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BASE: Saint's Haven Dormitory, 2nd floor, Student Council Office

DESCRIPTION: The Saints was the second council that was created and officially announced after the Elites. They make up the five most powerful students of the House of Bishops, both in academics and family influence. 

The Saints were also once dubbed as the students who provided the biggest contributions to the school, except for President Justice and Vice President Leviathan who did not believe in donations. Thankfully, after the implementation of the White Uniform Protection Code, donations were demolished, and the members must now work twice as hard to acquire merit points to keep their position and title.


SAINTS PRESIDENT: Justice Thorndyke

Rank: 1 (Gaffer)

Justice Thorndyke is the first among the five houses who became the youngest house president that ranked up purely from the merit point system,  a title that Maximillian Sinclaire is currently aiming for.

Justice, who is a son of diplomats, keeps his family background secretive, and would rather make a name for himself without their influence. Besides being an underling of Checkmate, he was also trained by Leviathan Dubois, the ex-vice president of J.S High, who taught him everything he knew about the ins and outs of campus politics.

However, unlike the Elites, Justice's role as the president is different. He oversees the council and is assigned to handle the brotherhoods, but unlike President Ian who makes most of the decisions in J.S High, Justice can only make propositions since that is considered the Ministry's job. Hopefully, things will change now that the Ministry has officially been dissolved.

Class: III-A

Club: Broadcasting Club (Club Advisor)

Age: 18 y/o


Rank: 2 (Gaffer)

The ex-vice president of J.S High, and the youngest brother of Lilith Dubois, a member of the queens, Vixens, Levi was transferred to St. George Academy after not being able to successfully complete PHD's trials. Since he was already the vice president, transferring to a different school did not revoke his title, making him serve under ex-president Klyde Vitus Von Hatzfeld for a short while before serving current president Justice. 

Levi's role as the vice president consists of reading documents to be presented to the Ministry, and looking over the white uniforms that will be sent to the rectory. But just like Justice, he secretly tries his best to keep the white uniforms safe as much as he can despite their cruel system.

Levi is also the only white uniform who came from the original batch of council members that were picked by the Brotherhood Association and is still an active officer in the current school year. 

Class: Class IV-A

Club: Newspaper Club (Club Advisor)

Age: 19 y/o


Rank: 3 (Gaffer)

Perseus is a perfect mix of student excellence and family influence, which made it easy for him to rank up and become St. George Academy's third-highest-ranking student. Perseus is strong-willed and was expected to become the vice president if Uchdryd and Levi didn't help Justice reach the top. 

During his reign as the third strongest, Perseus ended up developing a superiority complex, making him look down on lower-ranking students who didn't even have a chance like he did. But when chaos ensued in their house, Perseus realized something that made him change his perspective of things. Hopefully, now he would stop making Justice's life difficult.

Class: Class IV-A

Club: Debate Team (Team Leader)

Age: 20 y/o


Rank: 4 (Gaffer)

Adam is a much calmer version of Perseus, but the difference is that he genuinely believes that he worked hard for his position despite being one of the members who donated the biggest money to the Ministry. He didn't understand why the students were suffering and did not see a problem with their system. But just like Perseus, when hell broke loose in their house, Adam finally got a taste of what torture really feels like, and now, even though he's not as convincing as Perseus, he's trying his best to become a better officer.

Another thing is, despite being a treasurer, Adam never once held their school's money since all funds go straight to the Ministry. His role is simply to oversee the Tax Collectors, but even that role isn't taken seriously.

Class: Class IV-A

Club: Public Speaking Club

Age: 18 y/o


Rank: 5 (Gaffer)

Unlike Perseus and even Adam who is academically excellent, Martin is known as the council member who purely got his position because of donations. His father is a famous producer, while his mother is a known actress, so stealing the spotlight has always been embedded in him. Martin is still very much in a state of shock after his experience in J.S High, but Martin is only following the flow, just like how he's always been.

Class: Class III-A

Club: Theater Guild

Age: 17 y/o

As of the moment, the members of the Saints are undergoing a major reform. Once the White Uniform Protection Code has been fully implemented, and once the Exchange Program ends, it is highly possible that the ranks will change drastically, and the Saints will definitely welcome new members.

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