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TITLE: Marquis

LEADER: Payton Wolfe (former)

                    River Hansen Karlssen  (new leader)

Crazy 8 is the only brotherhood that came directly from the House of Pawns who was able to shoot themselves right to the very top after participating in the Annual Brotherhood Battle.

Payton, also known as Siren, was a mysteriously smart student who formed the said brotherhood. As she is known as the Master of Secrets, a lot of students, including those outside the walls of J.S High, are afraid of her. With the help of twins, Skyler & River, Payton was able to use the secrets she gathered for her advantage, blackmailing others and using them for her personal benefit.

After getting her identity revealed, and after getting expelled, River eventually took her spot as the leader, as well as the title of Siren. Though both the new Siren and the rest of the members of Crazy 8 have yet to show themselves to the public, students can look forward to their grand entrance, and all the other crazies they'll be sharing with the white uniforms of J.S High.


They have 32 members in total, and the chosen eight that will appear to the public will depend on the given time and situation. For instance, during a battle, if their opponent is Jokers, Crazy 8 will have a set of members who are trained specifically to battle the barons.

Most of the members are white uniforms in disguise. Due to their customs, they are the only brotherhood in the House of Kings who were given permission to do so. Even their leader can wear a white uniform, given the circumstances.

Though there are 32 of them in total, Crazy 8 has a set of members who were known as the Seven Executives and are known as the main leaders of different categories within the group. The higher the number, the higher the position. They are also specifically hand-picked by the leader.

‣  4th-year student Joseph Garcia, Executive No. 1 (recruiter), is the only member who can make you a member of Crazy 8 by giving you a purple kiss mark. Names will be submitted to him, and Joseph must seek the student out to recruit them.

‣ 3rd-year student Peter Uccello, Executive No. 2 (battle strategist)

‣ 3rd-year student John Ford KeatonExecutive No. 3 (combat)

‣ 4th-year student Alfred Hawks, Executive No. 4 (marksman)

‣ 4th-year student Spike JacobsonExecutive No. 5 (defense)

‣ 3rd-year student Timothy Alliston, Executive No. 6 (sniper)

‣ 2nd-year student Felix Campbell (Right-hand Man),  Executive No. 7 (battleground designer) was a member who was recruited on his very first day after Payton found out that he fell asleep during the entrance exam yet still ranked as the third-highest scorer among all the first-years. Felix does not join any battles, but he is one of the key members as he designs their battle grounds. It is also said that he was Payton's favorite, which is why Payton recruited him to be in Omega Society, and why he made him the 7th executive.

Base: Hall of Janus, North Wing, Room 8

Customs: KISS MARK

Crazy eight will place a kiss mark on either a white uniform or a brotherhood member. This means that you are officially marked by them. Light pink is considered a warning, which means you must give away someone else's secret in order to save your own. A red kiss mark means you failed to give away a worthy secret, and so your own secret will spread.

Underlings: None

Total merit points to give: 1500 points

Motto: "What is hidden, cannot be touched."

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