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"Yo, Y/n! Come check this out, Some host is letting people audition for a show! It's at this luxurious place!" Jordan, your best friend yelled.

You made your way to the living room, where Jordan was at. "Hm?" You hummed, approaching him, who was sitting at a desk with his laptop.

"Some dude Chris is hosting a show, he is looking for people to be in it, Read!" He said, shoving the computer in your face.

"Gosh, okay." You said rolling your eyes and snatching the computer out of his hand, and reading what he pointed at.

"A video submission? Cash prize? TV show? Why are telling me about this?" You say, dropping the now closed computer on his lap, raising your eyebrow, and crossing your arms.

"Bitch?! So you could.. participate? You'll be on TV! Y/n! TV! And there is a cash prize! AND, it's at a luxurious 5-star hotel! Come on!" He yelled, looking at you in disbelief.

"Hm, I mean... I could make the show a little more interesting.." you say, grinning the most mischievous, devious, diabolical grin that has ever been done.

"Haha! Yes! Okay, I'll get the camera, and you, try to be convincing." He exclaims, hopping up out if the seat and going to grab the camera.

"What a drag, but I suppose I could enjoy it." You grin again.

"Aight! Y/n I got it, let's film this sucka in your room!" He said waving the camera around, you roll your eyes and follow him. "That camera gotta be from 1872, it looks ancient." You say, he rolls his eyes.

"Okay~ Lets set this thang up!" He exclaim, rubbing his hands together.

"What are you? A fruit fly? Stop doin that shi', you look mad goofy." You say looking at your nails, he sucks his teeth, "Tch, shut yo mouth. Anyways get ready, we boutta do this thang."

He presses the 'record' button,

"Yo! My name's-"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, it's not recording." Jordan says, inspecting the screen the the camera.

"Bro, hurry up, I thought you knew how to work this stone age shit." You say tapping your foot against the floor.

"Can you wait?! I accidentally pressed the wrong button....
Okay... I think I got it, and action!

"Yooo~ what's good? I am y-"

"Oh, wait it accidentally took a picture. My bad." Jordan said, look for the record button and unknowingly presses it.

"BRO!? CAN YOU HURRY UP?! I DON'T GOT ALL DAY, AND ALL DAY I DON'T GOT! HURRY YO BITCHASS UP!" You yelled stomping your foot on the ground, not knowing that it was recording.

"Gah dam, it's recording, do yo introduction already!" Jordan yelled back with the same attitude.

"You coulda told me that! *Ahem* YOOO~ My name's Y/n L/n! I recommend that you would have me on your little show. I heard it was a reality/drama tv show right. Well, the other contestants might be bums, I could bring a whole lot of drama into the show, and get you LOTS of rates. It's a win-win situation, you let me in on the show, I stir things up and get you rates, while you get me famous."

You look smugly at the camera and shrug your shoulders.

"Or, you can deny my request and your show plummet to the ground, you lose all the finances you put into the show and never get them back, plus your career would go straight down the drain aswell."

You say still looking smug, "I highly recommend putting me in the show."

You quickly pull out of your smug expression, "I'll also bring humour into the show."

❝𝙏𝙊𝙏𝘌𝙇 𝘿𝙍𝘌𝙈𝘌 𝙄𝙎𝙇𝘌𝙉𝘿 × !𝘟𝙐𝙍𝙑𝙔!𝙁𝙀𝙈!𝙍𝙀𝘌𝘿𝙀𝙍!❞Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin