Chapter 2

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As the EMT's cleared the scene, the team continued to process everything, as Tony searched through Melissa's car he came across Savannah's backpack, he opened it up to find it packed with enough clothes and pull-ups for a long trip, he looked underneath the clothes there was a note with a photo attached to it, Tony started to read the note,

"Dear J,

I have been wanting to tell you for a while now that Savannah is your daughter. I have known since just after she was born, when they placed her in my arms and I saw her eyes I knew she was yours, she has your Icy Blues. I wanted to tell you sooner but I was scared to. The reason I'm telling you this now is because with everything going on in my life right now I can't look after her anymore, I can't be her mother, I'm not capable of looking after another human being, when I can't look after myself. This has been the hardest decision I've had to make since deciding to keep the baby when I found out I was pregnant with her. I know you will keep her safe and raise her to be the sweetest, kindest, and loving little girl ever. Attached to this letter is a Photograph of us together, so Savannah will know who I am. I also attached all the documents that you will need for her.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I Love You and I know that our Daughter will love you too.

With that I Say Goodbye and hope to one day be able to come back into Savannah's life.

Yours Truly

Melissa Sue Brooks

When Tony finished reading the letter, he was at a loss for words. He turned and saw Gibbs looking at him, "Looks like you saw a ghost DiNozzo, what's the matter?" Gibbs told and asked Tony.

'Um Boss, you need to read this, but before you do I suggest you sit down first" Tony explained to Gibbs as he took the letter from Tony's hands, and went to take a seat on the back of the NCIS truck, as he started reading the note, he flashed back to when he first met Melissa.


He stopped in at the diner to grab some dinner and she was the waitress, she had the most beautiful red curly hair and the most breathtaking green eyes, and he instantly fell in love. He thought back as he finished reading the note.

He never thought that nine months later he would be a father again, he was happy at the fact that he had a daughter, but angry at the fact that Melissa didn't tell him that she was pregnant. "Why didn't she tell me DiNozzo, I would have been there for her through the pregnancy" Gibbs asked Tony. "Maybe she was scared Boss, she probably didn't want to burden you with the pregnancy and having another child" DiNozzo told Gibbs. "It wouldn't have been a burden, I would've been there for her and for my Daughter, because of her I missed all of Savannah's first milestones, again I missed my Daughter growing up" Gibbs said as he punched the side of the truck a couple of times.

As Jethro hit the truck one last time he heard sobs coming from the backseat of his vehicle, he quickly made his way to the backseat of his vehicle and found Savannah curled up in the backseat wrapped up in his hoodie crying, "What's wrong Savannah Sweetheart" Jethro calmly asked Savannah. "You my Daddy, I heard you talking" Savannah said between sobs.

"Yeah sweetheart I'm your Daddy. I wish I had known" Gibbs whispered as he kissed her head. "You're Momma loves you very much, and so do I even if we just met. I know this is scary but can you trust me?"

"I trust you Daddy" she says and scoots over to him. She looks up at him and says

"Momma told me Daddy nice man, one day he would love to meet me. Momma said I have Daddy's eyes."

"Yeah baby, we do have the same eyes don't we?" Gibbs smiled and Tony stared in shock.

Gibbs knew at that moment that this would be a big change in his life, having a 4 year old daughter to raise now is a big step, and he would need all the help he can get from his team,and his family.

Savannah looked at Gibbs who was deep in thought, and noticed how much she looked like him and then broke the silence "Daddy, Momma said my Kelly name was for you, what she mean by that" Savannah told and asked Gibbs. "Well Sweetheart, the name Kelly came from my first daughter, she was 8 years old when she got hurt really bad, but she didn't survive, and now her and her Momma watch over me like my angels and now they're your angels too." Jethro told and explained to Savannah.

Savannah noticed how sad Gibbs looked, stood up on the Chair she was sitting on and wrapped her arms around Gibbs's neck and hugged him, "I Love You Daddy" Savannah said as she kissed him on the cheek, at that moment Gibbs realized that he truly missed having a child depend on him for everything and that loved him. 

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