277 | Antihero

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"WELL THEN, LET US now reveal the votes," Xian, an officer of the Brotherhood Association, says before turning to his partner and nodding his head, signalling him to start showing the results.

     "We will start with the brotherhoods."

     The other officer, who was holding an electronic tablet, clicks on something, automatically making seven logos of the brotherhoods start appearing on the large screen. After a couple of seconds, the screen changed, and everyone in the atrium was left completely speechless, even the brotherhoods themselves.


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     "I thought at least a handful of us would say no since the White Uniform Protection Code gives an extra layer of protection to those losers, but I guess I underestimated everyone," Elijah Memphis, the leader of the Rank 9 brotherhood Red Tigers, says as he grins at the outcome of the results.

     "Can't believe the brotherhoods pulled through in the end," Levi then says, turning to look at the brotherhoods and catching a glimpse of Uchdryd Rease who was surprisingly looking back at them. The look he gave the vice president confirmed that the lord did something for this to happen, so Levi smiled at him and mouthed the words, "Thank you."

     Uchdryd tries his best not to smile at the small sign of gratitude, so he looks away and pretends like he didn't see him, making Levi chuckle.

     "Now we'll proceed with the Serfs Division."

     The Serfs Division's logo appears on the screen, and then like earlier, everyone patiently waits for the results. After a couple of seconds, Justice and the rest of the students once again sighed in relief.


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     "Moving on with the Dwellers Division."

     This is where it gets a little troublesome. Justice and Levi are confident that there are a lot of Dwellers who will support this code, but everything can be unpredictable. Who knows if the gaffers influenced their decision, or if the chaos they experienced the past week has affected their judgment?

     "Please reach 208 votes. Please reach 208 votes..." Justice repeatedly says like it's some kind of prayer.

     The entire atrium was quiet for a while but when the screen changed from the Dweller's logo to the results, Justice almost fainted in relief.

     224 out of 277

     80.87% approval rating

     "Okay, that's way closer than I expected. Fifty-three students didn't vote for the implementation. That's a lot," Justice points out, even more worried now about the results they'd get with the gaffers.

     "It's okay. We only need 65 gaffers. We'll get those votes no matter what," Levi assures the president even though he was unsure about it himself.

     "We will now reveal the results for the  Gaffers Division," Xian announces, and Justice instantly becomes tense. This is going to be the biggest hurdle. The gaffers have always been against the code, and now that the Prince Law has been lifted, they won't have any reason to vote for it. Justice wasn't sure if he should trust their judgment or just wait for a miracle.

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