left out

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Nevaeh pov

They left without me!
How could they?
How dare they?

I grabbed a broom and flowed to the location. Location tracking spells are one of my favorites.

I quickly found myself on a running train.

"You left without me!" I said.

"You weren't fit for a mission!" Steve replied, and I looked around to see the twins.

"Wanna help me stop the train?" I asked Wanda.

"How can I?" She asked.

"Follow my lead," I said and looked at her for permission to touch her hand, and she quickly nodded.

After taking her hand in mine, I let my powers connect with hers, white magic flowed from our hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked out of breath before Wanda went running to find her twin

"I'm fine; I just need to take a minute." He sighed, and Steve and I walked closer to them.

"We're very tempted not to give you one," Steve told him.

"The cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asked.

"Stark will take care of this." Came Steve's reply.

Wanda's face stiffened, "No, he won't."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Steve told her, "Stark's not crazy."

"He will do anything to make things right." She said, and Steve stood there in silence.

"Stark, come in." Steve talked through his comm, "Stark.
Is anyone on comms?"

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it," Wanda told us, "Where do you think he gets that?"


"I'm gonna say this once," Steve said.

"How about "nonce"?" Tony asked.

''Shut it down!" Steve ordered.

"Nope, not gonna happen," Tony replied.

"You don't know what you're doing," I told him.

"And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce asked.

"I know you're angry," Wanda said calmly.

''Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce threatened and I quickly put my hand in front of Wanda.

"Banner, after everything that's happened--" Steve started to say but was cut by Tony.

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda yelled.

''This isn't a game--" Steve said

"The creature--" Wanda said but they were both cut by Pietro using his speed to destroy the lab equipment, "No, no. Go on. You were saying?"

Someone shoot the glass Pietro was standing, and Pietro fall through.

"Pietro!" Wanda yelled.

''What? You didn't see that coming?" Clint asked.

''I'm rerouting the upload," Tony said.

Bruce grabbed Wanda and choked her, "Go ahead, piss me off." Suddenly Thor entered and hit the cradle with his hammer, sending a powerful bolt of lightning through it that brought the body to life.

The thing launched himself at Thor, who threw him at a window, but he caught himself right before hitting it.

And once again, suddenly, the thing talked, "I'm sorry, that was...odd." it then turned to thor, "Thank you."

''Thor, you helped create this?" Steve asked.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that." he pointed to the gem inside Vision's head

"What, the gem?" Bruce asked.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor explained.

''Then why would you bring it to..." Steve was cut by Thor's answer.

"Because Stark is right."

"Oh, it's definitely the end times." Bruce smiled.

'The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." Thor said and the...vision added.

"Not alone."

''Why does your "vision" sound like JARVIS?" Steve asked.

''We... reconfigured JARVIS' matrix to create something new." tony answered, as the vision walked closer to Tony.

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve sighed.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" The vision asked.

''You're not?" Steve asked it back.

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I am... I am." The vision answered.

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation," Wanda said.

''Look again." The vision offered.

''Yeah. Her seal of approval means jack to me." Clint announced.

"And mine?" I asked and he nodded slowly.

''Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side..." Thor was cut by Steve.

''Is it? Are you? On our side?"

"I don't think it's that simple." The vision said.

"Well, it better get real simple real soon," Clint said.

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all." The vision said.

"What's he waiting for?" Tony asked.

''You." The vision said.

''Where?" I asked.

"Sokovia. He's got Nat there too." Clint answered.

"If we're wrong about you if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be..." Bruce said.

''What will you do?" he looked around at us, "I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." he then held up Thor's hammer as everyone stared in shock. When Thor took it, the Vision walked off.

Well done." Thor told Tony as he tapped him on the shoulder

"Three minutes. Get what you need." Steve told us and I walked to the changing rooms.

I was packing up potions when Wanda and Pietro walked in.

"What are those things?" Pietro asked as he grabbed one of the poisonous ones.
I quickly grabbed it back from him, " those are potions, dear." I said.

And he walked away to get shoes.

"How did you know we could stop the train?" She asked me.

"I just did..." I said and took my cards out from their package.

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