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Nevaeh pov

When I woke up, I was tied, and I mean tied like really tied. I was in a straight jacket that held me on the wall, my eyes were covered, and my mouth was covered with... something?
I was alone in the area with no one but myself.

When someone walked in. "Hello." He said and ordered someone to take the thing off my mouth.

"Stark." I hissed.

"I need a favor. I know you're capable of healing when you want; I need you to heal Rhodey; he got hurt during our little fight," Tony said.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"I can get you better conditions." He said.

"You what that reminds me of?

"In January 1693, I was caught as a witch, and the priest told me... it was really funny, he told me, if I would tell him who my sisters were, he would let me go.
I never told him, you know why?
Because you don't sell yourself when your friends, your family, are in trouble.
I'll heal him when I get out of here by myself."

"How will you do that?
Look at you; you're rotting in here." He said and left.

the witch and the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now