bye idk anymore

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Chris blasts an air horn to wake everyone up, "CAMPERS WAKE UP, AND HEAD TO THE LAKE"

"Ugh, does he really have to wake us up so early?" Gwen says tiredly

Y/n yawns, "right, like its the summer, thats really not necessary."

Everyone heads to the lake, where Chris is waiting.

"Good Morning Campers! Today's challenge you will be running. . .  20 kilometers. Around. The. Entire. Camp."

"What?! We just woke up!" Heather complains,

"Yeah! Plus I didn't bring clothes for this sort of thing!" Lindsay pouts,

"Well, that's your responsibility! Anyways, every single one of your teammates must meet in front of the main lodge. "


Y/n: I'm definitely not dressed for this, but don't think that that's gonna disadvantage of this challenge. I'm a bad bitch, and every bad bitch knows how to run in heels. Therefore all these motha suckas finna be eating my dust.


"On your marks, " Chris steps out of the way, Y/n stretches a bit.

"Get set...  GO!" Chris yells, blowing that air horn again.

And just like that Y/n is running like a track-star and infact, everybody was inhaling her dust.

"Dude! How can she can run in those shoes!" Geoff exclaims,


Duncan: She's just so.... Ugh.."


Harold: She's literally a goddess, I want her.


Lindsay: WOAH Y/N IS SO AMAZING! THAT'S WHY I LOVE HER     wait.. I-I mean in a friendly way of course


Y/n: not gonna lie to yall, my ankle hurts, like when i was running, my ankle bent outwards at a 90 degree angle... THAT DIDN'T STOP ME THOUGH


Y/n arrived in front of the main lodge before anyone else, after a bit of time passed one by one everyone followed.

Finally everyone arrived, looking very rough and tired and sweaty.

"Alright Campers! Head inside to eat some food." Chris grins mischievously.

"Woah! What's this all about?!" Owen exclaims,

"Yeah, what happened to the trashy camp food that has multiple bacteria and diseases that hasn't even been  discovered by scientists yet?" Y/n sarcastically says, Chef angrily states at her, y/n glares at him and rolls her eyes.

Chris basically tells them some bs lie, and then they all go ham on the buffet, except for y/n.

While everyone is happily gobbling down large amounts of food.

Owen notices y/n isn't eating all that she can,

"Hey y/n, why aren't you eating?"

"I am eating, but I'm not gonna overeat."

"But this is most likely the only chance we'll get to eat good like this." Bridgette says,

"Yeah, take advantage of it." Owen says, while shoving a chicken leg in his mouth.

"Yes, but I'm not gonna cause myself discomfort from eating to much. And we still have a challenge to complete, and if it has something to do with physical activity, then I don't want to be feeling sick. Besides if I ever crave food like this, I'll just eat the snacks that I packed."

"Wait, you packed snacks?!" Duncan shouted,

"Yeah, but don't get too excited, they ain't for you. Pfft."

"You're not gonna share?" DJ said a little disappointed,

"On no baby, I wasn't talking about you. I'll share my food with you anytime of any day."

Djs face grows red,

"But you on the other hand, Ion know you like that, therefore I'm not sharin, you actin like we close or somethin." Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Wait, what about me?" Lindsay says, slightly pouting,

"Obviously, Lindsay, hun. I'm gonna share my snacks with you."



Y/n: Lindsay gonna be the death of me, she's too precious. *dramatically clutches heart* also Dj? He is just so adorable, him and his heart wrenching smile. *Wipes away a fake tear* It really hurts how adorable he is.


Duncan: ugh, It's always Dj. What's he got that I don't."


Owen: Man, Dj is one lucky guy. One, he has access to y/ns snack, and second, most importantly, y/n seems like she biases Dj most.


Dj: Y/n is so kind to me, I really appreciate that. *smiles sweetly*


Moments later, all the campers, except for y/n, is slumped on the ground. Then the devil walks in.

"Campers! Your challenge will begin in a few minutes. Also you guys look really bad. Yikes!" Chris announces,

"What?.. Wasn't the 20 kilometer run over challenge?.." Gwen asked groggily,

"Nope! Your next challenge is the, Awake-athon!"

"What even is that?" Duncan asks, sounding annoyed.

"A challenge to see who can stay awake to longest!" Chris grins menacingly.


This one kinda rushed ngl sorry abt that👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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