" I look at Lily, she's the only person I share my classes with.
"Englishhhhh" she giggles in my pain, nudging me with her elbow, Lily isn't it my English class but we always have the same lessons.
"Ughhhhh!" I groan.
We all slowly disperse to our lessons, waving at eachother as they go There separate ways. I'm walking to english when I really need to pee. I run to the bathroom unaware that it's 12:35 WHEN LESSON STARTS! When I realise the bell has already rung, I panic.
Maybe if I just walk in he won't notice? Maybe we have a cover teacher? Maybe he's late?
I walk into the classroom, talking myself into thinking Mr Mitch is late or something. When I open the door it's not surprising when Mr Mitch is standing there glaring at me from the front of the class, his eyes fixating on my reddening face. Fuck why is that man always on time.
"Your late, again Ms Mclane." His stern tone forcing itself through the air and rattling my eardrums, "You need to work on your tardiness"
While he's staring at me I just fiddle with my coat, looking at the ground, hoping his eyes would move off me. It's so intimidating!
"S-sorry sir" I speed to my seat again and unpack my shit.
What is wrong with me? I'm never this intimidated my a teacher.

I sit though the lesson, about half way through I start daydreaming. I'm sooo tired, the truth is I didn't sleep last night and I don't have the best track record for staying awake and attentive during lessons.
"Ms Mclane!" The stern tone sits me back into reality and out of dream world.
"Yes sir...." I look up at Mr Mitch, trying to play off the fact I wasn't listening. He towers over my desk, the whole class silent; Mr Mitch makes me feel so small.
"Was you listening at all?" He lowers his eyebrows at me with his arms crossed, he looks fucking pissed.
"Err.. Yess.." My voice sounds so quiet. Despite the voice wavers I try and sound confident, I do NOT want to be in trouble.
"Answer my question then" Mr Mitch knows I wasn't listening. Shit. I stare at him blankly, my mind panicking and my heart beating rapidly.
"Ah well Ms Mclane" He places his hands either side of my desk resting his palms on the table, his expression slightly smug. "You would know the answer if you payed attention, not daydreaming about god knows what" His tone is the same but it sounds sharper and weirdly smug. It's like he wants me to be in trouble, like he enjoys telling me off.

Shit, this isn't good. I'm in deep shit. My cheeks start colouring deep red as I feel his gaze on me still. Does he want his gaze to burn into my skin?!
He snatches my exercise book from underneath me, flicking through the empty pages. He turns his head at me and raises his eyebrows.
"YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WRITTEN ANY NOTES?!" His voice raise shakes the room. He's aggressively pointing to my empty page. He's so intimidating! I look down at my lap to stop my eyes from watering. I'm trying to gather my thoughts and my words.
"S-sorry sir" I look up at him for a second, my face retracting it's shade of red.
He slams my book onto my table and walks back to the front of the room.
"Don't apologise to me, apologise to yourself when you fail your A levels and go nowhere in life" he takes a deep breath and open his eyes to scowl at me, his hands stroking his chin, waiting for my reaction.
This dude is SO DRAMATIC for no reason!!
"Stay after class Laura, you need to stay and copy the notes"
I sigh quietly. I can't believe this dick!! He was making me miss walking home with my friends for what?! Like I could just catch up later. I was so mad!
When the rest of the class left I just sat there with my book where he slammed it. I was staring down, not daring to look at him. I could hear him breathing. It felt like this moment lasted hours and I felt him staring at me. I decided to speak.
"Er sir what do you want me to write down" I squeaked nervously.
"Look Laura, you never pay attention in any of my classes. Have you even learnt anything?" He stopped pacing and waited for my reaction. I waited a moment to answer, I wanted to think carefully about my answers.
"Yeah loads!" I tried to sound enthusiastic but I think it sounded rude, that wasn't good.
He put his hands either side of my desk again and looked at me.
"Don't be getting smart arse-y with me young lady" he scowled.
"Sorry" I said. I just wanted to leave! I didn't want to be here, this was too scary and I wanted to go home.
He leaned in closer until I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose, I couldn't look anywhere else but at him.
"Sorry what?" He wispers but still in a strict tone.
"Sorry sir." I reply, trying to look somewhere else but at his killing eyes.
He backs away and leans onto the wall at the front of the class by the whiteboard, putting one of his feet in front of the other.
"Laura I expect those notes to be in your book by Wednesday"
I nod vigorously hoping he would let me leave.
"If there not, we can sit here all evening and make sure you have them" he says in his same smug tone. He sits at his desk nodding his head and looking at his computer, I take that as my signal to leave. I shuffle out the classroom almost silently.
"And also-"
I spin around violently, very aware that I was on thin ice. I was pissed at him already, I don't need anymore lectures or reprimands.
"Laura you ought to learn about spacial awareness, you seem to be bumping into me way too often child." He sounds so annoyed by what he his saying. I just nod and leave.
I storm out of school pissed at Mr Mitch. He's so fucking annoying! I feel like I forgot something but I shake off the feeling until I get out of school. I start walking home when I realise I left my fucking coat in Mr Mitch's classroom. Shit! I'll have to go and get it tomorrow. That's so embarrassing!
I think about it the whole walk home, I'm just so pissed at his unfair words.

When I get home I neatly write up all the notes and perfect my book. There's no way he can get mad at my neat book now..

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