239 | Power Difference

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AFTER ALL THE PLANNING that occurred at the cafeteria, the serfs started going around and volunteering for the smallest task anyone could think of. Max was honestly worried that the serfs wouldn't care, but he's definitely glad that they're starting to do their best to change the situation they're in.

     "The meeting earlier was really funny. At the end of the day, most of the students here are heirs. Did you hear them complaining? It was hilarious!" Keigo exclaimed as he, Xander, Stefan, and Max were heading to the Dining Hall to have their lunch.

     "Someone really said that they've been enduring the smell and that they've always felt like vomiting whenever they're at the dorms. I can't believe those bastards have been acting like they didn't care all this time," Stefan then adds.

     "That's why our top priority should be cleaning Hell Sanctum first. I'm gonna visit Omega Society later and ask for supplies, and then we'll start cleaning after classes," Max explains, and everyone nods their head in understanding.

      When the four of them arrived at the Dining Hall, Max was instantly welcomed by the loud chatter from the white uniforms. He looked around and realized that their cafeteria was two times bigger than the Great Hall in J.S High. It was so big that the students didn't even notice that they arrived.

      Brotherhood banners were spotted hanging from the ceiling, and there was only one large balcony where all the brotherhoods ate together. But what really caught Max's eye was that in the middle of the hall was the Saints's banner. Max couldn't help but be surprised since the Elites don't display their banners in the open like that, but the council here does.

     "I think what's more surprising to me is that the student council here seems to have more power and authority over the brotherhoods. Unlike in J.S High, which balances both," Max explains, and his friends couldn't help but agree.

     "It's probably because of the Division Program implemented in our school," Xander answers.

     The hall looked like a church that was turned into a place to eat. And instead of tables that fit ten white uniforms, the Dining Hall instead had insanely long tables, each table divided by Division.

      "I thought our Great Hall was impressive, but look how big this place is. And the ceiling...it's so high," Max says as the four of them walk their way to where the other serfs are found.

     "I know, I was shocked too. In J.S High, it's a lot smaller, but it's big enough for all of us, so it kinda feels intimate in a sense. This just feels too much," Keigo explains as they finally arrive at their division's area.

      Stefan and the others sat first while Max continued to look around. He noticed that the gaffers's table were filled with delicious food that would make anyone's mouth water. The Dwellers had less, but it was manageable. But for the serfs? The serfs were only given individual plates that had fried fish, beans, and wheat bread. It almost felt like prison food.

     "Even our lunch food is different?" Max asks as he finally takes a seat beside Keigo.

     "At least we have unlimited water," a serf who was also at their table added, making Max sigh and massage his temple in frustration. How can they be happy with unlimited water?

      When Max and his friends' food finally arrived, the four of them started eating. Despite only being transferred here yesterday, Max suddenly remembered their rowdy table back in J.S High. During lunch, Krist and Cj would have already been bickering with each other while Brave stuffed his mouth with food. Hans would be scolding them, and then Ari and Felix would fight over their answers in a test. Ervin and River would have been quietly sipping their tea with a smile on their faces while the other brotherhoods just enjoyed their time together.

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