Chapter 5

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It was early evening and Gibbs had just finished making supper for him and Savannah. He made grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, "Supper my girl" Gibbs shouted towards the living room and Savannah came running, "What's for supper Daddy?" Savannah asked with a smile as she sat down at the table. "Grilled Cheese and Soup" Gibbs answered. "Yummy," Savannah said with excitement.

A half an hour later both Gibbs and Savannah finished up their supper and placed their bowls and plates in the sink, Savannah took off back into the living room and hopped on to couch and snuggled in the corner with her blanket, she started to watch Jethro do the dishes and she soon fell asleep wrapped up in her blanket and her red USMC hoodie. Gibbs had finished up in the kitchen and came out to the living room and found Savannah asleep, so he carefully picked her up and laid her against his chest and carried her upstairs to her room and placed her on her bed and carefully helped her change from her clothes to her pjs and then tucked her in bed, and placed a kiss on her forehead then whispered in her ear "I love you my girl, sweet dreams".

Gibbs quietly closed the door behind him and headed to his own room to get ready for the night, as he entered his room he went to his nightstand and switched on the baby monitor that used to be Kelly's that he brought up from the basement earlier, he figured he could get some use out of it again, now having Savannah in the house. After switching on the monitor, he headed for the bathroom to get himself ready for bed, a little later he was all ready for bed, he went and sat down on the bed and placed his watch on the nightstand, switched off the lamp and laid down in bed and thought about day, he never thought that when he woke up this morning at the office that he would become a father again and that he'd have another little girl in his life that depended on him for everything, as he closed his eyes he couldn't help but smile.

A few hours later he was awoken by soft sobs, and sniffling coming from beside him, as he rolled over and switched on the lamp, he saw it was Savannah who was now full out sobbing with tears running down her cheeks. "What's wrong my girl?" Gibbs said as sat up and pulled Savannah into his arms. "I had a bad dream and I'm scared can I sleep with you Daddy" Savannah answered and asked. "Yes you can sweetheart" Gibbs said as he pulled open the covers so Savannah could crawl into the bed with him, Savannah crawled up into the bed and laid down, Gibbs pulled blanket up and laid down beside her, she then snuggled closer to Gibbs and placed her head on his chest and grabbed a fist full of his shirt and held it tightly and the sobs that racked her little body stopped and she closed her eyes and went to sleep, both Gibbs and Savannah slept soundly and peacefully till morning.

Savannah woke up first and rolled over so she was looking at Gibbs, she stayed in that position and watched her Daddy sleep, as she watched him sleep, she noticed that he had a chain on his neck, and on the chain were two tags, Savannah carefully lifted the two tags up and ran her fingers over them and saw that they had words written on them, but she did know what they said but she knew they were important to her Daddy, so she laid the tags gently back down on his chest and continued to watch him sleep for little longer, after a few minutes she rolled over and hopped of the bed and ran to the bathroom, she finished using the bathroom and was now washing her hands, but she couldn't reach the taps or the soap dispenser so she put the toilet seat down and climbed up on to it as she was climbing she slipped and fell on the floor hitting her head on the side of tub, and Savannah started screaming.

Gibbs awoke to Savannah screaming and crying and bolted out of bed and into the bathroom, where he found Savannah sitting on the floor holding her head and crying. "What happened to my girl?" Gibbs said as sat down on the bathroom floor next to Savannah and pulled her into his lap. "I.I.I.I was trying to reach the taps so I could wash my hands and fell off the toilet and hit my head". Savannah said in between tears and sobs.

Gibbs ran his hand over Savannah's head felt a bump starting to form, his gut told him that he needed to get her check out at the emergency, to make sure she doesn't have a concussion, so he quickly picked Savannah up in his arms and stood up, and took Savannah to her room to get her dressed and then brought her back to his room and placed her on his bed and then grabbed clothes for himself and slipped them on along with socks and shoes, he then grabbed Savannah from his bed and headed downstairs, in the process he grabbed his wallet, car keys, and the paperwork he needed for Savannah.

Then headed out the door and locked it and went to the car, buckled Savannah in then got into the driver's seat and turned the car on and backed out of the driveway and headed for emergency.

Gibbs being Gibbs he made to the emergency room in record time, he found a parking spot, parked the car and got out and went around to get Savannah from the backseat, and headed into the emergency room, as he entered the building he headed for the nurses station, "Good Morning Sir, how can help you today?" The nurse at the desk greeted Gibbs. "My daughter Savannah fell this morning in the bathroom and she hit her head on the side of the tub, I want her to get checked out to make sure it's nothing serious, she's starting to get bump in the location she hit her head" Gibbs said without a breath in between, because at this point panic started to set into Gibbs mind, he was not only worried, but he blamed himself for not watching Savannah.

"You can take Savannah straight back into one of the exam rooms, a doctor will be right with you and her" the nurse said as she guided Gibbs and Savannah to one of the exam rooms, Gibbs entered the room and placed Savannah down on the exam table as he did that Savannah started to cry and say "No,No, I want to stay with you Daddy", Gibbs decided it would be easier if he sat down on the exam table and kept Savannah on his lap, "Shh, Shh, its okay my girl, Daddy isn't letting you go, you can stay on my lap".

After a few minutes the doctor entered the room, "Good Morning and what seems to be the problem Mr. Gibbs" the doctor greeted and asked both Gibbs and Savannah. "Well my daughter Savannah here, she was in the bathroom and slipped off the toilet when she was trying to reach the taps on the sink and bumped her head on the side of the tub. I felt that I should bring her to get checked out and make sure she is okay" Gibbs explained to the doctor. As the doctor started to check Savannah's head, Gibbs started to shake while holding her and the Doctor noticed, "Is Dad alright?" Doctor said as he motioned to Gibbs before he could answer, Savannah answered for him "Daddy gets scared when I cry". "Oh I see, Daddy's just worried," the doctor said with a smile as he continued to check Savannah out. After a few more minutes the Doctor finished checking out Savannah, "Is she okay?" Gibbs asked the Doctor, "Yes, she is Mr. Gibbs, she doesn't have a concussion, and there are no cuts or abrasions, just a bit of bump, but with some Ice and TLC she should be okay, and as for you little miss from now on if you need help reaching something ask your Daddy, and no more climbing on the toilet okay" Doctor explained to Gibbs and told Savannah. "You are both good to go now" the doctor said as finished the paperwork and walked them out to the nurses station. Both Gibbs and Savannah waved at all the nurses and left the emergency room.

"I guess we are going to have to go shopping my girl, Daddy needs to get some stuff to make the house safer for you, so you don't get any more unnecessary booboos," Gibbs told Savannah as he buckled her into her car seat. "YAY, Shopping" Savannah squealed and clapped as Gibbs closed the back door and went around to the driver's seat and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the store.

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