• Bubblegum •

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My head was still foggy the next morning after the party, still confused and awfully tired. I woke up around Midday. I was still trying to piece together the blurs of the night before, when i saw a blurry image of Mr Mitch. WHAT? MR MITCH? how could this be? did he drive me home?
In shock i rack my brain for answers and reality. For a moment i thought there was no way Mr Mitch drove me home. Then reality hit, he did..
This could not be possible. Embarrassment fills my mind and makes my soul cringe. I can barely remember what i said or what i did which makes things worse. I dread seeing him on Monday in fear i said something in the blur of the night I had. I pray to every god I can think of in my foggy mind that i didn't totally embarrass myself. I spend the weekend sobering up and piecing together the night that I can't remember.

On Monday, I walk to school in agonising dread of the fact I have Mr Mitch second lesson today. On the way to school i unwrap a piece of strawberry bubblegum and throw it in my mouth, chewing to distract myself. When I arrive at school i sprint to the toilets and lock myself in a cubicle. I throw my bag by the toilet and take a moment to collect and prepare myself for the hellish day ahead of me. Shutting my eyes I inhale and collect my thoughts and fill my head with good vibes. I exit the bathroom and walk down the English corridor to head to my lesson. My phone buzzes from the blazer in my hand, I scramble for my blazer pocket as I walk to my lesson. Rummaging through my blazer, I pay no attention to my surroundings. All of a sudden I feel my shoes fly off the ground and a hard object in front of me. I fall onto the object in front of me, launching my blazer across the floor. I fall into the hard tower in front of me stopping me from falling.
I slowly open my eyes to discover the obstacle that made me fall. I open my eyes expecting a wall only to see a white shirt and a tie covering a tough chest. It was Mr Mitch. Just my fucking luck!
I look up at Mr Mitch towering over me looking down at me, scowling. I push my hands onto his chest to fully ground myself, flustered and embarrassed.
" look where you're going, child. You obviously have no special awareness." He rolls his eyes and grunts.
"I'm so sorry Sir I-"
"I don't want to hear it Ms Mclane."
I back away from his chest and bend over to pick up my blazer.
"Now shouldn't you be getting to class Ms Mclane."
"Yes I'm sorry sir" I wipe my forehead and almost run away and pace away across the corridor when a deep voice makes me quickly turn around my hair swiftly turning with me.
"Turn your phone off Ms Mclane"
Mr Mitch stands in the middle of the hallway looking straight at me.
"Yes sir." I reply running into my class.

I walk into Mr Mitch's class sitting in my seat right in front of his desk. He starts the lesson with a prompt for the class to chant 'Good Morning Mr Mitch'. His lesson rambles on and I get bored, fast. He turns his back to write on the board and in a moment of stupidity, my super bored self blows a bubble in the bubble gum. The sound of the bubble popping echos through the class. Shit! Im screwed!
Mr Mitch swivels around fast and scans the class with narrow eyes to look for the culprit, then his eyes fix on me. Unable to hide my guilt I quickly look away. Mr Mitch turns around and looks at the board, looking for his place in the sentence.
"I don't appreciate gum in my class" His angrier voice bellowing through the class. He takes a moment to collect himself then continues the lesson.
Phew!! I think I've gotten away with it, and thank god. If he caught me I would've been knee deep in shit. The lesson slowly drifts by, I daydream and write the occasional notes. I literally count down the minutes until I can escape out this fucking class. After what feels like hours, Mr Mitch dismisses us. Relieved Mr Mitch didn't catch me chewing bubblegum, I hurry to the door but a voice behinds me stops me in my tracks.
"Laura..Come here a second," he beckons me towards his desk with two fingers. I slowly tiptoe towards him like a scared mouse.
"Were you the one blowing that gum?" Mr Mitch says, his eyes fixed on me, his eye contact barely moving.
"Er No" I say sweating, my cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink. Oh shit.
"Oh really?" He replies, his left brow moving upwards, "prove it then, open your mouth"
I stand there shocked, did he really just ask me that? What the fuck?!
"I'm waiting." He scowls, still staring at me.
I take a deep breath and reluctantly begin to move my jaw, my cheeks glow redder with deep humiliation. I reposition my gum under my tongue to hide it from view. I move my jaw downwards exposing my whole mouth. This is so embarrassing!!
He scowls at me, exploring my mouth with his eyes while standing there.
"Move your tongue, child"
Shit shit shit shit!! He's going to know I have gum! Shit I'm in trouble!! My mind racing with a million thoughts, I collect myself and decide to 'face the music', while the bastard teacher still stares at me with his arms crossed.
I slowly move my tongue out my mouth and on top of my lip, extending it down my chin. His stare doesn't break- not once. This fucking teacher!! I can feel the gum not covered from view by my tongue. Mr Mitch grunts with anger and scowls at me, his face filled with more anger. My eyes get watery, just by his stare (trust me it's terrifying).
"Spit. It. Out." He says in a deep quite voice, but not a shout. Somehow his quite voice is more intimidating than his shout.
I scuttle over to the bin and spit out the gum hurriedly, trying to stop my eyes from shedding a tear.
"Now, will you be chewing gum in my class again, 'Ms Bubblegum girl'"
My eyes set on the floor, not daring to look up at Mr Mitch, "No sir".
"Good," He pulls out his chair and sits in it, his back almost straight,"Now go, have a good day." He nods and signals to the door.
I dash out the door and run to the bathroom to calm down, trying to process everything that fucking teacher made me do.
What the fuck just happened?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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