Chapter 3

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Later that afternoon, Gibbs' phone started ringing. He grabbed it off his desk and looked at the Caller ID and it read "Bethesda General '', he then answered it "Gibbs' ' he said. "Agent Gibbs this Dr. Jenkins, from Bethesda General, I'm calling to inform you that Miss Brooks passed away about an hour ago, it was a sudden Cardiac Arrest due to the drugs that were in system, and we couldn't revive her, I'm so sorry for your loss Agent Gibbs'' Dr Jenkins informed and gave his sympathies.

"Thank you for letting me know Dr.Jenkins, someone from NCIS will be calling you soon in regards to Ms. Brooks and where the body can be sent" Gibbs said as he thanked Dr. Jenkins and disconnected the call.

"Boss, who was that?" Tony came over and asked Gibbs. "That was Dr. Jenkins from Bethesda, he called to inform me that Melissa passed away about an hour ago, I'm going to take a leave and take Savannah back to my place, so I can tell her about Melissa, and so I can get Savannah all moved in" Gibbs told DiNozzo. "Okay, I'll keep you posted Boss, don't worry about anything here" Tony told Gibbs. "Thanks Tony" Gibbs said as he headed for the elevator, once inside Gibbs hit the button for the second floor and waited for the elevator to reach its destination, once he was on the second floor, he headed straight for Jack's office, as he got closer he could hear Savannah talking to Jack, "How come Daddy, didn't come see me before" Savannah asked Jack., "Well, Your Mommy didn't tell your Daddy about you, he didn't know about you before, and now that he knows he will love and protect with everything he has, he will never let anyone take you away from him" Jack explained to Savannah.

As he heard Savannah ask Jack that and Jack answer his heart shattered into a million little pieces, on one hand he was angry because Melissa didn't tell him about Savannah or that she was pregnant, and on the other hand he was Happy and overjoyed that he had another Daughter to care for and raise. "Hey Jack" Gibbs said as he walked into Jack's office.

"Daddy" Savannah yelled as she saw Gibbs and ran up to him. "Hey Sweetheart, Did you have a nice talk with Jack?" Gibbs asked Savannah. "Yes, Jack is super nice, she said that you didn't come see me before because Mommy didn't tell you about me" Savannah told Gibbs. "Your Mommy thought it would better for you and for me if she didn't tell me about you, but she didn't know that would've been with her and you from the very beginning, when you were still in Mommy's Tummy" Gibbs explained the best he could to Savannah, Savannah nodded and smiled at Gibbs.

"Anyways, about Mommy Sweetheart, Mommy tried to fight her hardest when she was in the hospital, but even with all her fighting she didn't make it, her Boo Boos were really bad and the doctor did everything he could to help her, But Mommy's gone now, she's an angel now just Kelly and her Mommy" Gibbs explained and told Savannah.

Savannah looked at Gibbs with her big brown sad eyes and she put her arms around Gibbs's neck and hugged him and then the tears and sobbing started.

"Sshh. Sshh, Sweetheart, your Mommy wouldn't want you crying, because she knows that you have me now" Gibbs said to Savannah as he rubbed her back. As he rubbed Savannah's back he motioned for Jack to come over closer to him, "I need some advice" he asked Jack as she got closer, "What kind of advice Cowboy" Jack asked back, "How can I help her?" Gibbs said motioning to Savannah. "Well, cowboy, telling her stories about her mother and keeping her memory alive, would help Savannah cope with her loss, and reminding her that you love her and that even though her mother is gone that she still loves her" Jack explained to Gibbs.

"Thank you Jack, the advice will really help me with Savannah, anyways I'm going to take this little girl home so we can spend some time together, she's going to need her Daddy" Gibbs thanked and told Jack as he made his way out the door of Jack's office. As they left Jack's office Savannah readjusted herself in Gibbs's arms and turned to face him, "Daddy, I live with you now," Savannah asked as they walked to the elevator and got in. "Yes, Sweetheart, you will live with me now, Daddy will make your room super special for you" Gibbs told Savannah. Gibbs pressed the button for ground level, so Savannah and him could head home and start their new life together as Father and Daughter.

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