252 | Ruled By Kings

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THE SUNDAY OFFERING ENDED, and everyone still couldn't stop talking about what happened at the atrium. Ever since the offering system was established, St. George Academy received the highest donation they have ever gotten today, which was a total of nine million. But at the same time, they also received the smallest donation ever, which was zero.

     Max would never give money just to get merit points. He'd rather die than do something shameful, and that's the exact reason why the brotherhoods, especially the serfs, were proud of what he did. If Max offered millions of euros just to get merit points, it would have been a huge blow to the hard work the serfs have done so far.

     "How many points do we already have?" Max asks while he's walking back to their dorm with the rest of the serfs.

     "We have 43,000 accumulated points, but we still need a total of 7000 merit points before tomorrow's Tax Collection," Stefan answers with a worried look on his face. "I know we've trusted you through this entire process, Max, but I think we might not be able to accomplish this task after all."

    "Stefan's right. We only have half a day left. The cleanest dorm only gets 2,000 merit points, which is still not enough. The serfs have also taken all the small jobs they can get. There's not much time to collect more, especially on a Sunday," Xander explains further.

     "Would you have wanted me to donate thirteen million euros then?" Max asks, immediately making Xander and Stefan stop walking to shake their heads in disagreement, Keigo and Vesper stopping as well to listen to the conversation.

     "No, that's not what we meant," Stefan defends. "What we meant is...maybe this is enough? We got 43,000 points. This is the highest we have ever gotten...ever. We have worked as a division for the first time, and the serfs have already expressed that they don't mind if we don't get 50,000 points. We didn't technically lose. We have already proven ourselves. We've proven that students like us can keep up too. Whatever the punishment is, we'll be ready."

     Max was about to say something, but Keigo stopped him. He stood in front of the two serfs and faced them for Max's sake. "Is this what you want? We've done everything up to this point, and you just want to give up midway? I thought you guys were better than this?"

     "Kawanishi Keigo, pardon me, but if you think they've given up, then you don't understand their side either," Vesper interrupts, his hands inside his pockets as he walks closer to them. "The fact that they're all prepared for what might happen in tomorrow's Tax Collection is a sign of strength. It means they're not scared of it anymore. And believe me, they've always been scared."

     Stefan and Xander were surprised that Vesper, out of all people, would suddenly stand up for them, while Keigo was also surprised because he didn't see what they were trying to say from that perspective.

     "The Tax Collectors will take someone for punishment if the tax isn't paid. The serfs have collectively agreed that we'll take it...as long as they don't punish you two," Stefan then reveals, surprising Keigo even more.

     "If you think I'm gonna let you guys sacrifice yourselves like that, then you haven't understood my ways one bit," Max suddenly says as he starts walking again, immediately making the other four follow behind him. "There's still a chance. I believe our handwork will bear fruit when the time comes, but I also agree with Xander and Stefan. If we can't get 50,000 merit points at the end of the day, it doesn't mean we failed. As they said, we have proven ourselves and our worth. And that is something we should not be ashamed of. The fact that they'll still punish us despite the handwork we've put in is more embarrassing to them than it is to us."

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