18. Camellias and Muse

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Ada sat happily playing with her dolly on the floor of their room, but Victoria laid down on her bed, her head spinning about the events of the night before.

She was kicking herself for taking off and leaving Benedict in the library, she couldn't help but feel like she'd made a horrible mistake. But when you're the oldest sister, and you're responsible for your siblings, you think of nothing else.

Quick footsteps could be heard running down the hallway to their door, and a quick knock followed not long after.
Iris opened the door to a young Hyacinth, with a broad smile on her face.

"Breakfast is ready, you may join us if you so like." She said cheerfully.

Iris turned to look to Victoria, Iris' eyebrows lifted and Victoria's eyes widened, as though they were communicating through their eyes. Victoria revealed her apprehension, and Iris understood but gave Victoria a weary smile.

"That would be a pleasure, thank you Hyacinth." Iris said, smiling back to the young girl and Hyacinth let the door close behind her.

"You are careless." Victoria said snidely, shoving Iris by the shoulder.

"Your romance is just budding, you cannot continue to run from it." Iris said, staring into the abyss as though she had just said something extremely philosophical.

"I told you the events of last night in confidence, I feel awfully betrayed."

"Are you truly hearing yourself?"

Victoria tutted, "What is it that you mean to say?" she asked.

Iris sat down on the bed next to Victoria, and began to pleat Victoria's hair in a long braid down her back.

"You worry night and day about him, how you look to him, if you are too weary or too forward. Then, sparks fly between you both. You come and tell me these things with a bright smile on your face. And then avoid him the next day!" Iris huffed and tied the braid at the end. "If I was in your position, I would be clamouring at him like a rabid animal."

They both laughed until their bellies hurt, Victoria pushed Iris to the side yet again, done with but oddly enjoying her antics too.

"Please, just open your eyes." Iris continued once they had calmed down, she paused and considered her words. "You know that mother liked him."

The truth of those words struck Victoria as she looked into her sisters eyes, Iris' sincerity made Victoria understand that maybe she was being childish.
Avoiding this was like an illness, you know that in the end you'll subside to it, it'll overcome you and every particle of your body. But you'll enjoy your last moments of peace.
Victoria missed her mother, every single moment. But it did not hurt to reminisce the day that they ventured out into the garden with a picnic basket and a blanket.
Oh, Victoria must have been 8 or 9 years old when a young boy came bounding through the grass, claiming he was looking for a Pall Mall ball that he had lost.
He had fluffy brown hair and a soft smile, Victoria's mother had encouraged her to help the young man.
Victoria was going through a shy spell, clinging to her mother 24/7 and refusing to make friends. But that day she stood up, waved goodbye to her mother, and invited the young boy into the garden to look for the ball amongst the summer flowers.
He said that his name was Benedict, and that he lived not long away. Victoria remembered smiling at the softness of his voice, and how she said her name, and how he said it was pretty as he repeated it back to her.
They found the ball under a small collection of Camellia trees. He said thank you, and bid his goodbyes. I hope to see you soon again! He said as he ran off waving.

Victoria fiddled with the end of her braid, as Iris opened the door and ushered Ada out of the room. She tilted her head at Victoria.

"Come on, what do you have to lose?" Iris asked.

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