Chapter 6

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After about 20 minutes of driving Gibbs reached Walmart, he pulled into the parking lot and looked for a spot to park he drove around the lot a couple of times until he found an open spot to pull into, once he did he parked the car, and got out from the driver's side and went around to get Savannah out of the backseat, he opened the door and undid Savannah's buckles and picked her up out of the car seat, "Buggy Daddy, we need a Buggy" Savannah said to Gibbs as she pointed to the Buggies. "Yes we will get a Buggy my girl" Gibbs said as they headed for the buggies.

As he approached the buggies Gibbs pulled one of the kid friendly ones out and took the hoodie from Savannah and put it in the seat part of the buggy so Savannah could sit on it and then slid Savannah in and headed into the store. "What are we getting Daddy?" Savannah asked. "Well we are going to get a stepping stool so you can stand on it to reach the taps to wash your hands, we are also getting bed sheets for your bed, maybe a couple of stuffies and a few toys and most importantly, food for your growing body my girl."Gibbs said as he kissed Savannah's forehead.

As they made their way into the store, Gibbs watched Savannah as he pushed the buggy, he noticed how small Savannah was for her age, but he knew that was because Savannah was Preemie, so it wasn't to concerning, but he also noticed how Savannah kept looking at her birthmark and rubbing it and kept quietly repeating "Daddy", Gibbs decided to try something so he watched Savannah rub her birthmark and quietly say "Daddy", he stopped in his tracks and put his thumb on his birthmark and then looked at Savannah, "I'm right her my girl, you don't have to be scared" he said as he smiled at her, "It really worked" Savannah said excitedly, "You felt that Daddy" Savannah asked, " Yes it definitely did work and I definitely felt that, my girl" Gibbs as he continued completely into the store.

The first place Gibbs and Savannah headed for was the bedding aisle, as he started down the aisle, Savannah noticed the bedding with the boats all over them, "Daddy, I want that one for my bed" she said pointing towards the Bedding with the boats. "Are you sure, that's the one you want my girl" Gibbs asked Savannah just to make sure. "Yes, I want the boats Daddy" Savannah told Gibbs. "Well then boats it is my girl" Gibbs said as he kissed Savannah's forehead.

As Gibbs helped Savannah pick out things for her bedroom, he had the greatest idea he was going to make his girl a boat bed out of the double bed in her room which included a pull out bed too. As they were heading out of the bedding aisle, Savannah noticed a stuffed bear with a sailor's hat, "Daddy, can I have that bear for my room?" she asked with a smile, Gibbs looked at the bear and then back at Savannah, "Are you sure sweetheart?" Gibbs asked. "Yes, I sure , Daddy!" Savannah said with the biggest smile ever. As they continued shopping Savannah held her new bear, "Daddy, want to name my new bear Jethro", Savannah told Gibbs. "That's an excellent name, My Girl" Gibbs replied back to Savannah.

About an hour and a half later Gibbs and Savannah finished their shopping and were headed for the car, as they made their way to the Car Savannah was starting to doze off in the Buggy, so Gibbs knew he had to put Savannah in her carseat first before putting the groceries in the trunk, he lifted Savannah out from the buggy and gently but slowly put Savannah into her seat then took his red hoodie from the buggy, covered her up, kissed her forehead and then closed her door, then he opened the trunk and placed the groceries inside once he was done with the groceries he returned the buggy, and then got into the drivers side and started the car, as he buckled up he look at Savannah through the rearview mirror and smiled at his little sleeping beauty in the backseat. Gibbs then started the car and headed for home, on the way Gibbs couldn't help but think of how Savannah's room would turn out and how special it would be for her, especially the double boat bed that he was going to make for her, he knew he had to make things extra special for Savannah because of everything that happened.

As he reached the driveway Savannah was getting restless, and was slowly waking up, "Daddy we home" Savannah said with sleepy eyes, "Yes, my girl we are home, did you have a good sleep" he asked. "Mmhm" Savannah replied back. "I help you Daddy" Savannah asked with a smile, "Yes you can my girl" Gibbs said as he got Savannah out of her carseat and out of the vehicle. The next 2 hours were spent taking the groceries into the house and then putting them all away in the cupboards and fridge.

As they finished putting the groceries away, Gibbs's cell phone started ringing, he picked it up off the cupboard and saw that it was Tony, so he flipped it open and put it on speaker "Yeah DiNozzo, what's up" Gibbs said as answered the phone, "Hey Boss, sorry to bother you, but we got a lead in the Brooks case, we found Melissa's medical records and apparently she was abused by the man she was with and his name is Stephen Jameson, and while she was pregnant with Savannah she ended up with a broken wrist at one point and was hit quite a bit and 2 weeks ago she was in the hospital with a concussion from being repeatedly pushed or slammed into the wall, so there's a good chance that Stephen Jameson had something to do with her death" DiNozzo explained to Gibbs. "You and Ziver bring him in and I'll be down there in an hour with Savannah, because I want to question him," Gibbs said as he disconnected the call.

"Ziva with me, Gibbs wants us to bring in Stephen Jameson for questioning" Tony said as he picked up his backpack and headed for the elevator. "Gibbs is amazing with Savannah, his fatherly instinct came right out, she instantly became his everything and he became her everything, their good for each other, Don't you agree Tony" Ziva told and asked Tony on the ride down on the elevator. " I agree, they definitely need each other and she loves him so much," Tony said as he smiled at Ziva.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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